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04/08/2020 Deployment Notes



  • PM2-5060 BUG FIX In the Manage Field Triggers modal, the conditional value field would not accept decimal values.
    This has been fixed; the field will now accept decimal values.


  • PM2-5033 BUG FIX Attempting to add the Contract Moderator role to a user’s permissions would return an error due to “Moderator” being misspelled.
    The spelling error has been corrected; the role of Contract Moderator can now be added without error.

  • PM2-5039 BUG FIX Custom Fields-related functionality would appear despite not actually functioning in QuickStart.
    This has been fixed; all functionality related to Custom Fields has been hidden.

  • PM2-5037 BUG FIX TERMS-related functionality would appear despite not actually functioning in QuickStart.
    This has been fixed; all functionality related to TERMS has been hidden.

  • PM2-5038 BUG FIX Form Template-related functionality would appear despite not actually functioning in QuickStart.
    This has been fixed; all functionality related to Form Templates has been hidden.

  • PM2-5034 BUG FIX In the document source phase, the Choose Template option would appear despite not actually functioning in QuickStart.
    This has been fixed; the Choose Template option has been hidden.

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