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10/01/2019 Deployment Notes

  • PM2-1985 DEFECT FIX It is no longer necessary to do a hard refresh in your browser after a deployment.

  • PM2-3396 DEFECT FIX Columns containing integers are now sorting as expected.

Vendor Directory

  • PM2-3596 DEFECT FIX In the vendor directory, the Contact Name filter is now working correctly.

Contract Library

  • PM2-3743 DEFECT FIX The contract search is now returning results as expected.

  • PM2-3507 DEFECT FIX The keyword search no longer returns a 500 error.

  • PM2-3284 DEFECT FIX In the add critical date modal, the alert list is now displaying properly.


  • PM2-3770 DEFECT FIX In the workflow template builder, the form template preview is now displaying properly.

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