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12/10/2020 Deployment Notes

Vendor & Provider Directories

  • PM2-1644 BUG FIX In the Provider Directory, the following filters failed to work:

    • Email | Phone | Fax

    • This has been fixed; all filters will work as expected.

  • PM2-6925 BUG FIX In the Vendor Directory, filtering for a specific Vendor Code failed to work.

    • The filter showed as having been applied, but the table didn’t filter.

    • This has been fixed; the Vendor Code filter will work as expected.


  • PM2-6934 If a request for contract is declined, then that information will be recorded in the Workflow History panel. The record will display in the following format:
    Workflow declined
    by User Name MM/DD/YYYY 00:00AM
    The reason given for declining the request will display here.

  • PM2-6975 DEFECT FIX Workflow Moderators were able to edit and delete attachments, despite having read-only capabilities. This has been fixed; Workflow Moderators can no longer edit or delete attachments.

  • PM2-6977 BUG FIX Form fields appeared editable when viewed by a phase participant outside of that phase participant’s turn.

    • Edits made to fields failed to save.

    • This has been fixed; phase participants viewing a form out of turn will see the form fields as read-only.


  • PM2-6936, PM2-6980 Import documents and attachments from the contract into the workflow by default.
    When initiating an amend/extend/renew/terminate workflow from an existing contract, the documents and attachments in the current version of the contract will be imported into the workflow by default. 
    The Initiator will have the opportunity to remove unwanted documents and/or attachments before initiating the workflow. When initiating a workflow from an existing contract:

    • If the Initiator does nothing with documents and attachments, every single document and attachment from the current version of the contract will go into the workflow, and upon activation, the updated version of the contract. 

    • To prevent a document or attachment from being imported into the workflow, the Initiator will need to delete it in the Document Versions or Attachments panel.

      • Documents and attachments deleted from the workflow will still be available when viewing the soon-to-be previous version of the contract.

      • Deselecting a document or attachment in the manage attachments or manage documents modal will no longer prevent it from being imported into the workflow. 

    • To manage documents or attachments within a table, the Initiator can click the cloud icon to open the documents or attachments table within a modal.

      • In the modal, the Initiator can sort, filter, manage columns, export the table, and view and download the documents or attachments. 

      • If the Initiator deletes a document or attachment from the workflow by mistake, they can re-import it by clicking the cloud icon , selecting it in the modal, and then clicking Import.


  • PM2-6937 BUG FIX In Admin > Organization Management > Approved Language, the Clause Type failed to populate in the Approved Language table. This has been fixed; Clause Types will appear in the table as expected.

  • PM2-6557 BUG FIX In the form template builder, when an Admin entered the name of an existing, inactive form template as the name of new form template, the Save button was enabled.

    • The prompt to enter a unique name still appeared.

    • This has been fixed; the Save button will not be enabled until a unique name has been entered.

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