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12/11/2019 Deployment Notes


  • PM2-4152 To allow users to describe their attachments, the Attachment Subject field has been added to the Add Attachment and Edit Attachment modals.

    • The Attachment Subject will be displayed above the other form data.

    • This applies to attachments uploaded in workflows, the vendor and provider directories, and timesheets (for TERMS customers).

    • The Attachment Subject is searchable once the contract is in the Contract Library.


  • PM2-4189 DEFECT FIX During a workflow, if a user would select multiple options in a multi-select dropdown field and then activate the workflow, those values would not be retained when initiating an Amend workflow on that same contract. This has been fixed; multi-select fields now retain their values as expected.

  • PM2-4190 DEFECT FIX In a workflow with multiple form phases, fields inserted by a multi-select trigger in the first form phase would not carry over to the second form phase. This has been fixed; multi-select triggered fields will now carry over to the second form phase as expected.

Contract Library

  • PM2-3957 DEFECT FIX If a user would enter a value in the Contract Description field during an Amend workflow, that value would not be carried over to the contract summary page upon activation. This has been fixed; a value entered in the Contract Description will now be carried over to the contract summary page upon activation.

  • PM2-3968 DEFECT FIX In the Add Linked Contracts modal, the Contract Type filter under Narrow Your Search would not display any contracts. This has been fixed; the Narrow Your Search > Contract Type filter now displays results properly.

  • PM2-3969 DEFECT FIX In the Add Linked Contracts modal, the Contract Categories filter under Narrow Your Search would not display any contracts. This has been fixed; the Narrow Your Search > Contract Categories filter now displays results properly.

  • PM2-4140 DEFECT FIX Users with the Contract Moderator role, which is read-only, should not be able to edit fields on the contract summary tab. This has been fixed; Contract Moderators can no longer edit fields.

User Profiles & Permissions

  • PM2-4141 DEFECT FIX When an Admin attempts to edit a user profile after adding and saving a credential to a profile, such as MD or RN, attempting to save the additional changes should not return an error. This has been fixed; Admins can now save changes to a user profile as expected.

Form Template Builder

  • PM2-4111 DEFECT FIX Default values applied in the form template builder would not display in form fields within workflows. This has been fixed; default form field values now appear as expected.

  • PM2-4172 DEFECT FIX When an Admin would click Save in the Edit Form Template modal for an active form template, the status toggle would switch to Inactive. This has been fixed; the status toggle now stays Active upon saving.

  • PM2-4174 DEFECT FIX When an Admin would open a form template and enter edit mode for a form section, the fields in that section would disappear. This has been fixed; form fields now appear as expected when in edit mode.

  • PM2-4134 BUG FIX When accessed though Internet Explorer, the drag-and-drop functionality used to add fields to form sections would not work. This has been fixed; drag-and-drop now works as expected in all browsers.

  • PM2-4001 To increase readability of form field values, if the thousand separator (i.e. comma) is applied to the form field properties, then that formatting will be retained wherever that field value is displayed, such as in the workflow form data accordion, contract library summary page, and reporting pages.

  • PM2-3996 Add hover text for URLs and attachments. The titles given to the links in the forms, sections, and fields can be seen by hovering over the link.

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