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01/21/2021 Deployment Notes


  • PM2-6943 BUG FIX In Internet Explorer, uploading a TXT file in the Document Source Phase and then clicking Start Phase before the file finished uploading caused the workflow to fail to progress.

    • The Complete Phase button was greyed out until the page was reloaded and the TXT file appeared in the document viewer.

    • This has been fixed; the Document Source Phase can be completed after uploading a TXT file.

  • PM2-6870 DEFECT FIX When changing Contract Location via reassigning an amend workflow, changes to Contract Location were not retained. This has been fixed; changes to Contract Location during workflow reassignment will be retained as expected.

  • PM2-7175 DEFECT FIX Workflows were unable to be activated if the document had an en dash (–) in the file name. This has been fixed; workflows that have a document with an en dash in the file name will activate as expected.

  • PM2-7302 DEFECT FIX RTF documents signed in DocuSign returned to CLM as a blank pages. This has been fixed; RTF documents signed in DocuSign will render as expected in CLM.


  • PM2-7300 BUG FIX Red asterisks denoting required fields were missing in the Approved Language modal. This has been fixed; red asterisks denoting required fields appear as expected.

Time Tracking (TERMS 2.0)

  • PM2-7328 DEFECT FIX Certification deadline emails stated the incorrect number of days remaining before the certification deadline. This has been fixed; certification deadline emails will state the correct number of days remaining before the certification deadline.

  • PM2-7235 DEFECT FIX Users received an error upon logging into TERMS Mobile App. This has been fixed; upon login, timesheet info will load as expected.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.