07/24/2020 Deployment Notes
PM2-6042 BUG FIX Because the nightly report trigger would fail, scheduled reports were not sent.
This has been fixed; scheduled reports will be sent as expected.
PM2-5978 DEFECT FIX Review, approval, and signatory submissions failed to appear in the Workflow History.
This has been fixed; review, approval, and signatory submissions will appear in the Workflow History as expected.PM2-6050 DEFECT FIX When viewed in Internet Explorer, there was no way to scroll through the list within the Linked to Contract dropdown.
This has been fixed; users can scroll through the Linked to Contract list as expected.PM2-6058 BUG FIX In workflows using DocuSign, DocuSign failed to return the document to CLM upon completion of a signature.
This has been fixed; documents will be automatically updated in CLM after they are signed in DocuSign.
This fix is not retroactive; i.e. it will not return the signed documents to CLM that failed to update while the problem was occurring. A MediTract representative will work with you to determine the best way to move the signed documents from DocuSign (for signatures that were completed between 2020.07.21 and 2020.07.24) to their workflows in CLM.
PM2-5967 BUG FIX In the worklist queue and within individual workflows, the value displayed in the Days Active field was inaccurate.
This has been fixed; Days Active is now calculated and displayed accurately.
Contract Library
PM2-6004 DEFECT FIX Within the Attachments tab of a contract summary page, the Manage Columns widget failed to rearrange columns in the table.
This has been fixed; columns can be rearranged as expected.PM2-6004 DEFECT FIX Within the Attachments tab of a contract summary page, the Filename column erroneously displayed the document/filename instead of the attachment/preferred-filename.
This has been fixed; the Filename column will display preferred file names as expected.PM2-6037 DEFECT FIX In a particular database, expired contracts (in which Auto Renewal = No and Evergreen = No) erroneously displayed Status = Active.
This has been fixed; as of 2020.07.25, Saturday morning (after the nightly jobs run), expired contracts will display Status = Expired.PM2-6041 BUG FIX Because the nightly critical date trigger would fail, critical date notifications were not sent.
This has been fixed; critical date notifications will be sent as expected.PM2-4879 For Evergreen contracts with an optional expiration date, neither the Expires in XX badge nor the Expired XX Days Ago badge will be displayed.
Time Tracking (TERMS 2.0)
PM2-6052 BUG FIX In the header of a certified timesheet, the Date Certified field value would fail to populate.
This has been fixed; the Date Certified field value will populate as expected.PM2-6006 BUG FIX In the Provider: New timesheet has been generated email notification, the Admin’s name was missing from the sentence, “Please direct any questions or concerns to <name of Admin who generated timesheet>.”
This has been fixed; the Admin’s name will display as expected.PM2-5994 Under Reporting > Timesheet Configs, if a Pay Code has not been assigned to an Activity, then no value will be displayed in the Pay Code/Activity column.
Previously, the Activity would display in the column in this manner: / ActivityName