Mount Zion Release Notes
PM2-8847 As of 8 pm EST June 30th, Feedback in the menu bar will be temporarily disabled.
New Features
PM2-6423 Block Phase Trigger
A new workflow trigger type, Block Phase, will allow Admins to configure workflow templates so that if a predefined value or range of values is entered in a form field, then the phase will be blocked until an Admin intervenes.
Only an Admin can take action on a phase in a blocked workflow.
If a user enters a value that will block the phase, they’ll see a warning message.
If the user submits that value, then the phase will be blocked. The Phase Manager and Admins will be notified.
An Admin will unblock the phase, after which they will be sequenced in as a participant.
Alternatively, the Admin may cancel or retract the workflow, or skip the remaining participants and complete the phase.
The Admin will address the triggering value (or values) and submit their review.
Alternatively, the Admin may cancel or retract the workflow, or skip the remaining participants and complete the phase.
The Phase Manager will be notified that the block has been resolved.
A new workflow status, Blocked, will be available in the Filter Table widget in the Worklist and Reporting > Workflows.
Blocks and resolutions will be recorded in the Workflow History and, where applicable, the Executive Summary.
Blocked Phase Status
PM2-6781 “Blocked” will be a workflow phase status.
A phase will be in Blocked phase status if a trigger condition has been met and a review/approval phase has been submitted.
When a phase is blocked:
The Blocked status will appear in the Status column of the worklist queue, so users can filter and sort by any workflows in blocked status. (The Status column does not appear by default. It can be added via the Filter Table widget.)
The Submit button for submitting the phase or review will be replaced with the Unblock button, which is only viewable to Admins.
Phase participants will see a yellow bootstrap with the following text: The current phase is blocked and is awaiting Administrator action. See the Workflow History for details.
PM2-7546 All fields become read only, and the ellipsis menu will be hidden for all users except Admins, which will disallow phase participants from skipping a participant, retracting the phase, canceling the workflow, or reassigning the workflow.
PM2-8439 Blocked workflows will be treated as active workflows.
Blocked workflows will still be listed in the worklist queue without the Include Previously Completed Items toggle needing to be turned on.
Deactivating a workflow template will affect a blocked workflow using that template.
If a workflow is blocked, another workflow cannot be initiated. Users will receive the message Please complete the in-process workflow before initiating another.
PM2-8440 Blocked workflows will be included in the Workflows in Progress widget on the dashboard.
PM2-8437 Blocked workflows will be included in the Workflow Activities tab in on contract summary pages, Vendor profiles, and Provider profiles.
PM2-8441 A proxied user will be assigned as the Phase Owner or Phase Mediator if the original user is out of office.
Admins can manage triggers within a workflow template via the Edit Form Template button or within a form template section.
To add a block phase trigger:
In a form template section, click on Triggers under the field to which you'd like to add a trigger. The Manage Field Triggers modal will open.
Select the Operator (Equal To, Not Equal To, Greater than, etc.)
Enter the value to check, such as “BAA Required” <Equal to> “Yes”.
To add another condition, click + Add Condition, then select either AND or OR.
Select Block Phase as the trigger action.
When finished, click Save.
To close the modal without saving your changes, click Cancel or ✖.
Triggering a Blocked Phase
PM2-6776 Phase participants will be notified if a condition has been met for the phase to be blocked.
Underneath the field that met the trigger, the following message will appear in red static text:
Acceptable value is <trigger condition>. This workflow will be blocked upon clicking Submit or Complete, and Administrators will be notified.A yellow bootstrap message will appear with the following text:
Based on the identified trigger condition, this workflow will be blocked once <primary button> is clicked. Administrators will be notified to assist in resolving the issue.
PM2-6778 If a block phase trigger is met and the user attempts to submit the phase or review, then a modal with a prompt, the trigger condition(s), and a Notes text field will appear.
The prompt will read: One or more trigger conditions have been met, placing this workflow in blocked status. The information you enter below will be sent to the Administrators so they can assist with resolution.
The Notes text field, which is a required field, will allow the user to provide reasoning for entering values that will block the workflow.
Upon completing the Notes field, the user can submit the phase or review from the modal.
Alternatively, the user may click Cancel or ✖ to return to the workflow.
Unblocking a Phase
PM2-6782 An Admin will be able to unblock the phase.
Upon clicking Unblock Phase on the workflow, a modal with the trigger condition(s) and a Notes field will appear.
PM2-8577 The Notes field will be optional, and any notes inputted will display in the workflow history.
From the modal, the Admin can click Unblock Phase.
To close the modal without unblocking the phase, the Admin can click Cancel or ✖.
Once the phase is unblocked:
PM2-8291 The Admin who unblocked the phase will be sequenced in after the participant who blocked the phase.
The workflow status will change to Active, and the phase will be editable.
The sequenced Admin will be able to address the triggering value(s) and submit their review. Alternatively, the Admin may cancel or retract the workflow, or skip the remaining participants and complete the phase.
PM2-8544 The Admin who unblocked the phase will be able to mark the value (or values) that triggered the block phase as acceptable.
If the Admin attempts to complete their turn without changing the value(s) that triggered the block phase, a modal with a prompt, a Notes field and the values that will be marked as acceptable will appear.
The prompt will read: All values that met the block phase trigger condition will be marked as accepted upon submission.
The Notes field will be optional.
The Admin can click Yes, Confirm Values to mark the value(s) as accepted.
To return to the workflow and not accept the values, the Admin can click No, Take Me Back or ✖.
If the Admin marks the values as acceptable:
The Admin’s name, the triggered field, the accepted value(s), and the date and time stamp will be recorded in the workflow history.
The fields with accepted value(s) will have green static text: <Value> has been accepted by an Administrator and will not block this phase.
If the phase is blocked again with a new acceptable value, the latest acceptable value by the Admin will be used.
Workflow History
PM2-6968 Workflow history will be updated when a block phase trigger condition has been met and when it has been resolved.
When trigger is met and the phase is blocked, workflow history includes:
“Block Phase Trigger Condition Met”
<Trigger Condition>
<Trigger Condition>
<Trigger Condition>User it was triggered by
Reason for it being triggered mentioned in the prompt
Date and time trigger was met
When an Admin unblocks the phase, workflow history includes:
“Phase has been Unblocked”
User (an Admin) it was unblocked by
Additional notes for unblocking the phase from the Admin
Field Values - “Capture notes if any for each value the condition was met and the admin inputted”Date and time trigger was met
PM2-8578 Values that blocked the workflow as well as any notes entered when blocked by a user and notes entered when unblocked by an Admin will be included in the workflow history.
Executive Summary Cover Page
PM2-8137 The Executive Summary cover page will include if a block phase trigger has been met and for which phase it was triggered.
Text will read Phase blocked due to trigger conditions being met.
PM2-6784, PM2-8658 If the condition for a block phase trigger is met, then the current Phase Manager and Admins will receive an automatic email notification and in-app (bell) notification.
Email Subject
Current Phase of Workflow Is Blocked
Email Body
Dear [recipient first name],
The [Current Phase Name] Phase of Workflow [workflow name as link to workflow] is blocked. An Administrator must take action for the workflow to continue.
Please direct any questions or concerns to [user who triggered the initial block as mailto link].
Current Phase Manager: [Current Phase Manager]
Workflow Other Parties: [Workflow Other Parties]
In-App Notification
The [Current Phase Name] Phase of Workflow [workflow name] is blocked by [fieldname(s)].
If an Admin cancels a blocked workflow, then the current Phase Mediator and Admins will receive an automatic email notification in-app (bell) notification that the workflow was canceled.
PM2-6785, PM2-8658 If a blocked phase is resolved, then the current Phase Manager and Admins will receive an automatic email notification and in-app (bell) notification.
Email Subject
Workflow Phase Unblocked
Email Body
Dear [recipient first name],
Workflow [workflow name as link to workflow] was unblocked by [user who unblocked workflow].
Please direct any questions or concerns to [user who unblocked workflow as mailto link].
Current Phase Manager: [Current Phase Manager]
Workflow Other Parties: [Workflow Other Parties]
In-App Notification
Workflow [workflow name], which had been blocked by [fieldname(s)], was resolved by [user who unblocked workflow].
DocuSign Signature Phase Proxyship
PM2-7567 DocuSign Signature Phases will support proxyship for Signatories.
A proxy will be substituted for an out-of-office Signatory at the time that Signatory becomes the active sequenced participant.
The DocuSign envelope will be sent to the proxy.
Any Docusign tabs placed for the out-of-office Signatory will be transferred to the proxy.
User Groups
Currently, if no user in a user group has the proper role, Location, and Contract Type permission set to be assigned to a workflow, then an Admin within the user group will automatically be assigned.
PM2-8103 Admins will be able to enable or disable Admin fallback functionality for each user group.
Admins can enable or disable Admin Fallback Placement in the User Placement Options panel when creating or editing a user group. By default, Admin fallback functionality will be enabled (as it is today).
Hovering over the
next to Admin Fallback Placement will reveal a tooltip:
Specify whether an Admin in the User Group (if present) should be placed in another role as a fallback if no user in the User Group is able to be placed based on an exact match of role, Contract Type, and Location.
PM2-7322 When creating or editing a user group, Admins can decide if a Default Assignee placement from that group should consider permission sets that are not designated as Default Assignee.
For the Default Assignee Permission Sets to consider field, an Admin can select one of two options:
All Permission Sets | Only Permission Sets with Default Assignee Designation.By default, All Permission Sets is selected.
Hovering over the
will reveal a tooltip: When attempting placement of Default Assignees from this User Group, specify which user Permission Sets should be considered. Regardless of the selection, if no matches are found on the Default Assignee list, the system will assess all Permission Sets from all User Group members.
If All Permission Sets is selected, then the first Default Assignee on the list with appropriate permissions will be inserted into the workflow, regardless of whether permission set itself is designated as Default Assignee.
If Only Permission Sets with Default Assignee Designation is selected, then the first Default Assignee on the list with an appropriate set of Default Assignee permissions will be inserted into the workflow.
In both cases, when the ranked Default Assignee list is exhausted, other group members' permission sets will be considered.
Other user placement rules will remain unchanged.
PM2-7057 Super Admin Role
The Super Admin role is being developed in conjunction with several in-app administration tools that will allow users with that role to change global settings. This will reduce risk by ensuring that only a handful of designated users may edit or manage settings with the potential of affecting all organizations tenant-wide.
This will empower customers to customize their CLM tenants to better meet their unique needs while preventing unauthorized changes and maintaining compliance and data integrity.
The first in-app administration tool we are releasing will be email management.
The Super Admin role will be unavailable in the UI. If you would like one or more users in your organization to have this role, contact a MediTract CLM representative.
PM2-3353 Email Management
PM2-7520 Users with the role of Super Admin will be able to manage and configure system email notifications under Admin > Application Settings.
PM2-7409 Super Admins and Admins will be able to see system email notifications in a table, which can be filtered and sorted.
Regular Admins will have read-only access to this table.
PM2-7504 Email templates for products not purchased by customers will be hidden, e.g., if they do not subscribe to TERMS or Pulse Check, they won’t see those email templates.
PM2-4003 Disable/Enable Email Notifications
Super Admins will be able to enable/disable system email notifications at the organization level, with three exceptions:
DocuSign emails
Password reset emails
New user invitation emails (inviting an Other Party Contact to become an External Party User)
Individual notifications cannot be toggled off at the organization level, although individual users can toggle off individual system notifications in their account settings.
The toggle does not apply to in-app (bell) notifications.
PM2-7523 Hovering over the Organization Notification Emails Enabled toggle will reveal a tooltip:
Clicking this toggle will disable email notifications for the currently selected organization. Only super admins can change this setting.
To disable system email notifications:
In the menu bar, go to Admin > Application Settings.
Click on the Email Management tab.
Click the Organization Notification Emails Enabled toggle. Automated email notifications for the current organization will no longer be sent.
To re-enable emails, click the toggle again.
PM2-7410 Add Custom Body Text to System Email Notifications
Super Admins will be able to add custom text to the body of a system email notification.
They will not be able to edit or remove the hard-coded email body.
To edit a system email notification:
In the menu bar, go to Admin > Application Settings.
Click on the Email Management tab.
In the table, click on the Notification Name.
PM2-7518 The notification text will appear to the right of the table.PM2-7628 In the Custom Text field, add or edit custom text.
When finished, click Save.
Bug & Defect Fixes
PM2-8762 DEFECT FIX When a user replaced a document and changed the document category, the change to the document category failed to retain, and the original document category displayed.
This has been fixed; changes to a document category will retain, and the most recently selected document category will display.PM2-8492 DEFECT FIX Attempting to view a document in the in-app document viewer returned a Can’t connect to the server error.
This has been fixed; documents in the in-app document viewer will display as expected.PM2-8847 DEFECT FIX Initiating a workflow returned a Something Went Wrong Initiating Workflow error.
The workflows were created despite the error, and non-new workflows were not tied to contracts.
This has been fixed; users will be able to initiate workflows as expected, and non-new workflows will remain tied to contracts.
PM2-8730 DEFECT FIX When a user initiated a workflow, triggers within the workflow template failed to copy to the workflow.
If an Admin updated or deleted a trigger after workflow initiation, the trigger update or deletion affected the in-progress workflows associated with that workflow template.
This has been fixed; at the start of the workflow, the workflow template, including triggers, will be copied so that changes to a workflow template will not affect in-progress workflows.
PM2-8731 DEFECT FIX To repair in-progress workflows affected by PM2-8730, a new copy of the current version of the applicable workflow template, including triggers, will be copied into each affected workflow.
PM2-8811 DEFECT FIX Contract Moderators were able to access the Upload button on the Attachments tab.
This has been fixed; Contract Moderators will have read-only access and will be unable to see the Upload button on the Attachments tab.
PM2-8738 BUG FIX When an Admin toggled a form template with associated workflow templates to Inactive, the Form Template Change modal failed to appear.
This has been fixed; the Form Template Change modal will appear as expected.