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DocuSign Troubleshooting

symplr Contract supports digital signatures (e-signatures) by integrating with DocuSign, an independent service unaffiliated with symplr. 

Occasionally, issues may arise with your DocuSign integration. Below are some common issues and associated troubleshooting steps to help you resolve issues quickly.

Setup was completed, but integration fails during testing.

Symptom: The setup steps were followed, including granting consent and receiving the expected 404 “Nothing Here” page, but the test envelopes fail.

Resolution steps

  1. Verify sign-in credentials:

    • Sign in using the Integration User's credentials.

    • Verify the user icon in the upper-right corner shows the Integration User, confirming that the name and email address are correct.

  2. Check admin permissions:

    • Navigate to Settings > Users in DocuSign. If the Integration User lacks admin permissions, another DocuSign admin must grant them sufficient access.

  3. Validate the API Username:

    • Confirm the Integration User’s User ID (API Username) matches the one provided in the symplr support ticket. Submit a new ticket if corrections are needed.

  4. Retry authentication:

    • Ensure the user signs out of DocuSign, clicks the authentication link, and signs in as the Integration User with the correct credentials.

  5. Repeat the DocuSign Integration Setup steps. If an issue arises, it’s fine to repeat the integration steps outlined in the configuration guide. Re-doing the setup will not cause harm, even if everything was functioning previously.

  6. Contact symplr Support if still unresolved:

    • If the issue persists, document the exact error details and steps taken. Submit a ticket with relevant information for further investigation.

SSO prevents the Integration User from signing in.

Symptom: Users cannot sign in as the Integration User because Single Sign-On (SSO) automatically signs them into their personal accounts.

Resolution steps

  1. Identify the issue:

    • Verify sign-in attempts by checking the user icon in the DocuSign UI. Ensure it shows the Integration User’s credentials, not the user’s personal DocuSign account.

  2. Create an SSO exception:

Temporary workaround: If creating an SSO exception is not feasible, use an individual’s email address for the Integration User temporarily. Update the Integration User once the SSO issue is resolved.

Integration User’s email address is associated with multiple accounts.

Symptom: Authentication fails when the Integration User's email is linked to multiple DocuSign accounts.

Resolution steps

  1. Avoid shared emails:

    • To prevent conflicts, use a unique email address for the Integration User.

  2. Switch default accounts (if necessary):

Integration User’s account must be changed.

Symptom: Usually, this occurs if an actual person was used to create the Integration User and then that person leaves the organization.

Resolution step

If the Integration User account needs to be changed, repeat all setup steps. To minimize downtime, repeat steps 3-6 outlined in the <link to integration setup page>.

Integration stops working.

Symptoms: Errors occur when starting a phase or the DocuSign UI fails to launch.

Resolution steps

  1. Ensure that the files being uploaded to the workflow adhere to DocuSign’s file size limitations <INSERT LINK>.

  2. Under DocuSign Account Settings, ensure settings such as "Enable Needs to View Role" are correctly configured, especially for non-signatory participants.

  3. Check that the Integration User account is active and has the appropriate admin permissions. If re-enabling the account fails to resolve the issue, recreate the Integration User and repeat the setup process.

  4. Check for missing email addresses among Signatory Phase participants:

    • Verify all participants, including non-signatories, have valid email addresses in their records.

    • Review and ensure all DocuSign Setting Recommendations have been followed and set correctly.

Envelopes fail to sync in workflow after signature completion.

Symptom: Envelopes completed in DocuSign don't sync back to symplr Contract.

Resolution steps

  1. Check for recipient mismatch:

    • Ensure the list of recipients in DocuSign matches exactly what is listed in symplr Contract. Any discrepancies can prevent syncing.

    • Emphasize to Signatory Phase Owners that recipient changes should always be made in symplr Contract, not in DocuSign.

  2. Avoid double-clicking Start Phase in symplr Contract, as this can cause syncing failures.

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