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07/21/2020 Deployment Notes


  • PM2-5964 DEFECT FIX If a user had both Phase Owner and Signatory permissions for a workflow, then they could not add participants to the Signatory Sequence.

    • The (+) for the Signatory Sequence accordion would fail to display.

    • This has been fixed; users with both Phase Owner and Signatory permissions for a workflow can add participants to the Signatory Sequence.

  • PM2-5976 DEFECT FIX Certain field values would fail to display in the Form Data accordion.

    • It is a display issue as opposed to a retention issue, as the values display in reporting.

    • This has been fixed; all applicable field values are displayed in the Form Data accordion.

  • PM2-5954 DEFECT FIX In dropdown fields with over 1,000 available values, only 1,000 of the values would display.
    This has been fixed; the default limit has been raised from 1,000 from 1,500.

Contract Library

  • PM2-6104 Within the contract summary pages, the View History button will be hidden from Contract Moderators.


  • PM2-5999 Logic will allow for users with mismatched user name/email (i.e. the email address in Keycloak differs from the email address in the user profile) to log into the application.

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