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04/22/2019 Deployment Notes


  • PM2-2420 The Form Data accordion will show dates and numeric data entered in the form.

    • The form data is derived from forms that are associated with the current workflow.

    • Where the represented data has been accumulated from multiple forms, the form name will be the primary header.

    • Where the form data has been accumulated from a sectioned form, the section titles will be secondary headers.

    • The form names and section titles can expand and collapse.

    • The form data is presented as read-only.

    • The form data will be updated as users save and submit form phases and edit previous entries.

    • PM2-1464 The information in the Form Data accordion will only be visible to form phase participants

Workflows & Contracts

  • PM2-2303 The Description field has been added to the information header in both workflows and contract summary pages.

    • Imported PM1 description data can be stored in this field.

    • The field can be edited by users with sufficient permissions for editing form fields or contract information.

    • The field has a 280-character maximum.


  • PM2-2531 Because there are better ways to import users, the Import Users button has been removed from the user directory.

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