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2023.1.1 Minor Release Notes

These items were released to production on February 18th, 2023.


Vendor & Provider Directories

  • Some users with only Departmental-level Contract Location permissions were unable to access the vendor directory and vendor records. This has been fixed; all users except External Parties and Requestors can now see the vendor directory and vendor records as expected. [708354]

Workflows & Worklist

  • When the Phase Owner or Admin clicked Start Phase in the Form Phase of a workflow, it would return a Something went wrong starting phase error. This has been fixed; the Start Phase button now works as expected. [710190]

Time Tracking

  • The Maximum Units limit for a timesheet failed when entries contained a decimal. For example, if the limit was set to 45, and a Timesheet Reporter or Assistant entered 46.5, they would be allowed to save the time entry. This has been fixed; the Maximum Units limit now works as expected. [705896]

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