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07/16/2020 Deployment Notes


  • PM2-5988 BUG FIX The notification for “Phase completed without submission of your approval/review” would fail to appear.
    This has been fixed; the notification will display as expected.


  • PM2-5928 DEFECT FIX A workflow attachment would fail to appear as a choice for the Document Source.
    This has been fixed; attachments within a workflow will be available for selection as the Document Source.

  • PM2-5948 DEFECT FIX In the Document Category dropdown, “Provider Participation Agreement” is erroneously listed twice.
    This has been fixed; “Provider Participation Agreement” appears only once in the Document Category dropdown.

  • PM2-5851 DEFECT FIX In Internet Explorer, if the user adjusted the browser window to make it narrower, the fields in the initiation screen would overlap once values were selected in required fields.
    This has been fixed; the application will adjust all visual elements appropriately when the screen is narrowed.

  • PM2-5840 When an Admin or Phase Owner changes the Phase Owner of the current phase, the event will be recorded in the Workflow History accordion.
    The record will follow this format:
    Phase Owner Updated
    by <user first and last name>                         <date/time>
    Phase Owner of <phase name> Phase was updated from <previous Phase Owner first and last name> to <new phase owner first and last name>

  • PM2-5983 BUG FIX In the Document Phase, the Delete button for the document viewer would fail to display for Admins and Phase Owners.
    This has been fixed; the Delete button will display as expected for Admins and Phase Owners.


  • PM2-5266 BUG FIX Contract Moderators would be erroneously directed to the worklist as the landing page.
    This has been fixed; Contract Moderators will be directed to the Contract Library as expected.


  • PM2-5266 BUG FIX In Admin > Organization Management > Clause Types, the dropdowns in the Created By and Modified By filters would fail to show all users who had actually created or modified Clause Types.
    This has been fixed; the filters will display all relevant users.

Time Tracking (TERMS 2.0)

  • PM2-5776 Pay Codes and Pay Code/Activity are now available in Reporting > Timesheet Configs.

    • Pay Code and Pay Code/Activity are available the Manage Columns widget.

    • Pay Code and Pay Code/Activity are available in the Filter Table widget.   

    • The filtering options are Multi-select and Any/All.

  • PM2-5827 BUG FIX In a timesheet with two or more activities, attempting to delete a time entry would return an error.
    This has been fixed; time entries can be deleted as expected.

  • PM2-5990 In the mobile app, actual units entered would fail to accurately display on the overview screen.
    This has been fixed; units entered will display as expected.

JavaScript errors detected

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