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05/08/2020 Deployment Notes


  • PM2-5245 BUG FIX In the Phase Owner: Notice of Phase Start notification, an extra “of” has been removed.
    The <Phase Name> Phase of Workflow of <Workflow ID>” has been corrected to read “The <Phase Name> Phase of Workflow <Workflow ID>.”


  • PM2-5433 DEFECT FIX If two different user groups were added to two different phases of a workflow template, then no Phase Owner would be assigned when the workflow was initiated.
    This has been fixed; Phase Owner assignment will now occur as expected.

  • PM2-5437 DEFECT FIX If multiple user groups were added and sequenced as participants in a workflow template, then only one of the participants would be sequenced when the workflow was initiated.
    This has been fixed; participants will now be sequenced as expected.


  • PM2-5079 BUG FIX In the approved language table, the Created By filter for Clause Types would fail to correctly display user names in the dropdown, sometimes displaying duplicate user names or no user names at all.
    This has been fixed; the Created By filter will now display user names correctly.

  • PM2-5080 BUG FIX In the approved language table, the Last Modified By filter for Clause Types would display duplicate user names in the dropdown.
    This has been fixed; the Last Modified By filter will now display user names correctly.

  • PM2-5100 BUG FIX In form template builder, default values for decimal and currency fields would incorrectly display as integers.
    This has been fixed; default values for decimal and currency fields will now display properly.

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