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09/10/2019 Deployment Notes


  • PM2-2455 DEFECT FIX Bell Notifications Should Redirect to Correct Organization: Upon clicking a bell notification, the user will now be redirected to the correct organization.

  • PM2-3586 DEFECT FIX Link in Activation Email Should Redirect to Contract Summary Page: Upon clicking the 'here' link in an activation email, the user will now be redirected to the contract summary page instead of the worklist.


  • PM2-3582 DEFECT FIX User Permissions Migration: Because permissions were not consolidated before being pluralized (refactoring done in the last release), a database was experiencing timeouts. Permissions have now been consolidated in that database. The code used to do that has been turned into a migrations so it will run in all tenants.


  • PM2-3521 DEFECT FIX Document protection settings are now preserved for subsequent participants.

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