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11/13/2019 Deployment Notes

Contract Library & Workflows

  • PM2-3283, PM2-3285 DEFECT FIX Users can no longer remove the primary responsible party without selecting a replacement.

  • PM2-3948 The same user can no longer be selected as primary, secondary, and tertiary responsible party for a single contract or workflow, i.e. the user can only be assigned one of these positions.


  • PM2-3906 DEFECT FIX In the document source phase, redline edits and reviews will now save as expected.

  • PM2-1891 Validation will be added to the Key Terms to ensure that users cannot enter an expiration date that occurs prior to an effective date.

  • PM2-4012 In the document source phase and the document template builder, Other has been added as a document category.

Reporting & Tables

  • PM2-3998 DEFECT FIX In the workflows and contracts tabs, adding an additional column will no longer return an error.

  • PM2-3796 In tables, e.g. reporting and search results, the results count will be displayed in the top right corner.

  • PM2-3987 DEFECT FIX The contract expiration dates shown in the Contracts tab of Reporting will now match the dates in Contract Library.


  • PM2-3994 In the workflow template builder, the Restrict Form Data checkbox will be hidden.

  • PM2-4021 DEFECT FIX In the workflow template builder, in the add new workflow template modal the text (Other Party) has been removed from the *Initiator option in the Phase Owner dropdown.

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