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Vendor Pulse Check Campaign Management

Who can do this?

  • Admins/Super Admins

  • Survey Initiators

Why do this?

Managing a survey campaign entails creating a survey (using an existing Vendor Pulse Check form template), editing it if needed, handling any negative responses, and requesting resolutions.

How to Create a Vendor Pulse Check Campaign

  • Go to Explore > Pulse Check.

  • Click Set Up New Campaign.
    Under Select Contracts, you’ll see all the contracts you have permissions to view.

  • Select the contracts you want to include in the campaign.

To quickly find the contracts you need, try filtering by Contract Type and Status.

  • For each selected contract, click the Manage Participants link.

    • Add Survey Respondents, Survey Reviewers (optional), and Survey Reviewers (optional).

  • Each contract must have at least one Survey Respondent.

  • When editing participants on a campaign, the changes will only appear after they’ve been saved.

  • Adding a Survey Reviewer to a contract is optional, but if a Survey Reviewer has been added, they will be required to take action on the survey.

  • Click Next.

  • Under Campaign Information, enter the Campaign Name.

  • Select a Pulse Check form template.

    • This is the evaluation form the Survey Respondents will complete.Available form templates are filtered bu Contract Type. To appear in the dropdown a form template must match at least one Contract Type in the campaign.

  • Enter the Duration.

    • This is the number of days that the survey will be open for responses.

    • You can enter any number between 1 and 365.

      • If you’re creating a repeating survey campaign, then the duration must be shorter than the time period selected for Repeat Frequency.

  • Select the Send On Date.

    • This is the date the campaign will start and the surveys will be generated.

  • OPTIONAL: Add the Frequency if you want the campaign to repeat.

    • If you enter the Frequency, then you must enter an End Date for the campaign.

The participants you select for this campaign will persist in each iteration.

  • Click Next.

  • Review the campaign information and selected contracts, then click Submit.
    You’ll see confirmation that the campaign was created.

  • Click Go to Campaign Management to see the Campaign Management table.

How to Edit a Vendor Pulse Check Campaign

The ability to edit a campaign is based on its status.

  • Go to Explore > Pulse Check.

  • In the table, click on the campaign you want to edit.

  • Edit the Campaign Name, Pulse Check Template, Duration, Repeat Frequency, and/or Send On Date.

  • To add or remove contracts, click Add/Remove Contracts.

  • To add or remove participants, click Manage Participants for a contract.

Changing participants on the contract, including Responsible Parties, will not update the participants on the campaign because participants on the campaign are set when the campaign is created.

  • When finished, click Save.

If you create a campaign on which the Start Date is the current date, do not make any edits to the campaign until the surveys have been sent. Making edits while the surveys are generating can cause the survey generation to fail.

If the campaign status is completed or cancelled, then no edits can be made. All fields on the campaign setup screen will be read-only.

If the campaign status is active, you can edit the following:

  • Campaign Name (This will update everywhere immediately, i.e. all surveys in all statuses.)

  • Form Template (This will only apply to future surveys.)

  • Duration

    • This will only apply to future campaign iterations.

    • The Duration must be less than the Repeat Frequency.

    • A campaign can only have one active survey iteration.

  • Repeat Frequency (This will only apply to future campaign iterations.)

  • End Date (if Repeat Frequency is set)

    • If you enter the current daye as the End Date, then this will end the current survey iteration.

  • Add contracts to a campaign.

    • Click the Add/Remove button, then check the box for the contract.

    • Participants will be notified of new surveys.

  • Remove contracts from a campaign.

    • Click the Add/Remove button, then uncheck the box for the contract.

    • Participants will be notified that their surveys have been cancelled.

    • The contract will be excluded from any future iterations of the campaign.

  • Add participants to a contract in the campaign.

    • If a Survey Respondent is added, then this will generate a new survey for that Survey Respondent.

    • Participants will be notified of new surveys, and the surveys will be added to their respective worklists.

If the campaign status is scheduled (meaning the Start Date has not been met), you can edit the following:

  • Campaign Name (This will update everywhere immediately, i.e. all surveys in all statuses.)

  • Form Template

  • Duration

    • The Duration must be less than the Repeat Frequency.

    • A campaign can only have one active survey iteration.

  • Send On Date (This must be on or after the current date.)

  • Repeat Frequency

  • Add or remove contracts on the campaign.

  • Add or remove participants on the campaign.

How to See the Campaign History

  • Go to Explore > Pulse Check.

  • In the table, click on the campaign you want to see.

  • Click the ellipsis (…), then select View Send History or View Edit History.

The following information will appear in the history:

  • Item Changed

  • Change Made

  • User 

  • Date and Time

The following actions are recorded in the history:

  • When any of the following fields are edited: Campaign Name | Form Template | Duration | Frequency | End Date

  • Adding or removing a contract

  • Adding or removing a participant

How to Cancel a Campaign

Only active campaigns can be cancelled.

  • Go to Explore > Pulse Check.

  • In the row of the campaign you want to cancel, click Cancel.

  • Enter your reason for cancellation, then click Cancel Survey to confirm.

    • To return to the campaigns table without cancelling the campaign, click No, take me back.

All surveys associated with the campaign will be cancelled, and all survey participants will be notified of the cancellation.

Use caution, as this action cannot be undone.

How to Delete a Campaign

Only scheduled (pending) campaigns can be deleted.

  • Go to Explore > Pulse Check.

  • In the row of the campaign you want to delete, click Delete.

  • Click Delete to confirm.

    • To return to the campaigns table without deleting the campaign, click Cancel.

Use caution, as this action cannot be undone.

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