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Microsoft 365 Integration Troubleshooting Guide

Document Editor

There’s a message in the document editor stating that it’s in Compatibility Mode.

The document has unsupported features. For more information, see Using compatibility mode in Word for the web - Microsoft Support.

In an Open Review Negotiation Phase, the document history is only saving a new document version after the phase is completed. Why isn’t it saving a new version whenever a user completes their turn?

The introduction of true co-authoring, i.e. simultaneous editing, made saving multiple versions during ongoing edits impractical.

If you have a file open in the Microsoft document editor and sign out of symplr, it may take a few minutes for the “changes cannot be saved” alert to appear.

Avoid attempting to edit documents in the Microsoft document editor after signing out of symplr Contract.

Changes made to Excel files aren’t auto-saving.

Exit the cell where the changes were made. (Press the Enter or Tab key.)

Track Changes is on by default.

If you turn on Track Changes in a SmartTemplate in the Document Library, then Track Changes will be on by default when a document based on that template is opened in the M365 document editor.

When using the Tab key within a document, redlines aren’t displaying properly.

Here are precautions you can take to reduce the likelihood of sending out a document with unresolved red lines:

  • If the unresolved markup banner is present but you see no redlines in the document, download the document, accept the redline changes and then upload the updated document.

  • When making formatting changes, especially indenting text using the Tab key, turn off Track Changes.

The unresolved markup banner doesn’t refresh for the current active participant when they close the document editor.

Because of this, a user might complete their turn without realizing there are unresolved markups. This is a known issue that will be fixed in a future release.


Cutting and pasting a SmartTag to a different area in the document breaks the SmartTag.

Instead of pasting SmartTags, always use the add-in.

The application isn’t inserting spaces before and after SmartTags.

Manually add any desired spaces around the SmartTags.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.