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Gift Alert Release 2024.0.1

This item was released to production on February 7th, 2024.


Add an Attachment when Entering a Gift [773906]

This feature will allow Gift Alert Admins and Editors to upload an attachment when adding a gift. This will allow a quick, easy way to store supplemental information about the gift, such as a receipt, photo, or approval document.

  • A user can add multiple attachments to a single gift entry, but must add those attachments individually.

  • This feature supports the following file formats: PDF, DOCX, XLSX, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, MSG

  • The maximum supported file size is 300 MB.

  • Attempting to upload an unsupported file will return an error.

  • A Gift Alert Admin, Editor, or Moderator can download an attachment.

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