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10/14/2020 Deployment Notes

Vendor & Provider Directories

  • PM2-6640 DEFECT FIX The Vendor Directory would sort any Vendor Name beginning with a lowercase letter after all Vendor Names beginning with capital letters.

    • For example, “acme linen services” would be listed after “Zinnia Landscaping”.

    • This has been fixed; the Vendor Directory will list Vendor Names in alphabetical order, regardless of case.

  • PM2-6592 DEFECT FIX Attempting to open a Vendor Profile with no associated contracts would return an error. This has been fixed; all Vendor Profiles will open as expected.


  • PM2-6637 BUG FIX Attempting to export the worklist to Excel (via the Export widget) would return the following error: An error occurred downloading the exported data. This has been fixed; the worklist will be exported as expected.

  • PM2-6617 BUG FIX In the worklist, the Phase Owner filter would fail to filter completed workflows when Include Previously Completed Items was toggled ON. This has been fixed; the Phase Owner filter will work as expected.

  • PM2-6325 BUG FIX If a user filtered the contracts list for a specific contract and then returned to the worklist to initiate a workflow, the only contract available for selection in the Linked to Contract field would be the one that had just been filtered. This has been fixed; recently filtered contracts will no longer affect the Linked to Contract field.  

  • PM2-6507 DEFECT FIX In a workflow with many Locations, the Location display would overlap itself if the browser window was too narrow.

    • This was a visual defect observed in Chrome.

    • This has been fixed; the Location field will render responsively.

  • PM2-6167 BUG FIX Any comment recorded in the Initiation Phase would show a timestamp four hours ahead of local time. This has been fixed; comments recorded in the Initiation Phase will display correct timestamps.

  • PM2-1488 BUG FIX If there were no documents to list under Document Versions, then a message under Document Versions would erroneously state No Attachments. This has been corrected to state No Documents.

  • PM2-6610 BUG FIX In the delete phase participants modal, the confirmation text was right-aligned. This has been fixed; the confirmation text in the delete phase participants modal will now appear left-aligned.


  • PM2-6660 BUG FIX The contracts table could no longer be sorted by Sites, Departments, or Contract Entities. This has been fixed; the table can be sorted by these attributes as expected.

  • PM2-2981 BUG FIX If there were no documents to list under Document Versions, then a message under Document Versions would erroneously state No Attachments. This has been corrected to state No Documents.


  • PM2-6370 BUG FIX Deleting a user’s permissions would fail to remove that user from any workflow templates where they had been a Phase Participant. This has been fixed; deleting a user’s permissions set will remove the user from any applicable workflow templates.

This will not remove the user from any active workflows. To prevent the user from accessing active workflows, an Admin or Phase Owner will need to delete the user from the Phase Participants list in each active workflow where they are a Phase Participant.

  • PM2-6523 DEFECT FIX If an Admin entered a duplicative name for a workflow template, then the Save or Copy button would be enabled.

    • The “Names must be unique” message would appear as expected.

    • Attempting to save the workflow template with a duplicative name would return an error. However, the Save or Copy button should be disabled if the Workflow Template Name is not unique.

    • This has been fixed; if an Admin enters a Workflow Template Name that has been applied to another form template (whether active or inactive), then the Save or Copy button will be disabled.

  • PM2-6622 BUG FIX In the custom fields table, attempting to save filter settings would return an error. This has been fixed; filter settings can be saved fro the custom fields table as expected.

  • PM2-6322 BUG FIX In a user group with multiple Phase Owners, within a workflow, the assigned Phase Owner would also be listed (but not sequenced) as a Reviewer, despite not having a Reviewer role. This has been fixed; Phase Owners will no longer be erroneously added as Reviewers.

Time Tracking (TERMS 2.0)

  • PM2-6639 Because the Initial Compensation and Maximum Total Compensation fields will be part of the new maximum compensation tracking feature, they will be removed from the following places:

    • Add New Timesheets form

    • Edit Timesheet Scheduled form

  • PM2-6461 BUG FIX Unit Types would fail to appear in the add new timesheet activity modal when accessed through the Create New Record link within timesheets. This has been fixed; Unit Types will appear as expected.

  • PM2-5711 In Explore > Reporting > Timesheet Configs, Activity Groups will be displayed with their associated Activities. Activities associated with Activity Groups will appear in this format:
    Activity Group Name - Activity Name

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