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2024.8 Release Notes

These items were released to production on February 4, 2025.


Microsoft 365 Integration

If the current active participant closes the Microsoft editor tab when there are unresolved markups in the document, then the unresolved markup alert will appear. [1028928]

This will ensure that the user is aware of unresolved markups, reducing the risk of overlooked redlines. 



  • New request emails failed to send to the Phase Owner of the request workflow. [1041258]
    This has been fixed; new request emails are sent as expected.

  • After reading their in-app (bell) notifications, a user was unable to see older notifications. [1081610]
    This has been fixed; users can scroll/page through older notifications as expected.

  • The count for the in-app (bell) notifications only fetched the notification count upon signing in. [1099995]
    This has been fixed; the count for notifications is fetched whenever the user hovers over the bell icon.


  • Under Explore > Reporting > Pulse Check, field names failed to load in the Manage Columns widget. [1061891]
    This has been fixed; field names now appear in the Manage Columns widget.

  • Under Explore > Reporting > Contracts, field values failed to load for “Contains BAA” in the Filter Table widget. [1070198]
    This has been fixed; field values now appear for “Contains BAA”.

  • In some cases, attempting to export a report from Explore > Reporting > Contracts with default columns, filtered by Status = Active, returned an error. [1142482]
    This has been fixed; reports will export normally.

Global Search

  • When conducting a global search for a vendor or provider record in a multi-organization tenant, clicking on a vendor or provider in the search results opened the record in a different organization than where the user had conducted the search. [1070537]
    This has been fixed; clicking on a search result opens the record in the current organization.

  • When conducting a global search, a Conflict Capture respondent was able to see vendor and provider records in the results. [1064602]

  • This has been fixed; a Conflict Capture respondent cannot see vendor and provider records in global search results.

Worklist and Workflows

  • When a user click the Pending My Action badge, the count for the badge did not match the count under pagination. [1093942]
    This has been fixed; the count will match.

  • Attempting to open a specific workflow returned an error. [1124226]
    This has been fixed; the workflow opens as expected.

  • In some cases, the unresolved markup alert appeared when viewing PDFs. [1104722]
    This has been fixed; the unresolved markup alert no longer appears when viewing a PDF.

  • Attempting to edit a document with a certain type of bookmark returned an error. [1099346]
    This has been fixed; users can edit documents containing any type of bookmark.

  • In the negotiation phase, the error “Something went wrong polling locks” appeared. [1085764]
    This has been fixed; the error no longer appears.

  • In an open review negotiation phase, the participant status indicator appeared before the phase had been started. [1092660]
    This has been fixed; the participant status indicator only appears after the phase has been started.

  • In a DocuSign signature phase, the application overwrote the signed document sent from DocuSign with a workflow attachment. [1087973]
    This has been fixed; workflow attachments do not overwrite the signed document sent from DocuSign.

  • In a DocuSign signature phase where the executive summary and a newly uploaded attachment were sent to DocuSign, the application overwrote all attachments previously associated with the workflow with the attachment that had been sent to DocuSign. [1081601]
    This has been fixed; workflow attachments do not overwrite the signed document sent from DocuSign.

  • In a DocuSign signatory phase, a user was unable to re-sequence an other party signatory after removing them from the sequence. [1069926]
    This has been fixed; other party signatories can be re-sequenced after removal.

Users, Permissions, and User Groups

  • Attempting to deactivate a user returned an error. [1010688]
    This has been fixed; admins can deactivate users.

  • An admin was able to apply a permission override to a deactivated user. [1047611]
    This has been fixed; permission overrides can only be applied to active users.

  • Under Admin > Organization Management > Workflow Templates, an admin was able to add inactive user groups as phase owners and participants in a workflow template. [1094802]
    This has been fixed; inactive user groups user groups are excluded from the dropdowns.

  • Submitting a request for access (for request workflows) returned the error, “Something went wrong while trying to display this page,” although the user was able to set up their profile. [1075413]
    This has been fixed; the access request confirmation page will appear.

  • User group members were added to workflows that they lacked sufficient permissions Contract Type) to access. [1061570]
    This has been fixed; user group members lacking sufficient permissions cannot be added to workflows.

  • When downloading a PDF with special characters in the filename from a workflow, the % symbol was added to the downloaded filename. [1117200]
    This has been fixed; % symbols are no longer added to downloaded files.


  • Under Admin > Organization Management > Workflow Templates, in saved/default filters where the “Include inactive workflow templates” toggle should have been switched on, it was switched off. [1094443]
    This has been fixed; the “Include inactive workflow templates” toggle is applied correctly in saved/default filters.

  • Under Admin > Organization Management > Workflow Templates, after filtering by Location and then exporting, the onscreen results and exported report were mismatched. [1094469]
    This has been fixed; the onscreen and exported reports now match.

Time Tracking

  • Users were able to add a time entry for the initial reporting date on past timesheets. [1104932]
    This has been fixed; attempting to add a time entry for the initial reporting date on a past timesheet will return this error: This timesheet predates your initial reporting date, so you can’t enter time on it If you have questions, contact your administrator.

  • When a timesheet config was copied, the initial reporting date automatically updated to the dates on the new timesheet config. [1104921]
    This has been fixed; the initial reporting date remains the same on copied timesheet configs.

  • When adding entries within a timesheet workflow, attempting to type a value within the Units filter returned an error. [1096288]
    This has been fixed; typing a value within the Units filter will work as expected.

Conflict Capture

  • Searching by Conflict Capture ID (when signed in as a conflict resolution manager) failed to return results. [1098740]
    This has been fixed; searching by Conflict Capture ID returns results.

  • When setting up new campaign, user groups were available in the Add Participant dropdown. [1115984]
    This has been fixed; user groups are excluded from the Add Participant dropdown when adding a new campaign.

  • In the form template builder, the incorrect Conflict Capture form type appeared in the Form Type dropdown. [1116005]
    This has been fixed; the correct Conflict Capture form types are available in the Form Type dropdown.

  • Conflict Capture coordinators and resolution managers were redirected to the worklist when attempting to view the vendor directory. [1071662]
    This has been fixed; they can view the vendor directory as expected.

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