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2023.4 Release Notes

These items were released to production on January 17th.


Contract Library

Ability to edit custom field values on the contract summary Custom Fields tab [584529]

Editors and Admins/Super Admins with appropriate permissions will be able to edit custom fields without having to initiate a workflow.

  • On the Custom Fields tab, users with appropriate permissions will see a pencil icon. This will only be available when there are no workflows in progress on the contract. [329861]

  • To edit the fields, they’ll click the pencil icon, make their edits, then click Save. To exit edit mode without saving changes, they'll click Cancel. [793356]

  • If a field appears in both the Summary and Custom Fields tabs, updating the value on the Custom Fields tab will update it on the Summary tab as well. 

  • Changes to custom field values will be recorded in the Field Change History panel of the contract summary page. History records will include the new field value, the date and time of the change, and the name of the user who made it. [340594]

  • When a change to a custom field value is made, Responsible Parties will be notified via in-app (bell) and email notifications. (If a Responsible Party is making the change, they won’t receive those notifications.) [329903]

    • In-app notification: You are listed as a Responsible Party on Contract (Insert Contract Number) where one (1) or more Custom Fields have been manually updated without a workflow.  <Link to Contract>

    • Email notification: 
      Subject: Custom fields have been updated on a contract where you are the Responsible Party

      Dear <Recipient First Name>, 

      You are listed as a Responsible Party for the contract <Contract Name with link>, where changes were made to one or more custom field values. 

      Please direct any questions or concerns to < First Name Last Name of user who edited the fields which is a link as mailto link>.


UI Uniformity (Alloy)

These UI changes are part of our initiative to provide customers with a cohesive user experience across all symplr products and improve accessibility.

Due to an issue with the feature set that was discovered shortly after the release, the features in this section have been temporarily turned off. We are working to resolve the issue, and will turn them back on in a future release:

  • Horizontal navigation (menu bar) updates [588157]

  • Updated utility menu for search, help, and notification [588158]

  • Account menu updates [588159]



  • Under Explore > Reporting > Users, if the Contractor column was added to the table, the Contractor filter options did not match the field values in the table. [842937]
    This has been fixed; the Contract field values and filter options match.

  • Under Explore > Reporting, in reports containing dates that include a timestamp, the date format on screen differed from the date format in an exported report. [844944]
    This has been fixed; the date format both onscreen and in exported reports is MM/DD/YYYY_00:00_ PM.

  • Under Explore > Reporting, attempting to run a report that combined two custom fields with an OR condition failed to return results. [826678]
    This has been fixed; running a report combining two custom fields with an OR condition will return any applicable results.

  • If a user selects a different organization while in Explore > Reporting, results failed to update to reflect the newly selected organization. (A manual page refresh was required to accomplish this.) [831293]
    This has been fixed; results automatically update to reflect the newly selected organization.

  • If a tab within Reporting had a saved default report, the default report overrode attempts to apply other saved reports. [833045]
    This has been fixed; non-default saved reports run as expected.

  • Under Explore > Reporting, when scheduling a report, active user groups failed to populate in the Recipients dropdown. [859951]
    This has been fixed; user groups appear in the Recipient dropdown.

Workflows & Worklist

  • When a Phase Owner attempted to edit the Phase Owner on a workflow, the Phase Owner dropdown in the edit phase management popup failed to populate. [844442]
    This has been fixed; the Phase Owner dropdown populates as expected.

  • In some cases, when initiating a workflow, if the server took more than 60,000 milliseconds to respond, then duplicate phases and/or documents would appear in the workflow. [770291]
    This has been fixed; slower server response when initiating a workflow no longer causes duplicate phases or documents.

  • In completed workflows, the Upload New Version button was available. [814385]
    This has been fixed; the Upload New Version button is unavailable in completed workflows.

  • A user was able to initiate a workflow on an archived contract. [857531]
    This has been fixed; users can no longer initiate workflows on archived contracts.

  • On the worklist, if the table is filtered for Status=Activated, then the Phase Owner column in the table and the Phase Owner filter in the Filter Table widget both failed to populate. [853394]
    This has been fixed; the Phase Owner column and the Phase Owner filter both populate.

  • Within workflows, Abstraction users were available for selection in the Responsible Party dropdowns. [870886]
    This has been fixed; Abstraction users are unavailable for selection as Responsible Parties.

Contract Library

  • Under the Attachments tab of a contract summary, if a user applied a filter to the Attachments table and then opened another contract summary, then the filter applied to the Attachments table in the previous contract summary would persist on the newly opened contract summary. [855555]
    This has been fixed; filters applied to the Attachments table in one contract summary will not persist to other contracts summaries.

  • When a custom field value was edited on the contract summary, the location of the change (i.e. Contract Summary, Timesheet, or Timesheet Config) was missing from the change history. [858149]
    This has been fixed; the location of the change is recorded in the change history.

  • When adding a critical date, type-ahead filtering failed to return results in the Add Additional Recipients for Alerts dropdown. [871932]
    This has been fixed; type-ahead filtering returns results when they exist.

  • When adding a critical date, Abstraction users were available for selection in the Add Additional Recipients for Alerts dropdown. [872538]
    This has been fixed; Abstraction users are unavailable for selection as critical date alert recipients.


  • Under Admin > Organization Management > Form Templates, if a user clicked Copy multiple times within the copy form template popup, it would create duplicate templates. [843679]
    This has been fixed; erroneous multiple clicks will no longer create duplicate templates.

  • Under Admin > Application Settings > Email Management, if an Admin opened an email template, they could upload new versions of attachments. This ability should be restricted to Super Admins. [858149]
    This has been fixed; only Super Admins can upload new attachment versions to email templates.

  • Under Admin > Organization Management > Workflow Templates, within a workflow template, inactive user groups were available in the Phase Participant dropdown. [853554]
    This has been fixed; inactive user groups no longer appear in the Phase Participant dropdown.


  • Under Explore > Users, within a user profile, if an Admin/Super Admin clicked Add Permissions multiple times, that would create duplicate permissions sets. [851743]
    This has been fixed, erroneous multiple clicks no longer create duplicate permissions sets.

Vendors & Providers

  • On a vendor or provider record, attempting to reply to a private comment would return an error. [855440]
    This has been fixed; applicable users can reply to private comments as expected.

Time Tracking

  • Under Admin > Timesheet Management > Timesheet Activity, if a user clicked Save multiple times within the add new timesheet activity or add new timesheet activity group popup, it would create duplicate activities or activity groups. [844096]
    This has been fixed; erroneous multiple clicks will no longer create duplicate activities or activity groups.

  • When adding new timesheets under the Timesheets > Add New Timesheets tab of a contract summary, a user was unable to select a Unit Type under Minimum/Maximum Settings because the dropdown failed to populate. [857719]
    This has been fixed; the Unit Type dropdown populates as expected.

  • When adding a maximum compensation tracking record under the Timesheets > Compensation tab of a contract summary, and then exporting the table, the value in the Max Compensation column appeared in the incorrect format. [858299]
    This has been fixed; the Max Compensation field value will appear as a dollar value, e.g. $5,000.

  • When adding a maximum compensation tracking record under the Timesheets > Compensation tab of a contract summary, the change history recorded the timestamp incorrectly. [858306]
    This has been fixed; timestamps are recorded correctly.

  • When opening a timesheet workflow linked to a timesheet form, clicking on General Info, switching on the multipage toggle, and then clicking Next or Go Back, the changes saved popup would appear when no changes had been made. [842767]
    This has been fixed; the changes saved popup will no longer appear when no changes have been made.

Vendor Pulse Check

  • If a user opened an active campaign and exported the report, then cleared the Currently in Campaign filter, then several columns populated incorrectly. [843506]
    This has been fixed; columns populate correctly when the Currently in Campaign filter is cleared.

  • Under the Pulse Check tab of a contract summary, a user could add the same user as a Pulse Check participant multiple times. [844154]
    This has been fixed; each user can only be added as a Pulse Check participant once on a single contract.

  • For campaigns with multiple iterations, the reminder to complete survey notification was only sent for the first iteration of a campaign. [833039]
    This has been fixed; the reminder to complete survey notification will be sent in subsequent campaign iterations.

  • For campaigns with multiple iterations, the survey will end in 5 days and survey will end in 15 days notifications were sent on the first day of each campaign iteration after the first iteration. [837582]
    This has been fixed; survey will end in 5 days and survey will end in 15 days notifications will be sent on the correct days.

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