Mount Olympus Release Notes
These items were deployed to production the morning of Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020.
PM2-6382 DEFECT FIX If the filename of a document or attachment contained an apostrophe, then attempting to download a document or view it in the document viewer would return an error.
This has been fixed; documents and attachments with apostrophes in their filenames will download and display as expected.
PM2-6392 DEFECT FIX Numeric custom fields that recently had the data type changed from text value to big decimal are not displaying decimals.
This has been fixed; numeric custom fields containing decimals will display as expected.
PM2-3273 BUG FIX In-app (bell) notifications would fail to automatically refresh.
This has been fixed; in-app notifications will automatically refresh as expected.
Filter Logic for Action Types
PM2-4815 When initiating a workflow on an existing contract, the Action Types dropdown will be filtered based on applicable workflow templates.
This will improve the experience of the user by only showing them valid selections in the Action Type dropdown.
The user will have to select a Contract Location and a Contract before selecting the Action Type.
This is slightly counterintuitive because the Action Type field is above the Contract field.
For an Action Type to appear in the Action Type dropdown, there must be a workflow template associated with that Action Type, as well as the selected Contract Location.
DocuSign Envelope Voiding with Retraction
Prior to this enhancement, if a workflow was retracted to the Signature Phase or any phase before it, nothing would happen to any sent DocuSign envelopes. This could result in multiple versions of a document being out for signature. Voiding any DocuSign envelopes for turns negated by workflow retraction will avoid the confusion inherent to this situation.
PM2-6070 When a workflow is retracted to the Signature Phase or any phase before it, any associated DocuSign envelopes will be voided.
In case of multiple Signature Phases, only those meeting the retraction criteria will be voided.
For example, if a workflow has two Signature Phases and the Phase Owner retracts the workflow to the beginning of the second Signature Phase, the DocuSign envelopes in the first Signature Phase would be unaffected.
Signatories in retracted phases will receive both a retraction email from TractManager and a voided electronic signature email from DocuSign.
If the Signatory already signed, they will be able to see the voided document in DocuSign. It will show a prominent VOID watermark.
New DocuSign envelopes will be created when the Signature Phase is restarted.
If the Signatory had not signed, they will be unable to see the document in DocuSign.
DocuSign Signature Status Check
Occasionally, a DocuSign error may cause CLM and DocuSign to get out of sync. Prior to this enhancement, this sometimes resulted in a fully executed document needing to be retracted and handled manually.
Providing a way for the Phase Owner or Admin to request an updated DocuSign status from within the CLM workflow while the signatures are in progress will help avoid these unnecessary steps.
PM2-6071 In a digital Signature Phase, the Phase Owner or Admin will be able to click the Check Status button to request the status from DocuSign.
This button will be available to the Phase Owner or Admin in a digital Signature Phase that has been submitted for signatures but not completed.
Upon clicking Check Status, the user will see a loading indicator as CLM retrieves the status from DocuSign.
If you click Check Status before anyone has completed a signature in DocuSign, then the document viewer will not display an updated version.
If you click Check Status after at least one person completed a signature in DocuSign, then the document viewer will display the most recently signed version.
If a Signatory has completed their signature, then a checkmark will display to the right of their name in the Signatory Sequence accordion.
PM2-6355 DEFECT FIX If an Admin entered a duplicative name for a workflow template, then the Save or Copy button would be enabled.
The “Names must be unique” message would appear as expected.
Attempting to save the workflow template with a duplicative name would return an error. However, the Save or Copy button should be disabled if the Workflow Template Name is not unique.
This has been fixed; if an Admin enters a Workflow Template Name that has been applied to another workflow template (whether active or inactive), then the Save or Copy button will be disabled.
Role Manager
Admins will be able to designate default assignees within new and existing user groups.
This will utilize the existing Default Assignee checkbox in the user profile.
Whenever possible, the system will assign a Default Assignee to a workflow instead of picking a member of the user group at random.
Newly added permissions-based filtering logic will make it easier to create and edit user groups based on Role, Locations, and Contract Type permissions.
Within the user group management screen, the Admin will be able to export Default Assignments as well as the permissions of user group members.
DISCLAIMER: There are several small, documented issues with Role Manager. We are working on solutions for these issues, and we will deploy them as soon as possible.
PM2-6406 In the Add Group Members table, External Parties will appear only after a selection is made or a filter is applied.
PM2-6407 In the Add Group Members table, the cursor fails to indicate that the Edit icon can be clicked on when hovering over it. (It works despite the appearance.) The cursor will also change to a link cursor just outside the Select People checkbox.
PM2-6322 In a user group with multiple Phase Owners, within a workflow, the assigned Phase Owner is also listed (but not sequenced) as a Reviewer, despite not having a Reviewer role.
PM2-5264 To add a Default Assignee to a user group:
In the User Groups table, click on a user group to open it.
PM2-5070 Click the caret to open the Default Assignees accordion. (PM2-5783 The Default Assignees accordion is collapsed by default.)
PM2-5465 If you hover over the Info icon to the right of the Default Assignees accordion, you’ll see the following text: The system will attempt to assign the following users, in order, based on their permissions. If none of the Default Assignees have matching permissions, the system will automatically route to another valid group member.
Click Add Default Assignee.
Note: To be selected as a default assignee:
The user must already be a member of the user group.
The user must have the Default Assignee checkbox checked in their user profile for at least one permission set.
In the add new assignee modal, select the user (or users) you want to designate as a Default Assignee, then click Add.
To discard your changes, click Cancel.
The modal will close and you’ll be returned to the user groups management screen.
Default Assignees can be reordered and deleted within the Default Assignees accordion.
To change the order of the Default Assignees, click and drag the double-arrow to the right of a user name.
To delete a user from the Default Assignees list, click the delete icon to the right of the user name.
PM2-5071, PM2-5506 If the first user in the Default Assignees list lacks sufficient permissions to be assigned to a workflow, then the system will attempt to assign the next user on the list.
If no users on the Default Assignees list have sufficient permissions for the workflow, then a random user from the group with sufficient permissions will be assigned.
The assignment of the Default Assignee does not prevent other members of the user group from being added as participants when a user group is assigned as participants for a workflow template. However, only the Default Assignee will be assigned as Phase Owner or sequenced as a Reviewer or Approver.
PM2-5750 If a Default Assignee’s permissions are changed so that they is no longer eligible to be a Default Assignee (i.e. an Admin unchecks the Default Assignee checkbox in the user’s permissions), then the next time that user group is opened, the ineligible Default Assignee will automatically be removed from the Default Assignees list.
PM2-5588 To export the Default Assignee information for a user group, click Export Default Assignments.
This will download a CSV file of the Default Assignees list containing the following information: User | Role | Contract Type | Contract Location
The spreadsheet will be formatted to show a separate row for every unique combination of User, Role, Contract Type, and Contract Location, so that multiple roles will be devoted to each user.
PM2-5887 For convenience, individual user permissions can be accessed in the Add Group Members table.
To open a manage user modal, click the Edit icon to the left of the user name. You’ll be able to edit the user’s permissions.
PM2-5503 To filter the Add Group Members table by permissions:
REQUIRED: Select one or more applicable Contract Locations.
REQUIRED: Select the applicable Role.
REQUIRED: Select one or more applicable Contract Types.
Contract Location, Role, and Contract Type must all be specified for the filter to work.
If you want, check the Default Assignee checkbox to filter for users who have Default Assignee permissions.
Click Check Permissions. The Add Group Members table will be filtered according to the criteria you selected.
PM2-5783 The Add Group Member accordion is expanded by default.
PM2-5936 To export the permissions information for a user group, click Export Group Permissions.
This will download a CSV file of the (non-Default Assignee) user group members list containing the following information: User | Role | Contract Type | Contract Location
The spreadsheet will be formatted to show a separate row for every unique combination of User, Role, Contract Type, and Contract Location, so that multiple roles will be devoted to each user.
PM2-6080 In the timesheet header, the field name font is smaller, lighter, and italicized. The field value font is larger and heavier, adding visual emphasis.
PM2-5510 Custom Certification Text will be visible to Timesheet Reporters certifying their timesheets in the mobile app.
Timesheet Assistant
The new role of Timesheet Assistant (known as Reporting Party Proxy in Legacy TERMS) will allow designated users to add, edit, and delete time entries on the behalf of Timesheet Reporters (Providers).
The Timesheet Assistant cannot certify a timesheet. Only the Timesheet Reporter or an Admin can do that.
PM2-5407 Under Contract Summary Page > Timesheets > Add New Timesheets, the Timesheet Assistant field will appear under Reporter Info.
The field is optional, as not all timesheets will have a Timesheet Assistant.
To be eligible for selection as a Timesheet Assistant:
The user must have the role of Timesheet Assistant under their Timesheet Permissions.
The user must be a Provider Contract in the Provider Profile associated with the timesheet.
PM2-5409 The Timesheet Assistant will appear in the timesheet header beneath the Provider.
If the timesheet has no designated Timesheet Assistant, then the field will be hidden.
PM2-5408 The Timesheet Assistant can be edited under Contract Summary Page > Timesheets > Edit Timesheet Schedule.
The Admin can add, change, or remove the Timesheet Assistant.
Changes will be applied to timesheets generated after the change has been saved.
The Timesheet Assistant can only be edited on Active scheduled timesheets.
PM2-5541 The Timesheet Assistant has the same permissions as the Timesheet Reporter, with the notable exception that the Timesheet Assistant cannot certify a timesheet.
Like other roles the Timesheet Assistant is set at the Organization level within a tenant.
The Timesheet Assistant can:
Access the menu bar items My Worklist, Feedback, and Help. (If the Timesheet Assistant has additional roles, they may be able to see additional items.)
Access timesheets to which they have been added as a Timesheet Assistant.
Add, edit and delete time entries.
Add, edit and delete attachments.
View comments.
Add comments.
Edit and delete comments that they added.
The Timesheet Assistant cannot:
Certify a timesheet.
The Timesheet Assistant will receive the same email and in-app (bell) notifications that are sent to the time reporter:
PM2-5413, PM2-5527 Reminder to enter time
PM2-5525, PM2-5526 New timesheet has been generated
PM2-5528, PM2-5529 Timesheet has been rejected
PM2-5530, PM2-5532 Timesheet locked
PM2-5531, PM2-5533 Timesheet unlocked
In a future release, the Timesheet Assistant will be able to manage these notifications under Account Settings > Notifications.
The Timesheet Assistant will see all the timesheets they are assigned in My Worklist.
A Timesheet Assistant may be assigned to timesheets for multiple Providers.
PM2-5422 Under Reporting > Timesheets and Timesheet Configs, the Timesheet Assistant field has been added to the following places:
Filter Table widget (as a multi-select field)
Manage Columns widget
Timesheet Certification Deadline
A physician's employment contract may require that the physician submit his timesheet within a certain number of days after service in order to be paid. This feature will help the organization ensure providers are compliant with their contract terms.
PM2-3525 How to set a certification deadline:
Navigate to the contract summary page > Timesheets > Add New Timesheets.
Check the Add Certification Deadline checkbox.
The Certification deadline is < > days from last day of pay period field will appear.
Enter the number of days.
PM2-5154 How to edit a certification deadline:
Navigate to the contract summary page > Timesheets > Manage Scheduled Timesheets.
In the Certification deadline is < > days from last day of pay period field, edit the number of days.
Changes will be applied to timesheets generated after the change has been saved.
To remove a certification deadline, uncheck the Add Certification Deadline checkbox.
The Timesheet Assistant can only be edited on Active scheduled timesheets.
PM2-5324 The Certification Deadline will be displayed prominently on the timesheet.
The Certification Expiration field will appear in the timesheet header.
If the date is within 30 days, it will appear in red.
It will appear in all phases.
When the timesheet workflow is opened, a banner above the phase tracker will show the date of the Certification Deadline.
Click the X to close the banner.
PM2-5337 MOBILE APP The Certification Deadline will be displayed on the mobile timesheet.
If the date is within 30 days, the Days to Certify field will also be displayed.
Locked Timesheets
PM2-4630 If the timesheet is not certified before the Certification Deadline, then it will be locked to prevent any changes.
The Status will change from Active to Locked.
When the timesheet workflow is opened, a banner above the phase tracker will state that the timesheet is locked.
The timesheet will be read-only, and all buttons will be hidden or disabled.
Time entries can neither be added nor modified.
Comments cannot be added.
Attachments can neither be added nor modified.
Previously added time entries and data will be retained.
PM2-5157 The new timesheet status of Locked will indicate that a timesheet was not certified before the Certification Deadline.
This status suspends the workflow as opposed to completing it.
Once the Admin unlocks a timesheet, it will return to Active status.
In My Worklist, users will need to switch ON the Include Previously Completed Items toggle to see locked timesheets.
The Locked status will appear in the Status column of My Worklist table.
Locked status will appear in the Status column under Contract Summary Page > Timesheets tab > Timesheets table.
PM2-6068 Timesheet Reporter: How to request that your timesheet be unlocked:
On the banner above the phase tracker, click on CLICK HERE TO CONTACT YOUR ADMINISTRATOR.
A modal will open with this message:
This timesheet was not certified by the certification deadline and has been locked. Please contact the administer if you have any questions.Click the Contract Administrator button.
In your default email application, a new email will open with the Admin’s email address auto-filled in the To field so that you can email the Admin about getting your timesheet unlocked.
PM2-4650 MOBILE APP Timesheet Reporter: How to request that your timesheet be unlocked:
Under Current Phase: Locked, click Contract Admin.
A new email will open with the Admin’s email address auto-filled in the To field so that you can email the Admin about getting your timesheet unlocked.
PM2-4631 How to unlock a timesheet:
Only an Admin can unlock a timesheet.
On the banner above the phase tracker, click on CLICK HERE TO UNLOCK TIMESHEET.
In the unlock timesheet modal, select the number of days to extend the Certification Deadline.
The new certification deadline will be the current date plus the number of days entered.
The number of days must be between 1 and 90.
Click Unlock Timesheet. The timesheet will return to Active status so that it can be certified, and the new Certification Deadline will appear on the timesheet.
If the timesheet is not certified by the new Certification Deadline, it will be locked again.
PM2-5351 MOBILE APP Once an Admin unlocks a timesheet, the Timesheet Reporter will be able to add, edit, and delete time entries, as well as certify the timesheet within the mobile app.
PM2-5370 Under Reporting > Timesheets, the Certification Deadline and Unlock Date fields have been added to the following places:
Filter Table widget (as both fixed- and relative-range date pickers)
Manage Columns widget
PM2-5924 Under Reporting > Timesheet Configs, the Certification Period Duration In Days field has been added to the following places:
Filter Table widget (as a single integer or a range)
Manage Columns widget
PM2-5887, PM2-5888 If a timesheet is locked, then the Reminder to enter time in-app (bell) and email notifications will not be sent.
The Certification Deadline Date will be added to the following in-app and email notifications:
PM2-5165, PM2-5357 Reminder to enter time
PM2-5352 Timesheet has been generated
PM2-4681, PM2-5358 The Timesheet Reporter and Timesheet Assistant will receive in-app and email notifications two days before the Certification Deadline reminding them of the approaching deadline.
PM2-5353, PM2-5359 The Timesheet Reporter and Timesheet Assistant will receive in-app and email notifications when a timesheet has been locked.
PM2-5364, PM2-5367 The Timesheet Reporter and Timesheet Assistant will receive in-app and email notifications when a timesheet has been unlocked