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04/15/2019 Deployment Notes


  • PM2-2375 The version information will be removed from the logout/preferences dropdown.

Menu Bar

  • PM2-2086 The non-functioning Request item will be removed from the Queue dropdown.


  • PM2-632 When a user requests a password reset through the login page, they will receive an email (sent to the email address in their user profile) with a link to the password reset screen.

Vendor & Provider Directories

  • PM2-1615 BUG FIX The edit vendor popup for the individual vendor type has been fixed.


  • PM2-2197 The dashboard page will be made available to all users. Widgets will filter information to reflect individual permissions.

  • PM2-2071 The dashboard will give users an overview of various parts of the system via charts and tables presented on a grid. Clicking on a chart or table in the dashboard will take the user to another page with more information.

  • PM2-1585 A widget in the dashboard will show users how many workflows they have in progress and how those workflows are progressing.

    • The user will be able to navigate to a dashboard page via Explore > Dashboard that will display this and other widgets.

    • The widget will update periodically to avoid showing stale information and display a date-time stamp of when it was last updated.

    • The widget will display a visualization of the total number of active workflows and how they're divided up on different criteria: By Contract Type | By Current Active Phase | By Workflow Template

  • PM2-1524 The dashboard will show users a configurable cumulative flow diagram so that they can identify large-scale bottlenecks and changes in throughput.

    • The diagram will default to the organization’s most-used workflow template, but the user will be able to specify a workflow template to display, and a cumulative flow diagram (organized by phases) for all workflows in the user's organization using that template will display.

    • The diagram will default to showing all time, but the user will be able to refine the date range.

    • The user will be able to further refine the diagram to limit to specific: Contract Types | Contract Locations | Primary Other Parties

  • PM2-1521 A widget in the dashboard will show editors and other critical date notification recipients a list of upcoming critical dates.The widget will be visible to Editors and anyone who could be added to a Critical Date notification.

    • The widget will update periodically to avoid showing stale information and display a date-time stamp of when it was last updated.

    • The user will be able to set a number of days (default is 30 days).

    • The widget will show all Critical Dates approaching within the number of days specified for which the user is a Responsible Party or Critical Date notification recipient. 

    • When there are no Critical Dates to show, the widget will tell the user “No upcoming Critical Dates to display.”

    • The widget will show a list including Critical Date Subject, Critical Date, Contract Name, my responsibility (primary, secondary, or tertiary Responsible Party), and the name of the user who created the Critical Date.

    • Each item in the list will link to the appropriate Critical Date.

  • PM2-1546 A widget in the dashboard will show users any workflows, phases, or actions that are taking longer than a a user-selected threshold to complete.

    • The widget will update periodically to avoid showing stale information and displays a date-time stamp of when it was last updated.

    • The user will be able to set different numbers of days for different phases (e.g. signature phases taking longer than four days and form phases taking longer than one day).

    • The user will be able to set different numbers of days for different actions (e.g. signatures taking longer than two days and approvals taking longer than one day).

    • When there are no workflows/phases/actions to show, the widget will tell the user “No aging workflows, phases, or actions to display.”

    • The settings chosen by the user will remain until the user changes them.

    • The widget will display the workflows in a table with the following information:
      Type (Workflow, Phase, or Action) | Workflow Name | Workflow Age | Current Phase | Current Phase Age | Pending Action | Action Age | Phase Owner

    • Each row will link to its workflow.


  • PM2-2024 The reporting/scheduling page will be made available to all users via the Explore tab in the menu bar. Results will automatically be limited to workflows and contracts that the user has permissions to view. Admins will now access Reporting via the Explore tab instead of the Admin tab.

  • PM2-2140 On the reporting page, filters and columns labeled “Vendor” and “Secondary Vendor” will be relabeled as “Primary Other Party” and “Secondary Other Party.”

  • PM2-2141 On the reporting page, the “Product Classification” filter will be relabeled as “Product/Service Classification.”

  • PM2-1753 On the reporting page, additional delivery frequency options will be added.

    • Users will be able to select specific day (or days) of the week.

    • Users will be able to select a specific day (or days) of the month, including the last day of every month.

  • PM2-2152 The ANY/ALL toggle will allow users to search for multiple field values in different ways:

    • Filtering for ALL will return results that contain all of the selected values. This is for fields that potentially have more than one value, such as Signatories.

    • Filtering for ANY will return results that contain any of the selected values.

  • PM2-2001 BUG FIX The saved reports count is no longer erroneously including other users’ reports in the count. (Note that the actual reports weren’t visible to other users; only the number was wrong.)


  • PM2-1630 If a workflow is cancelled, then the current phase owner will receive an automatic email notification regarding the cancellation. The email will include the workflow name, the first and last names of the user who cancelled the workflow, and the reason entered for cancellation.

  • PM2-908 When a user is added as a phase participant to a workflow, that user will receive an automated email notification. The email will contain the workflow name and phase, as well as a link to the workflow.

  • PM2-1863 BUG FIX The automated email notification alerting a phase owner that a phase has been retracted now names the correct user as the person who retracted the phase.

  • PM2-1821 BUG FIX The automated email notification alerting the initiator that the workflow has been activated now names the correct user as the person who activated the workflow.

Other Party Contacts

  • PM2-2134 A phase participant can designate one of the contacts associated with the Other Parties as the correct contact for an individual workflow.

    • In workflow phases, there is an Other Party Contacts accordion.

    • An approved user can add an other party contact:

    • Click the blue plus sign.

    • Select the Other Party.

    • Pick a contact from a filtered list of contacts for that Other Party matching those found on the Other Parties directory profile.

When an Other Party Contact is added, users can see their name, email, and the Other Party which they’re associated.

Initiation Phase

  • PM2-2313 When selecting a parent node in the Contract Location tree, the user will see a popup giving the option to select all nodes (e.g. children) below the parent node. This will save clicks when applying a contract to multiple locations. For example, if you select an entity and click Yes in the popup, all the sites and departments within that entity will also populate the Contract Locations field.

  • PM2-2302 When selecting a node in the Contract Location tree, any parent/grandparent nodes will be automatically selected, saving the user clicks. For example, if you select a department, the site, entity, and organization for that department would auto-populate the Contract Location field.

Document, Negotiation, & Signature Phases

  • PM2-2548 KNOWN ISSUE There is a known issue that occurs under the following conditions:

    • If a DOCX (extension must be in all caps) file is uploaded as the main document during the document phase, AND the signature type is digital, THEN when the signed document is routed from DocuSign to the symplr Contract workflow, it won’t display in the preview window.

    • To work around this, download the document from the workflow, then without opening the document, change the file extension to PDF. You will then be able to open and view the signed document.

    • Please note that a fix for this issue will be deployed as soon as possible.

Signature & Activation Phases

  • PM2-2378, PM2-2393 In the signature and activation phases, “Third Party Signatory” has been renamed “Other Party Signatory”.


  • PM2-2303 The description field has been added to the contract summary page.

Responsible Parties

  • PM2-1889 When a user is designated as a responsible party for an activated contract, then that user will receive an automated email notification regarding their responsibility. The email will contain the contract name, a link to the contract, and will indicate whether the user is the primary, secondary, or tertiary responsible party.

  • PM2-1274 Responsible parties will receive automated email notifications regarding upcoming contract expiration dates.

    • Notifications will be sent 120, 90, 60, 45, 30, 15, 5, 3, 1 days before and the day of the contract expiration.

    • The email will contain a link to the contract.


  • PM2-1897 Different summary forms can now be associated with different contract types.

  • PM2-1859 Assets can now be edited and deleted, and the Description field has been implemented.

Keyword Search

  • PM2-1935 A keyword search bar will be added to the contract library.

    • Users will be able to simultaneously search multiple keywords.

    • Searching for a single word, such as “landscapes,” will return results for different forms of the same word, such as “landscape” and “landscaping.”

    • (1944) All available fields will be searched.

    • (1936) The keyword search bar will save the user’s five most recently searched keywords as suggestions.

    • (1945) The table filters available in the contract library can be used with the keyword search.


Approved Language

  • PM2-1886 The export widget will be added to the approved language table.

User Profile Management

  • PM2-2236 Admins will be able to view disabled user profiles in the user directory.

    • There will be a toggle in the user directory to include disabled user profiles.

    • The Disabled status column will be added to the Manage Columns widget.

    • Admins will be able to filter the table for the value of Yes or No in the Disabled column.

  • PM2-2237 In the user profile, admins will have the ability to enable user profiles that have been disabled.

    • When a user profile is disabled, the Disable button will be replaced with an Enable button.

    • The user will be able to log in and take all actions that their permission sets allow.


  • PM2-1808 Admins with appropriate permissions will have the capability to associate a single user profile with multiple organizations.

    • In the Manage User Profile (in the User Profile tab) and Create User Profile popups, there will be an Organizations dropdown at the top.

    • The admin can select any organization they have permissions to access, but they can only add or manage user permissions for the current organization.

  • PM2-2260, PM2-2346 Admins with appropriate permissions will be able to associate a single vendor or provider profile with multiple organizations. To prevent duplicate entries across organizations, the system will check for duplicate vendor/provider names and NPIs.

  • PM2-1723 Email links and default views will be set to the organization to which a user has access.

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