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02/24/2021 Deployment Notes


  • PM2-7627 BUG FIX When attempting to initiate a workflow for an existing contract that has a workflow in progress, the Please complete the in-process workflow before initiating another warning notification failed to appear, and users were able to complete the initiation form. This has been fixed; attempting to initiate a workflow for an existing contract with a workflow in progress will prompt a warning, and the user will be unable to complete the initiation form.


  • PM2-7459 DEFECT FIX Editing custom field values with a data type of decimal prompted an error or saved the wrong value when the user entered certain formatted values. This has been fixed; updates to custom field values with a data type of decimal will save as expected.

  • PM2-7577, PM2-7578 BUG FIX In the Fields section of the Summary tab, fields with a data type of decimal or integer accepted invalid or incorrectly formatted data. This has been fixed:

    • Fields with a data type of decimal will only accept integers and one decimal.

    • Fields with a data type of integer will only accept integers.

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