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Organization Hierarchy Management

Why do this?

Each customer can configure the appearance of their organization tree in a way that makes sense to end users in their unique organization.

Who can do this?

Only Super Admins can edit the organization tree.

Additional Considerations

  • To avoid potential problems with permissions, workflow templates, etc., locations are movable only within their parent nodes. 

  • You can export the organization tree as a CSV or XLSX file.

How to Edit the Display Name of a Location Node

  • Go to Admin > Organization Management > Locations.

  • Click on the Contract Location.

  • Edit the Display Name, then click Save.

    • To cancel without saving changes, click Cancel.

End users will see the display name in the organization tree and wherever contract locations are shown, including column headers, filters, and other column management terminology.

How to Edit the Sort Name of a Location Node

  • Go to Admin > Organization Management > Locations.

  • Click on the Contract Location.

  • Edit the Sort Name, then click Save.

    • To cancel without saving changes, click Cancel.

The Sort Name determines the order in which the Entity appears within the organization tree. Sorting is case-insensitive and alphabetical.

How to Deactivate a Location Node

  • Go to Admin > Organization Management > Locations.

  • Switch the toggle, then click Save.

    • To cancel without saving changes, click Cancel.

  • If a location node is toggled inactive, then it will be unavailable in all instances where a user would select a contract location.

  • Toggling a location node to inactive will not affect in-flight workflows or previously activated contracts. 

  • Inactive location nodes will be hidden on the organization tree except in previously activated contracts using the inactive location node.

  • On previously activated contracts and their workflows (i.e., amend/extend/terminate/renew), (Inactive) will appear next to any inactive location nodes.

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