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Mount Fuji Release Notes

These items were deployed to production the morning of Friday, December 6th, 2019.


  • PM2-4006 Disable system emails when the signature type is digital.

    • To avoid confusing signatories with duplicative emails, signatories using DocuSign will only receive emails from DocuSign regarding the need for their signatures.

    • MediTract emails regarding the need for their signature will no longer be sent to signatories using DocuSign.


  • PM2-4120 DEFECT FIX A user is receiving a permissions error when attempting to move through the phases of an Amend workflow. This has been fixed. The user will be able to move through Amend workflow phases as expected.

  • PM2-4122 DEFECT FIX When an Approver clicks Submit Approval, the page does not update to reflect that it is the next participant's turn.

    • Although the Submit Approval action goes through, the page doesn't show this unless the user refreshes the page.

    • This has been fixed. The Submit Approval button will disappear upon being clicked, and the page will show the message that it is no longer that Approver's turn.

  • PM2-4109 DEFECT FIX Text entered in the Edit Description modal is retained across workflows.

    • If a user would enter and save any text in the Edit Description field of a workflow header, then open the Edit Description modal in another workflow, they would see the text they'd entered in that modal in the previous workflow.

    • This has been fixed. The Edit Description modal will no longer retain entered text between workflows.

  • PM2-4129 DEFECT FIX In the Signature Phase, if the signature type is nil or null, then it will default to Ink.

    • If the signature type was nil or null, then the Start Phase button in the Signature Phase would be disabled.

    • This has been fixed. Signature types with the value nil or null will default to Ink.

  • PM2-3917 When a user clicks Save Changes after editing a form in a workflow, they’ll receive a Changes saved notification.

  • PM2-3818, PM2-3866 For flexible org tree support, the error message that appears when the initiator fails to select a Contract Location has been simplified.

    • Instead of specifying each type of node, the message will simply read as follows: Please select a Contract Location.

    • Initiators will no longer be required to select an Entity, Site, and Department. They will be able to select a single node in the Contract Location selector.

    • If the location node selected is a Department under a Site and/or Entity, the Site and/or Entity will still be selected as part of the Contract Location.

    • Any node selected will automatically include all parent nodes above it, and the user will be given the option to include any child nodes.

  • PM2-3814 Add the Reassign Workflow option to the … (ellipsis) menu where Cancel and Retract are listed.

    • Reassignment is a streamlined way to cancel an incorrect workflow, launch a new workflow with updated Contract Type and/or Location selections, and migrate any in-flight data. This replaces the current, rather cumbersome practice of canceling a workflow and initiating a brand new workflow from scratch.

      • The reassigned workflow will be generated from the Initiation phase.

      • Users who had permission on the old workflow do not automatically get permission on the new workflow.

      • The *initiator is set to the user who performed the reassignment.

      • Only an Admin or the current Phase Owner can reassign a workflow.

    • To reassign a workflow:

      • On the workflow page, click on the … (ellipsis).

      • In the dropdown, select Reassign Workflow.

    • In the Reassign workflow modal, the user can select a different Contract Type, a different Contract Location, and a different Workflow Template.

      • The available selections for these criteria follow the same logic employed in the Initiation phase.

      • The Action Type of the new workflow will match that of the original workflow.

      • Any Contract linked to the original workflow (if Action is Amend/Renew/Terminate/Extend) will automatically link to the new workflow.

    • To complete the process, click Reassign. You'll be redirected to the worklist.

      • The number of Days Active for the workflow will be reset to 0.

      • To cancel reassignment, click Cancel. You'll be redirected to the current phase of the workflow.

  • PM2-3815 When reassigning a workflow, migrate data and attachments from the original workflow to the new workflow.

    • Any documents or attachments added to the original workflow will be retained in the new workflow.

    • Provided that a form field exists in both workflow templates, form field values entered in the original workflow will be retained in the new workflow. 


  • PM2-3971 Create a (back-end) toggle to turn off confidential comments.

    • Some customers do not want their users to have access to confidential comments because they need their legal teams to see all comments.

    • When the (back-end) toggle for Disable Private Comments is turned ON, the MAKE PRIVATE checkbox in the Comment feature will be unavailable.

Contract Library

  • PM2-4094 Carry over numeric field formatting options from the form to the contract summary page.
    The numeric field formatting applied to form fields in a workflow will, upon activation, be applied to the those same fields on the contract summary page.

  • PM2-4061 DEFECT FIX Fields in the summary tab disappear after navigating to another tab, then back to the summary tab.

    • In a contract file, when a user would navigate from the summary tab to another tab, and then back to the summary tab, all the non-key terms fields would disappear.

    • The fields would reappear upon refreshing the page.

    • This has been fixed, and the non-key terms fields will now appear as expected.


  • PM2-4125 DEFECT FIX In the Form Template Builder, the Required setting should be ignored on a hidden field if that hidden field has not been triggered on a workflow.

    • In the Form Template Builder, a triggered field can be set as Required.

    • This introduced a problem in which if a Required field was not triggered in a workflow, the user would be unable to complete the Form Phase.

    • This has been fixed. The Required setting on a hidden field (i.e. triggered field that has not been triggered) will not prevent the completion of a Form Phase.

  • PM2-3997 DEFECT FIX When creating, copying, or editing records in the Approved Language Library, the Admin can neither select nor deselect Organizations and Entities. This has been fixed. Organizations and Entities can now be selected and deselected.

  • PM2-4007 DEFECT FIX In the Document Template Library, the Document Category is not retained upon saving.

    • When an Admin would select a Document Category while adding or editing a document template, the selected value would not be retained upon saving. 

    • This has been fixed. When adding or editing a document template, the selected Document Category will be saved.

Form Template Builder

  • The Form Template Builder can only be used by Admins.

  • Form templates are not associated with Locations or Contract Types.

  • Form templates are displayed in a standard table, which has the Filter, Manage Columns, and Export widgets like other tables within the application.

How to access the form template builder

  • In the Menu bar, click on Admin, then select Organization Management.

  • Click the Form Templates tab.

How to create a form template

  • Click Add New Form Template. The New Form Template modal will open.

  • REQUIRED: Enter the Form Template Name. The name must be unique.

  • Enter any general instructions you'd like to display on the form in a contract workflow.

To add a URL (link) for reference, click + Add URL. 

To add an attachment, click + Add Attachment.

  • Select an attachment.

  • In the Add Attachment modal, edit the Attachment Name if you want. This field is required, but it defaults to the file name of the attachment you uploaded.

  • Enter a description.

Attachments and URLs will be listed in the workflow. 

  • To change the order in which attachments and/or URLs are displayed, drag them by the three-bars icon and drop them where you want them.

  • To edit an attachment or URL, click on its pencil icon.

  • To delete an attachment or URL, click on its trash can icon. Be careful—there's no confirmation for this action!

  • To save the form template and continue work on it, click Save.


  • To save and close the form template, click Save and Close.

  • To preview the form template, click Form Template Preview. This action is unavailable until the form template has been saved.

To make the form template active, click the Inactive toggle.

This action is unavailable until the form template has been saved.

Only active form templates will be available in the workflow template builder.

Once a form template has been added to a workflow template, you will be unable to change its status to inactive.

How to add a section to a form template

If you haven’t done so already, save the form template.

+ Add Section is unavailable until the form template has been saved.

In the Add (or Edit) Form Template modal, click + Add Section.

Each time you create a section and save your work, it will be available for use on other form templates.

To create a new section, select Add New Section.

  • REQUIRED: Enter the Section Name.

  • Add any instructions.

  • Add any reference docs, i.e. attachments or URLs.

Drag and drop the fields you want from the fields list into the form space.

To filter the list, start typing in the Filter Fields bar.

To rearrange fields, drag them by the three-bars icon and drop them where you want them.

To add an existing section, select Add Existing Section.

  • Select the section you want to add from the dropdown. You'll see a preview of the section.

  • Click Add.

  • To edit a section, click its pencil icon.

If you edit an existing section (as opposed to one you just created), upon saving, you'll be asked whether you want to apply the change to all form templates that use that section, or create a new section by copying.

  • When you're finished editing, click Save.

  • To delete a section, click its trash can icon. Be careful—there's no confirmation for this action!

How to manage field properties

  • In a form template section, click on Properties under the field you'd like to manage. The Manage Field Properties modal will open.

  • Under Field Label, you can change the text that appears in a field before the user starts typing in it. Note that this does not affect the actual field name.

  • To make the field required, check the Required box.

  • To add a tooltip, check the Tooltip box, then enter the tooltip in the free text field that appears. This text will appear when the user hovers the cursor over the field.

  • To add a default value, check the Default value box, then enter the value in the text field that appears.

  • Add any reference docs, i.e. attachments or URLs.

For numeric fields only:

  • To display a dollar sign, check the Display dollar sign box.

  • To add a comma to values greater than or equal to one thousand, check the Thousands separator box. 

  • When finished, click Save.

How to create a form trigger

  • In a form template section, click on Triggers under the field to which you'd like to add a trigger. The Manage Field Triggers modal will open.

  • Select the Operator (Equal To, Not Equal To, Greater than, etc.)

  • Enter the value to check, such as “BAA Required” <Equal to> “Yes”.

  • To add another condition, click + Add Condition, then select either AND or OR.

Select a Trigger Action:

  • Display Field: Select a field to display.

  • Add Role to Phase: When this form template is added to a workflow template, the user will be required to set the Phase, Role, and User.

  • Notify Phase Owner: The Phase Owner will receive an email notification that the trigger condition has been met.

  • When finished, click Save.

Numeric Fields

  • PM2-3986 Add formatting options for numeric fields.
    To make numeric field values easier to read within a workflow, the following formats can be applied:

    • Number of decimal places

      • The user can select 0-5.

      • The default is 3 (to accommodate .545 mileage reimbursement).

      • This is only visible for decimal field type, not integer.

    • Display dollar sign: $

    • Thousand separator: 10,000

Form Styling

  • PM2-3834 Add two-column formatting to duplicate the way the user creates the form. 

  • PM2-3913 Add Required Field Refactoring

    • Display a red asterisk (*) to indicate that a field is required.

    • Display Required Field! when required fields are left unanswered after clicking Complete Phase.

  • PM2-3920 Add Title and Section Header distinctions.
    The form title text is larger than the section header text.

  • PM2-3910 Add section delineations.
    If a form has multiple sections, the Section Header will be followed by a bar beneath it, distinguishing one section from another.

  • PM2-3912 Add a distinction between Form, Section, and Field URLs and attachments.
    All URLs and/or attachments added to a form, section, or field are added below the Form Title, Section Header, or field to which they apply.

  • PM2-3911 Add document and web link symbols to inform the user if they are opening a web page or a document.

    • To help with distinguish between sections, use the Multi-Page toggle on the Form. 

    • The required field warning only appears after other required and/or non-required fields are populated.


  • PM2-3698 BUG FIX In Internet Explorer, add a grabber for dragging and dropping fields into form template sections.

    • In Internet Explorer, the will grabber appear as the crosshair symbol.

    • In Chrome and Firefox, the grabber already appears as the hand symbol.

  • PM2-4034 Add enhanced indicators for adding fields to the form template.
    When adding a field to a form, the indicator for where the field should be dropped is now displayed as a larger dashed grey line.

  • PM2-3840 When multiple triggers are set up to insert the same Reviewer/Approver/Signatory into a single phase, that user should only be added to the phase once. The system will take into account that the user has already been added as a participant.


  • PM2-3867 To accommodate flexible org trees, TERMS locations will terminate at the leaf node in the org tree, which may be Department or another node type, such as Site.

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