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12/19/2019 Deployment Notes


  • PM2-2648 Performance improvements (i.e. decreased load time and latency) have been applied to the Worklist queue. Worklists, particularly those that are lengthy, will load faster now.


  • PM2-4200 DEFECT FIX The data type Big Decimal was not being retained beyond the abstract workflow. This has been fixed; values entered in the Big Decimal field are now retained after the workflow has been abstracted.

  • PM2-4213 DEFECT FIX Abstraction workflows should be generated whenever an Amend, Extend or Renew workflow is initiated from an existing contract in the Contract Library.

    • This is because during Amend, Extend, and Renew workflows, changes may be made to the contract language, additional documents may be attached, and original terms may be revised, necessitating abstraction.

    • This has been fixed; these workflows will now generate abstraction workflows.

  • PM2-4204 DEFECT FIX In the Add Attachment modal, the Attachment Name and Attachment Category fields should be required. This has been fixed; these fields are now required (and denoted as being required), and the Save button will be unavailable until both those fields have been populated.

  • PM2-4309 DEFECT FIX In the Add Document modal, the Document Name and Document Category fields should be required. This has been fixed; these fields are now required (and denoted as being required), and the Save button will be unavailable until both those fields have been populated.

  • PM2-1741 DEFECT FIX In the Add Responsible Parties modal, the Add button was enabled prior to the user selecting a responsible party. This has been fixed; the Add button will be unavailable until the user has selected at least one responsible party.

  • PM2-4238 DEFECT FIX In the Document Source Phase, phase action buttons, such as Submit Review and Complete Phase, were intermittently unresponsive. This has been fixed; phase action buttons will now consistently respond to being clicked.


Workflow Template Builder

  • PM2-4029 Admin users will be able to set *Initiator as an available or default Reviewer or Approver (in any phase) or Signatory (in the Signature Phase). In the Add Phase Participants modal, *Initiator will be the first user displayed in the User dropdown.

  • PM2-4182 DEFECT FIX Attempting to copy a workflow template would return an error. This has been fixed; workflow templates can now be copied successfully.

Form Template Builder

  • PM2-4241 A new backend toggle, when turned ON, will cause form instructions to display as static text instead of hover text. The default for this toggle is OFF; form instructions display as hover text by default. (For hover text, the user hovers over the? Form Instructions to see the instructions.)

  • PM2-4211 DEFECT FIX When copying a section in a form template, the Admin would have to save and close the section each time they added a new section. This has been fixed; the Admin user will no longer have to save and close each added section of the form.

  • PM2-4216 DEFECT FIX During a hot fix deployment, active form templates were inadvertently toggled to inactive. This has been fixed; the status of the affected form templates has been restored to active.

Document Template Library

  • PM2-4195 DEFECT FIX Attempting to update a newly copied document template would return an error. This has been fixed; document templates can now be updated successfully.

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