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2024.2 Release Notes

These items were released on May 15th, 2024.



  • Under Explore > Reporting > Users, when a user added the Roles column to the report, the column failed to populate in the exported report. [904531]
    This has been fixed; the Roles column will populate if it is included in the report.

  • In a scheduled report on aging workflows, the Phase Type column failed to populate in the exported report. [907349]
    This has been fixed; the Phase type column will populate.

  • In a tenant with over 1000 users, under Explore > Reporting > Users, if the user set the page count to 500, then the second page would fail to load. [926702]
    This has been fixed; the second page will load.

  • Under Explore > Reporting > Providers, the Credential and Status columns failed to populate in scheduled exported report. [926717]
    This has been fixed; the Credential and Status columns will populate.

  • Under Explore > Reporting > Vendors, the Internal ID and Status columns failed to populate in scheduled exported report. [926715]
    This has been fixed; the Internal ID and Status columns will populate.


  • For confidential attachments that were visible to an internal user and an external party, if a new version of the attachment was uploaded, the list of allowed viewers was cleared. [917120]
    This has been fixed; the allowed viewers will be retained.


  • The in-app notification Responsible Party: Notice of approaching expiration date on contract set to renew automatically failed to appear when the Responsible Party signed into the application. [698215]
    This has been fixed; the notification will appear in the application.

Workflows & Worklist

  • In a particular tenant, the Contract Type dropdown failed to populate during workflow initiation, regardless of the selected Action Type. [908611]
    This has been fixed; the Contract Type dropdown will populate.

  • Default filters failed to apply to the worklist upon first view after signing in. [935337]
    This has been fixed; default filters will be applied to the worklist.

  • During workflow initiation, the selected Primary Other Party was available in the Secondary Other Party dropdown. [924058]
    This has been fixed; the selected Primary Other Party will be unavailable in the Secondary Other Party dropdown.

  • If the Admin changed the Phase Owner, the details of the new Phase Owner were omitted from the workflow history. [919829]
    This has been fixed; the workflow history will show the updated Phase Owner details.

  • Some users with appropriate permissions were missing from the Responsible Party dropdown. [985896]
    This has been fixed; all users with appropriate permissions will appear in the Responsible Party dropdown.

Contract Library

  • In the Custom Fields tab on a contract summary, fields starting with all caps (i.e., acronyms) were sorted alphabetically before fields with standard capitalization. [926920]
    This has been fixed; fields will be sorted in true alphabetical order.


  • Within email notifications, users were unable to delete the effective and expiration dates from email attachments. [914896]
    This has been fixed; effective and expiration dates can be deleted.

  • When creating or editing a workflow template, the Phase Mediator (when selected) was missing from the Activation Phase preview. [922550]
    This has been fixed; the Phase Mediator will appear in the preview if applicable.

  • When creating or editing a workflow template, the Admin was unable to remove a form from the Activation Phase. [915900]
    This has been fixed; the Admin will be able to remove a form from the Activation Phase.

  • When creating or editing a workflow template, the the Admin was unable to edit a form template because the Edit Form Template link opened the form templates table. [934246]
    This has been fixed; clicking the Edit Form Template link will open the form template in edit mode.

Time Tracking

  • A Contract Editor with no Time Tracking role was able to see timesheet configs under Explore > Reporting > Timesheet Configs. [913130]
    This has been fixed; Contract Editors with no Time Tracking role will be unable to see timesheet configs.

  • Under Explore > Reporting > Timesheet Configs, completed timesheet configs showed as active under the following conditions [908531]:

    • Applied filter for Status = Active

    • Applied filter for Last Period Starts on Date relative range 90 days prior to current date

This has been fixed; completed timesheet configs will no longer show as active, regardless of applied filters.

Vendor Pulse Check

  • If a Survey Initiator who was also a Contract Moderator attempted to edit survey participants, clicking Save returned an error. [910308}
    This has been fixed; Survey Initiators with the Contract Moderator role can edit survey participants.

  • Attempting to add a new Respondent (i.e. a new user) with an existing email returned an error. [932770]
    This has been fixed; when attempting to add a new Respondent with an existing email, the user will be alerted that the email already exists in the application.

  • If a user navigated to Explore > Pulse Check and clicked on an active campaign, then added all available columns to the table, the table would stretch beyond the screen. [913551]
    This has been fixed; the table will scroll as expected.

  • If a Survey Initiator navigated to Queue > Pulse Check, the surveys failed to appear. [918283]
    This has been fixed; Survey Initiators will see surveys in the Pulse Check Queue.

  • Abstraction users were available for selection when reassigning a survey. [918345]
    This has been fixed; Abstraction users will be hidden in the Reassign dropdown.

  • A lower Admin (a user in a multi-organization tenant with the Admin role in a single organization) was unable to see Pulse Check. [858253]
    This has been fixed; lower Admins will be able to see Pulse Check.

Conflict Capture

  • If a Resolution Manager ran a report on attachments, then they could see confidential attachments on that report. [846338]
    This has been fixed; confidential attachments will be hidden from users who lack permission to view them.

Gift Alert

  • A user who only had a Gift Alert role could see the Initiate Workflow button. [914335]
    This has been fixed; Initiate Workflow will be hidden from users who only have a Gift Alert role.

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