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Clingman's Dome Release Notes

These items were deployed to production the morning of Friday, August 30th, 2019.



  • PM2-3460 Searches will now pull the full list of possible filter values; the data calls will not be limited by currently applied filters or pagination settings.


  • PM2-3162 Skip Active Participant
    A Phase Owner or Admin will be able to skip the current active Reviewer's or Approver's turn, allowing the subsequent participant to become the active one. This will give the Phase Owner or Admin a way to address the situation where an active participant is unable to complete his review or approval.

    • In all phases, for Reviewers and Approvers, the current Phase Owner or Admin will be able to skip the current active participant's turn. 

      • Click ellipsis (...) next to the Complete Phase button, then select Skip Participant.

    • The next sequenced participant will become the active sequenced participant, OR, if it is the final sequenced participant's review or approval that is cancelled, the phase will be ready to complete.

    • The cancelled review or approval will be recorded as such, so it is auditable.

    • In the participant sequence, a 🚫 will denote a skipped participant.

    • This does not apply to signatories.

  • PM2-3381 DEFECT FIX A new user added to an existing private comment thread will now be able to see the comment thread in which they have been tagged.

Phase Owner Groups

  • PM2-2857 Allow Phase Owner group assignment on workflow templates.
    Individual group members will be notified they have been added as Phase Owners if they have a permission set of PO matching the contract type and permission node of the workflow. Approved users can then log into the workflow and add themselves or other approved Phase Owners using the edit Phase Owner functionality. This will allow flexibility, self-organization, and plate management for groups who share Phase Owner responsibilities.

    • When a group is assigned as the Phase Owner in a workflow template, upon initiation of the workflow, that group will be filtered for appropriate permissions. A random member of that filtered sub-group will be assigned as the Phase Owner for each phase of the workflow that have that group as the Phase Owner;

    • If there is no valid Phase Owner candidate in the sub-group, then the workflow will be created with no Phase Owner;

    • If a workflow with no Phase Owner is created, then there will be a Set Phase Owner button where the Phase Owner name usually appears. Only Admins or Phase Owners with appropriate permissions will be able to click that button;

      • When a workflow is created with a Phase Owner, the Set Phase Owner button will not be present;

      • When a user clicks the Set Phase Owner button, only users with a role of Phase Owner at the permission node of the workflow or higher will be selectable;

      • When a user selects a Phase Owner from the list, that user will be the new Phase Owner of the workflow phase and will be notified immediately.

  • PM2-3380 Start Phase button won't appear until a Phase Owner has been assigned.

    • When a phase without an assigned Phase owner becomes active, the Start Phase button will not appear;

    • There will be a static notice at the top of the page reading Phase Owner must be assigned before starting the phase

    • Once an Admin assigns a Phase Owner, the notice will disappear and the Start Phase button will appear.

  • PM2-3355 Alert Admins if a workflow phase is created without a Phase Owner.
    When a workflow phase is created without a Phase Owner, an email notification will be sent to all users with an Admin role at the permission node of the relevant workflow or higher.

    • The email will have the Subject line: “Workflow [enter workflow name] does not have a Phase Owner”

    • The email will include a clickable hyperlink to the relevant workflow where the workflow name is mentioned in the body text below;

    • When a user clicks the hyperlink, they will be taken to the relevant workflow phase of the application;

    • The email should have the text:
      Workflow [insert workflow name] does not have a Phase Owner assigned and is currently paused. Please follow this link and assign a Phase Owner so that the workflow can continue.
      If you are unable to select any users to assign as the Phase Owner, you may need to verify that there is a user with the appropriate Phase Owner owner permissions for workflows of this type, as well as verify the workflow template in use is correctly identifying the users who should be assigned Phase Owner responsibilities automatically by navigating to the Workflow Templates page under the Admin menu.

Initiation Phase

  • PM2-2949 DEFECT FIX The contract location nodes will now load properly when initiating a workflow on an existing contract.

Document Source & Negotiation Phases

  • PM2-2705 Choose Attachment
    When adding a document in the Document Source or Negotiation phase, the user will be able to use one or more of the attachments as a contract document.

    • In addition to Upload from Computer and Choose Template, the user will have the option to Choose Attachment.

    • When choosing an attachment, the user will be able to select any attachment associated with the workflow.

  • PM2-3406 Choose Template
    When adding a document in a Document Source or Negotiation phase, the user will be able to choose a document template without having to perform an additional click to open a dialog. This change is more efficient, and it also establishes uniformity between different ways to add a document.

    • Instead of having a separate Add Document button when the Choose Template radio button is selected, the controls that were displayed in a dialog (Doc Category, Doc Template, Template Name) will simply be available on the page.

  • PM2-3182 To edit or redline the document during review and approval, the Admin or Phase Owner will need to add herself to the sequence as a Reviewer or Approver. This will help limit document editing to one user at a time.

    • During her turn in the sequence, the Admin or Reviewer will see the Submit Review or Submit Approval button in place of the Complete Phase button. 

    • Upon submitting review or approval, the Submit * button will be replaced with the Complete Phase button, and the ellipsis menu for Skip Participant | Retract Phase | Cancel Workflow will reappear.

      • The ellipsis menu is only available alongside the Complete Phase button OR if the Admin or Phase Owner is the final Approver in the sequence.

In-App Document Editing

Note that Document Protection is not currently supported.

  • PM2-2704 The document viewer now works as a document editor in the Document Source and Negotiation phases (for numerous non-PDF file types).
    Admins, Phase Owners, and in-turn phase participants can edit and redline documents without leaving the app, negating the need to download, save and edit, and re-upload documents.

    • RTF, TXT, DOC, and DOCX files can be edited. 

    • The new document viewer will display all non-PDF documents in all phases.

    • The PDF viewer will remain in place for viewing PDFs. 

    • Documents in the Signature phase will remain read-only.

  • PM2-2723 Editing functionality is available to the current sequenced participant.

  • PM2-3591 The Phase Owner or Admin will be able to be sequenced as a participant.
    This will allow them to more closely monitor phase progression, as they'll receive update notifications, and even be able to make changes as needed.

    • The Phase Owner of a particular phase or any Admin with adequate permissions can be added as a participant and sequenced.

    • As the active participant, the turn should behave like that of a Reviewer.

    • Under the Participant Sequence expansion, the role should display as Phase Owner or Admin, respectively.

    • When accessing the phase as the active participant, the primary button will be a Submit Review button.

      • When accessing out of sequence, the Complete Phase option will be primary.

    • Workflow history will appear as it would for a Review.

    • The Phase Owner or Admin will receive appropriate notifications as though they are a Reviewer.

  • PM2-3255 Saving the document

    • Changes to a document will be auto-saved every 10 seconds.

    • There will be Save button.

    • Changes will be saved when a user submits review/approval or completes a phase.

  • PM2-2717 Document changes will be tracked and attributable to a particular user at a particular time, comparable to how MS Word tracks changes. 

    • PM2-2722 Track Changes will be turned ON by default for DOC and DOCX files.

    • PM2-3267 For other file types, including RTF and TXT, Track Changes will be turned OFF by default, and its controls will be hidden.

  • PM2-2721 If an admin or phase owner attempts to complete the phase when the document has unresolved markups, a warning will appear. 

  • PM2-3013 The current sequenced participant will be able to apply a watermark to the document, either as type or an image.

  • PM2-2708 The Admin or Phase Owner will be able to upload a document or select a template.

  • PM2-2707 The Admin or Phase Owner will be able to drag and drop a document into the document frame, which will open the Add Document modal.

  • PM2-2710 The Admin or Phase Owner will be able to select or upload multiple documents, one at a time. Each new document will create a new tab in the document editing frame.

  • PM2-2709 Document versions will be tracked as replacements are uploaded, and they will be by accessible via the View History button. 

  • PM2-3343 Add warning to Retraction dialog about document saving.

    • A Phase Owner or Admin who is about to retract a workflow currently in the Document Source or Negotiation phase will need to clearly understand which document changes will be kept and which will be lost. This will help keep users from inadvertently losing important document changes upon retraction.

    • When attempting to retract from a Document Source or Negotiation phase, the user will see this warning in the confirmation dialog box, along with the existing content:

All changes (even saved changes) made to any document since the last version was created will be lost. If you wish to keep more recent changes, you must download the document in question. For reference, a new version is created every time a document is uploaded and every time a Review or Approval is submitted.

Activation Phase

  • PM2-2878 Phase Owners will be able to edit Signatories.
    This will allow them to correct situations in which the parties who actually signed the document differ from the sequenced Signatories.

    • When a Phase Owner or Admin views the Activation phase of a workflow, they'll see a blue + icon next to Internal and External Signatory

    • When the Phase Owner or Admin clicks the + for Internal Signatory, a list of all users in the system appears with type-ahead search.

    • The Phase Owner or Admin will be able to choose among the users in the system to replace the current Signatory.

    • The Phase Owner or Admin will be able to delete an Internal Signatory.

    • When the Phase Owner or Admin clicks the + for External Signatory, the Add External Signatory modal will appear, and they'll be able to add the External Signatory, per other party.

    • The Phase Owner or Admin will be able to delete an External Signatory.

  • PM2-2863 Renewal & Expiration: Create workflow system field value, contract system field value, activation and abstract data entry for Renewal Notice Days.
    To notify users of upcoming renewal dates, we need to have a system field for the renewal notice that a party must give in order to opt out of a contract renewal.

    • Under Key Terms, there will be a system field for workflow and contracts, Renewal Notice Days.

    • The Renewal Notice Days field is an integer picker for the number of days (1-500).

  • PM2-3254 Terminated Contracts
    Enable initiation on workflows in Terminated status.

    • When viewing a contract in Terminated status, the user will be able to see and click the Initiate Workflow button;

    • As an approved user of an Amend/Extend/Renew workflow modifying a terminated contract, after completing the Activation phase of the workflow, the user will see the contract status update to Active.


  • PM2-3395 Notifications will automatically be turned OFF for contracts in Archived or Terminated status.

Reporting & Dashboard

  • PM2-2900 DEFECT FIX In the Dashboard, the Workflows in Progress widget will now show accurate percentages and counts.

  • PM2-2534 DEFECT FIX Filtering for Contract Type = Service Agreement will no longer erroneously return contracts or workflows in which Contract Type = Administrative & Financial Services Agreements.

  • PM2-3512 DEFECT FIX In the Contracts tab, Original Term information entered during the activation phase will display properly in reports.

  • PM2-3517 DEFECT FIX When applying different filters back to back, the applied filters will stay intact and show the correct information.

  • PM2-3433 DEFECT FIX Updating a saved filter will no longer remove additional columns.

  • PM2-3468 DEFECT FIX In the Contracts tab, Start Date will be renamed Activated Date.


  • PM2-3153 The Pendo application will help the MediTract team collect user analytics, as well as create and implement in-app training/guides/surveys. Customers will need to have their IT departments whitelist the following URLs:

User Profiles & Permissions

  • PM2-3337 User profiles will be reverted to the tabular format, with the tab names at the top of the user profile modal.
    There will be two to three tabs: User Profile | Contract Permissions | Timesheet Permissions (only if applicable)

  • PM2-3339 Admins will be able to copy user permissions.

    • The ability to copy permission settings will allow for faster entry of individual user’s permissions without having to re-select hundreds of location nodes.

    • The ability to assign copied permission settings to additional users will radically reduce the time and effort necessary to set up permissions of groups of users at a time.

    • On the Contract Permissions page of a user profile, Admins only will see a Copy button called underneath an existing permission set;

    • When an Admin clicks the Copy button, they'll enter edit mode for a new permission set for that user’s page, with settings identical to the Permission Set that was copied;

    • When an Admin clicks Save, a new Permission Set will be created underneath the original Permission Set.

      • When an Admin hits Cancel when editing a copied Permission Set for the first time, a new permission set will not be created.

    • When the Admin clicks Assign, they'll be able to select one or more existing user profiles to which the copied permission set may be applied.

  • PM2-3432 User Permissions Refactoring

    • While this will not result in actual UI changes, it will improve performance of the Contract Library, contract details, queue and phase details pages, especially for customers with a large number of departments.

    • If a user has ONLY the roles Workflow Moderator, Contract Moderator, Admin or Editor at the Department level, they should not be able to see a workflow or contract that includes two or more Departments in its Contract Locations.

Proxy & Out of Office

  • PM2-3418 Remove the requirement for users to pick individual proxies for each permissions set. Users will no longer have to select their proxies.

    • PM2-3419 They'll just switch the Assign proxies while I'm away? toggle to Yes if they want to be proxied.

    • Then they will enter or select the dates they'll be out of office, and click Save.

  • PM2-3420 Add a randomly selected user (with appropriate permissions) during any contract workflow sequence if an out-of-office user would be added to the sequence.

    • When a user is added to a sequence on a contract workflow, and they have an active time away period and have the proxy toggle set to YES, then that user should will not be added to the sequence;

    • Instead, the system will randomly assign a user with a permission set matching the permission of the workflow phase and the role the out-of-office user would have played;

      • When a proxy user is added to a workflow phase sequence, and they are not already a participant on that workflow, they will be added as a participant;

      • When a proxy user is added to a workflow phase sequence, the UI will note they are a proxy;

      • If there is no valid proxy user, i.e. there is no other user with a permission set matching the role, location, type of the workflow phase, then the original out-of-office user will be added.

    • PM2-3421 Proxy replacement will happen even if the out-of-office user is sequenced from a form field trigger, provided the above conditions are met.


User Groups

  • PM2-2908 Add the option to filter by Role when creating or editing a user group. This will make it easier to find users with the desired roles, particularly in large organizations.

    • The Role filter has a multi-select menu with every role in the system EXCEPT Abstractor;

    • It has the Any/All toggle.

Approved Language

  • PM2-3321 In the add approved language modal, the Organization header no longer overlaps Expand All | Collapse All | Select All | Deselect All.

Workflow Templates

  • PM2-3569 DEFECT FIX In the workflow templates table, filtering for the Action Type = New will no longer erroneously include Action Type = Renew workflow templates in the results.

  • PM2-3356 DEFECT FIX Deleting a form phase from a workflow template will now work as expected.

  • PM2-3435 Check the permissions of the selected participants if locations or contract types are updated.
    If the Location/Contract Type configuration does not match the added participant's permissions, the user will see the following popup:
    The updates made to the Locations or Contract Types do not match the permissions for the participants added. The participants without the appropriate permissions will be removed from this Workflow Template.
    Are you sure you want to save the changes?
    If the user clicks Yes:

    • The participants will be reset to default.

    • The Phase Owner will be set to Initiator (Other Party)

    • All others participants will be removed.

If the user clicks No, take me back, the warning will close and the user can make changes.

  • PM2-3413 Workflow templates can be assigned to multiple contract types.

    • Admins will be able to select multiple contract types in the workflow template builder.

    • The list of available participants (Phase Owners, Reviewers, Approvers, and Signatories) for each phase added to the workflow template will be filtered to match all of the applied contract types.

Because the list of available participants is filtered by contract types, for a user to be available for selection as a participant, their permissions must match all the contract types selected.

  • PM2-3527 Because a workflow template can be associated with multiple contract types, the Contract Type field will be removed from the General Info card in the left pane on the Add/Edit Workflow modals.

  • PM2-3495 Modify the Location display to support multiple locations.
    To support the ability to assign Workflow Templates to multiple locations, the location card will be removed from the left pane on the Add/Edit Workflow modals and replaced with a link to view the locations selected on the organization hierarchy.

    • The Select Locations link will be located at the top of the left pane.

    • The link will always be accessible.

    • Clicking the link will open the organization hierarchy in edit mode.

  • PM2-3211 A user group can be selected as a participant (Reviewer, Approver, or Signatory) in a workflow phase. When the workflow is initiated, the user group will be filtered by members with a matching permission set and assigned to the phase.
    Admins will be able to add user groups for the following:

    • Form Phase

      • Reviewer

      • Approver

    • Document Source Phase

      • Reviewer

      • Approver

    • Signature Phase

      • Reviewer

      • Approver

      • Signatory

    • Negotiation Phase

      • Reviewer

      • Approver

    • Activation Phase

      • Reviewer

      • Approver

  • PM2-3429 If a group is assigned to the participant sequence on a workflow template, then a randomly selected member of the group will be added to the participant sequence when the workflow is initiated.

    • When the workflow is initiated, that group will be filtered by members with a matching permission set, and a random member of that filtered sub-group will be assigned to the Participant Sequence panel.

    • If there is no valid candidate in the sub-group, then the Participant Sequence panel will not be populated.

  • PM2-3414  Remove the inheritance restriction when selecting a location for a workflow template.
    This will give Admins the flexibility to assign any location to a workflow.

    • They'll be able to select any node on the organization hierarchy when setting up a workflow template.

    • Workflow templates will be available for selection on the Initiation Form if the location node selected on the Workflows Template matches the Permission Location on the Initiation Form exactly (i.e. the lowest node that is shared by all valid Entity/Site/Department branches).

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