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04/30/2020 Deployment Notes


  • PM2-5268 In the Comments accordions, the speech balloon icons will now illuminate green when those users are online. This will match existing behavior in the Participants accordion in workflows. This change will be applied to Comments in the following places:

    • Workflows

    • Contracts

    • Vendor & Provider Profiles


  • PM2-5074 BUG FIX The Skip Participant feature would cause problems in signature phases employing digital signature (DocuSign).
    This has been fixed; the Skip Participant feature is now unavailable in digital signature phases.

  • PM2-4767 BUG FIX In form phases, when entering long numeric values (e.g. over twenty digits), the numbers will change to something other than what the user typed, such as a an exponential notation.
    This has been fixed; a new 15-character maximum is being imposed on all numeric fields to prevent this from happening.

  • PM2-5161 Users with Moderator-only permissions (i.e. Workflow Moderators and/or Contract Moderators) will no longer see the Initiate Workflow button on the Worklist page.

  • PM2-5144 DEFECT FIX Attachments added in a new workflow would fail to display in the abstraction workflow.
    This has been fixed; attachments will now display in abstraction workflows as expected.

Vendor & Provider Directories

  • PM2-5304 BUG FIX In the provider profile, the selected Contract Locations field under Primary Contact would fail to retain any selected value.
    This has been fixed; the Contract Locations field will now retain the selected value.

  • PM2-4863 BUG FIX In the vendor profile, the selected Contract Locations field under Primary Contact would fail to retain any selected value.
    This has been fixed; the Contract Locations field will now retain the selected value.

User Directory

  • PM2-5207 BUG FIX The Last Login filter has two problems:

    • It only allows for selecting a specific date and time as opposed to a range. (The range would be far more useful.)

    • It fails to actually filter the results.

    • Both issues have been fixed; the Last Login filter now allows for selecting ranges of time/dates, and it actually filters the results as expected.


  • PM2-5105 BUG FIX In the form template builder, default values applied to picklist fields would fail to save.
    This has been fixed; default values in picklists will now save as expected.

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