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Mount Tibidabo Release Notes

These items were deployed on the morning of Thursday, August 5th, 2021.


PM2-5156 Simultaneous Workflows

Some contracts are set up with a master service agreement, and different services stemming from that base agreement are initiated as amendments to it. To facilitate this, Admins need the ability to initiate multiple workflows on a single contract record concurrently, so that they can quickly update the contract information as required by regulatory bodies and organizational policy.

Worklist & Workflows

PM2-8420 If a user initiates a workflow on a contract that has another workflow in progress, that user will see a confirmation modal:

Other Workflows in Progress for this Contract

The following other workflows are in progress for this contract. Documents, attachments, and field values in these workflows may overwrite each other. Because the order in which these workflows are activated will affect the final contract, you should work with the other Phase Managers or Admins to ensure these workflows are activated in the correct order:

<Workflow Name> | Current Phase Manager: <First Name Last Name as mailto link>
<Workflow Name> | Current Phase Manager: <First Name Last Name as mailto link>

The following rules will be enforced where conflicts exist:

  • Documents and attachments in the last workflow to be activated will be the documents and attachments that appear in the new version of the contract.  

  • Field values entered in the last workflow to be activated will be the values that appear in the new version of the contract. However, if an empty field value exists at the start of a workflow and persists through activation, then that empty field value will not overwrite a populated value entered in another workflow.

[Take Me Back]  [Initiate]

PM2-8417 Users with appropriate permissions will be able to initiate a Terminate workflow from the contract summary page, even if another workflow is in progress for that contract.

PM2-8001 In the document viewer, the Upload button will be renamed Upload New Version.

PM2-8024 Conflicting form field values will handled as follows:

If multiple workflows are running on the same contract simultaneously:

  • A null field in one of those workflows will not clear the value from that field in another of those workflows.

  • A field value carried into a workflow from the contract, like from an Amend workflow, can still intentionally overwrite the value in the contract.

Upon activation, field values from the workflow will overwrite conflicting field values in the contract, except under the following condition:

When a field value on a contract conflicts with a field value on a workflow being completed, the workflow value overwrites the value on the contract, except when the value on the workflow is null.

PM2-8386 If multiple workflows are in progress for a single contract, when a user activates the (non-abstraction) workflow, they’ll see a confirmation modal:

Other Workflows in Progress for this Contract

The following other workflows are in progress for this contract. Documents, attachments, and field values in these workflows may overwrite the current workflow:

<Workflow Name> | Current Phase Manager: <First Name Last Name as mailto link>
<Workflow Name> | Current Phase Manager: <First Name Last Name as mailto link>

The order in which these workflows are activated will affect the final contract. The following rules will be enforced where conflicts exist:

  • Documents and attachments in the last workflow to be activated will be the documents and attachments that appear in the new version of the contract.  

  • Field values entered in the last workflow to be activated will be the values that appear in the new version of the contract. However, if an empty field value exists at the start of a workflow and persists through activation, then that empty field value will not overwrite a populated value entered in another workflow.

If you don’t know how to proceed, contact an Admin or Responsible Party.

[Take Me Back]  [Activate]

The order in which workflows are activated affects the final contract. The following rules are enforced where conflicts exist:

  • Documents and attachments in the last workflow to be activated will be the documents and attachments that appear in the new version of the contract.  

  • Field values entered in the last workflow to be activated will be the values in the new version of the contract.
    However, if an empty field value exists at the start of a workflow and persists through activation, then that empty field value will not overwrite a populated value entered in another workflow.

PM2-8421 If an Abstraction workflow is in progress for a contract, then no other associated workflows can be activated until the Abstraction workflow has been activated.

When a user attempts to activate the (non-Abstraction) workflow, they’ll see the following modal:

Cannot Activate: Abstraction Workflow in Progress

This workflow cannot be activated because an Abstraction workflow is in progress for the contract. When the Abstraction workflow is complete, a notification will be sent to the Phase Manager.


Contract Library & Contract Summary Pages

PM2-7894 In the Contract Library table, a new column, Associated Workflows in Progress, will list the names of all active workflows for a given contract.

The column is not present by default. To add it to the table, click the Manage Column widget, then check the box for Associated Workflows in Progress.

Workflow names are not hyperlinked.

PM2-7757 For users with appropriate permissions, the Initiate New Workflow button will appear on the contract summary page, even when another workflow is in progress for that contract.

PM2-8467 On the contract summary page, the All Fields tab will be renamed Custom Fields.

  • On the Summary tab, the Fields section will be renamed Custom Fields.

  • PM2-8485 The Original Term field will be removed from the Summary tab.

PM2-8025 On the contract summary page, a new tab, Contract History, will list all workflows for a given contract, as well as the following information:

  • The current version of the contract appears at the top.

  • Any workflows in progress appear below the the current contract version.

  • Date/timestamp for each workflow’s initiation and activation

  • Status (in progress, cancelled, blocked, current)

  • Abstraction workflows link to their associated workflows within the timeline.

  • Amend/Renew/Extend workflows link to their associated Abstraction workflows within the timeline.

  • Hyperlinks for each workflow/contract iteration, so users can see previous versions of the contract and associated workflows

  • The workflow(s) currently in progress appears below the current version of the contract in that list.

  • PM2-8050 In addition to the list, the workflows will appear as color-coded bars on a vertical timeline.

    • The key appears below the timeline.

    • To zoom in or out on the timeline, click and drag in the zoom bar (to the right of the timeline).

    • To restore the default view, double-click anywhere in the graph, or click outside the highlighted part of the zoom bar.

    • If you click on a workflow in the timeline, the corresponding workflow and contract will be highlighted in the list.

    • If you click on a workflow or contract in the list, then the corresponding workflow will be highlighted in the timeline.

PM2-8387, PM2-8466 On the contract summary page, a new collapsible panel, Field Change History, will list changes to Key Terms and custom fields, as well as the following information:

  • Field value

  • PM2-8464 Date/timestamp of the workflow activation that changed the field value

  • Name of workflow in which the field value changed

  • Name of user who edited the field value

Only changes to field values in the contract record will be shown, i.e. if a field value was updated multiple times throughout a workflow, only the field value present upon activation would be recorded in the Field Change History.


PM2-8469 The Phase Owner: Ready to Activate Workflow email and in-app (bell) notifications will account for simultaneous workflows.

Notifications will only be sent if there are no Abstraction workflows in progress for the contract.


PM2-8016 In the Workflows and Contracts tabs, a new column, Associated Workflows in Progress, will list the names of all active workflows for a given contract.

The column is not present by default. To add it to the table, click the Manage Column widget, then check the box for Associated Workflows in Progress.

Workflow names are not hyperlinked.

PM2-4043 Document Template Trigger

A new Form Phase trigger type, Document Template Trigger, will allow Admins to specify the Document Phase, document template, and Contract Types that the document template will be added to when the condition on a field is met.

The Document Template Trigger reduces the risk of a Phase Manager selecting the wrong document template, which is particularly helpful when a contract type has several document templates to choose from.

PM2-8163, PM2-8164 An Admin can add the Add Document Template to Phase trigger to form templates.

When creating a workflow template, if the Admin selects a form template that has the Document Template trigger, the Admin will need to complete the setup for the trigger.

  • The Admin selects which Document Phase to insert the document template.

    • The phases listed are Document Phases included in the workflow.

    • If there is only one Document Phase included in the workflow, that Document Phase is the default.

    • This field is required.

  • The Admin selects the document template(s).

    • The list of available document templates is filtered for Active status and is the overlap between the Contract Types assigned to the workflow template and the document templates.

    • The field is multi-select.

    • This field is required.

  • The Admin selects the Contract Types to associate with the trigger.

    • The list of Contract Types is filtered by the overlap of Contract Types assigned to the workflow template and assigned to the document template.

    • The Admin can select multiple Contract Types.

    • The Contract Types might not be limited to a subset of Contract Types. By default, all Contract Types populate the field, and the Admin can deselect Contract Type(s).

    • This field is optional.

The Do not use this trigger on the form checkbox will allow Admins to exclude the trigger from a copied template.

PM2-8255 Workflow participants can add a condition to a field, which will trigger the insertion of the appropriate document template.

  • The trigger will fire when the user completes the phase, and the document template(s) will be added to the selected Document Phase:

    • When the condition on a field is met.

    • If the user added specific Contract Type(s) to the trigger setup for when a condition is met and the Contract Type(s) on the trigger match the Contract Type of the inflight workflow.

  • If the field is on multiple forms in the workflow and the trigger fired on one form, it will not fire again on the second form if the field has the same value that meets the trigger condition.


PM2-7818 The UI will be updated in Reporting to facilitate saving and editing reports.

  • A Save Report button will be added to Reporting.

    • Upon clicking Save Report, the user will be prompted to enter the report name and, if applicable, make the saved report the default.

    • Users will still be able to save a report via the floppy disk icon.

PM2-7848 User groups will be included in the Recipients dropdown for scheduled reports.

PM2-4130 Reporting on Critical Dates

A Critical Dates tab has been added to Reporting, allowing users to view and report data relating to critical dates.

  • PM2-8425 Critical dates data will be listed in a table.

    • The following columns will appear by default:
      Contract Name | Subject | Critical Date | Repeat Interval | Primary Responsible Party | Secondary Responsible Party | Additional Recipients for Alerts

    • The following columns will be available via the Manage Columns widget:
      Completed By | Completed On | Completion Comment | Created By | Created On | Tertiary Responsible Party

  • PM2-8707, PM2-8713 Users will be able to:

    • Filter the table

    • Sort columns

    • Save, schedule, and send reports

PM2-3538 Reporting on Attachments

PM2-7817 An Attachments tab has been added to Reporting, allowing users to view and report data relating to attachments.

  • PM2-7901, PM2-7836 Attachments data will be listed in a table.

    • The following columns will appear by default:
      Attachment Name | Attachment Type | Attachment Location | Attachment Notes | Attachment Subject | Attachment Category | Confidential | Effective Date | Expiration Date | Attachment Status

    • The following columns will be available via the Manage Columns widget:
      Attachment File Type | Date Created | User Created By | Visible to External Parties

  • PM2-8702 Users will be able to:

    • Filter the table

    • Sort columns

    • Save, schedule, and send reports

  • PM2-7902 In the Attachment Name column, the attachment name will be hyperlinked, and clicking the hyperlink will open a document preview modal.

  • PM2-5880, PM2-8854 Each attachment file will have a unique URL, allowing users to share a direct link to the attachment.

    • The Copy Link button appear in the document preview modal in Reporting and on the associated contract’s contract summary page.

    • User permissions apply when using an attachment link

      • The user will be required to log into CLM.

      • If the user does not have access to the attachment location, a You do not have permission to view this attachment message will appear.

      • Confidential attachments will only be viewable when shared by users with permissions to that attachment.

    • The attachment will appear in an attachment window.


PM2-6488 Form Template Builder Redesign

PM2-7393 The form builder has been redesigned to give Admins the ability to create, edit, and preview form templates without having to navigate to modals for primary functions.

PM2-7351 Navigation Panel

The navigation panel includes the General Information tab, Sections tab, Triggers tab, and the Preview Template button.

  • When a tab is selected, the main data input/update area and the secondary data input/update area will be updated to the corresponding screen.

  • If Sections is selected, a sub-tab for each form section on the form template will populate beneath the Sections tab. These sub-tabs can be reordered via the drag and drop icons.

General Information Tab

PM2-7436 In the General Information tab, Admins will be able to apply or edit General Information for a form template, including:

  • Template Name (required)

  • General instructions

  • URLs

  • Attachments

  • Reference Documents area

  • Form Type (displayed for select products)

  • Contract Type (displayed for select products)

Sections Tab

PM2-7355 In the Sections tab, Admins will be able to:

  • See the name of the section at the top of the card.

  • View fields, triggers, URLs, attachments, and instructions for each section.

  • Edit or delete the section.

  • Reorder sections in the main window or in the left navigation panel via the drag and drop icon.

Triggers Tab

PM2-7356 In the Triggers tab, Admins will be able to:

  • View all triggers associated with the current form.

  • Identify which Section each trigger is located.

  • Delete a trigger.

  • View and edit trigger parameters.

  • Cancel any unsaved edits to the trigger parameters.

PM2-4423 When the Notify Phase Owner trigger condition is met on multiple fields, only one email will be generated.

Preview Template Button

PM2-7395 When editing form templates, Admins can open the Form Template Preview.

  • PM2-3641 Admins will be able to see Form General Instructions and Section Instructions on the Form Template Preview.

    • Hovering over (question) Form Instructions will reveal a tooltip with the Form General instructions.

    • Hovering over (question) Form Instructions will reveal a tooltip with the Section Instructions.

  • PM2-3700 Admins will be able to download and print the Form Template Preview.


  • PM2-7391 The heading (i.e., “New Form Template” and “Edit Form Template), Cancel button, Save button, Save and Close button, and Active/Inactive toggle will be carried over from the original form builder design.

  • PM2-3424 When an Admin toggles a form template to Inactive, the Form Template Change modal will list each affected workflow template and associated organization.

Bug & Defect Fixes


  • PM2-9018 DEFECT FIX Users were unable to skip the Phase Owner in the Participant Sequence.
    This has been fixed; Admins and Phase Owners will be able to skip participants as expected.

  • PM2-8755 DEFECT FIX The Pending my action badge failed to appear on the worklist queue for Approvers.
    This has been fixed; the Pending my action badge will appear in the worklist queue for in-turn Approvers.

  • PM2-8827 DEFECT FIX Users experienced slowness when transitioning phases.
    This has been fixed; phase transitions will occur more quickly.

  • PM2-8939 DEFECT FIX Attempting to view a workflow after activation returned a Something went wrong while trying to appear this page error.
    This has been fixed; users will be able to access workflows, as expected.

  • PM2-8897 DEFECT FIX In an open review Negotiation Phase, the Submit Review button failed to appear for External Parties.
    This has been fixed; the Submit Review button and the Decline button will appear as expected.

  • PM2-9071 DEFECT FIX Phase Manager assignments failed to save.
    This has been fixed; Phase Manager assignments will save as expected.

  • PM2-8903 DEFECT FIX Attachment custom fields that were inserted into the form via a trigger appeared in the form data accordion.
    This has been fixed; attachment custom fields that were inserted into the form via a trigger will not appear in the form data accordion.

  • PM2-9012 DEFECT FIX On the initiation page, the Contract Location selector allowed level skipping in the node hierarchy.

    • If a user deselected a location node, the children nodes remained.

    • This has been fixed; deselecting a location node will automatically deselect the children nodes.

  • PM2-9047 BUG FIX A participant’s reason for declining failed to appear when a user hovered over that participant’s status.
    This has been fixed; hovering over a participant’s status will reveal the participant’s reason for declining, as expected.

  • PM2-8921 BUG FIX Form values failed to display correctly in the Form Data panel and on the worklist queue.
    This has been fixed; the Form Data panel and the worklist queue will display the form values correctly.


  • PM2-9103 DEFECT FIX The value for the Auto-Renewal column was “No” for all contracts.
    This has been fixed; the correct value (i.e., “Yes” or “No”) will appear in the Auto-Renewal column.


  • PM2-9081 DEFECT FIX Vendor and provider profiles failed to save if Virgin Islands was the selection for the State field.
    This has been fixed; vendor and provider profiles will save as expected, regardless of the selection for the State field.

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