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Contract Expiration Notification Schedule

Why do this?

You can customize the contract expiration notification schedule to better serve your organization’s needs.

Who can do this?

Only Admins can edit the contract expiration notification schedule.

Additional Considerations

  • These settings will be applied to every contract in the organization.

  • Notifications cannot be sent after a contract’s expiration date. However, you can build a recurring report on expired contracts and schedule it for delivery to specific users.

If you delete the schedule (default is 0,5,7,10,30,60,90,120) and leave the field blank, then no contract expiration notifications will be sent!

How to Set the Contract Expiration Notification Schedule

  • Go to Admin > Application Settings.

  • In the Contract Expiration Notification Schedule field, enter a positive integer for each number of days prior to contract expiration that you want the contract expiration notification to be sent.
    For example, if you enter <25,50,100>, then the contract expiration notices would be sent to responsible parties 100, 50, and 25 days before the contract was set to expire.

Notifications cannot be sent after a contract’s expiration date. However, you can build a recurring report on expired contracts and schedule it for delivery to specific users.

  • Separate the numbers using commas. Do not enter spaces.

  • When finished, click Save.

If you delete the schedule (default is 0,5,7,10,30,60,90,120) and leave the field blank, then no contract expiration notices will be sent!

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