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05/09/2019 Deployment Notes


  • PM2-1916 If a major release has occurred since the last time you logged in, then just under the menu bar, you‘ll see a message announcing the release and linking to the associated release notes.


  • PM2-1864 BUG FIX The automated email notification alerting a phase owner that a workflow has been cancelled now names the correct user as the person who cancelled the workflow.

  • PM2-2305 The Contract Description field in the workflow header can be edited by admins, the current phase owner, and in-turn reviewers and approvers. To edit the Contract Description field, click the + to the right of the field, then edit as needed.

Contract Library

  • PM2-1777 In the add new asset popup, red asterisks and outlines indicate required fields. The Save button will only be enabled after all required fields have been populated.

  • PM2-2590 BUG FIX On the contract summary page, “Third Party Signatories” has been renamed “Other Party Signatories”.


  • PM2-2591 BUG FIX In user profiles, the permissions selections made in one user’s profile no longer erroneously appear when opening the next user’s profile.

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