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Thunderbolt Peak Release Notes

These items were deployed to production the morning of Thursday, January 7th, 2021.


PM2-6606 Phase Mediator User Role

This new user role is essentially a Phase Owner with fewer privileges. It meets the business need of organizations that want a user to manage one or more workflow phases, but do not want that user to have all the privileges associated with being a Phase Owner.

Here are a few things a Phase Owner can do that a Phase Mediator will not be able to do:

  • Complete a phase before all sequenced participants have taken action.

  • Skip a participant or complete a participant’s turn.

  • Remove a participant sequenced by an Admin, the workflow template, or a trigger.

  • Retract to a previous phase.

  • Reassign or cancel a workflow.

If the Phase Mediator sees the need for one of the aforementioned actions, they should tag an Admin in a comment on the workflow.

Display Changes

PM2-7225, PM2-7094 Throughout the UI, references to the Phase Owner that could also apply to the Phase Mediator will be renamed Phase Manager or Phase Management.

PM2-7049 In the worklist, the Phase Mediator column will be available in the Manage Columns widget.

  • The column will not appear by default.

  • The Phase & Participant Info column will reflect if the current participant is a Phase Mediator.

PM2-7180 Each phase will show if a Phase Mediator or Phase Owner is assigned:

  • In the edit phase management modal

  • In the workflow history

PM2-7162 In the Workflow Activity tab of the contract summary page, the Current Phase Mediator column has been added to the table.

PM2-7163 In the dashboard widget Aging Workflows, Phases and Actions, the Phase Mediator column has been added to the table.

Role Assignment

PM2-6732 The Phase Mediator role will be available for assignment within user profiles. It will also be available for selection when editing or creating user groups.


PM2-6832 Unlike an Admin or Phase Owner, the Phase Mediator will not see the ellipsis (…) menu that appears to the left of the phase action button. This will prevent the Phase Mediator from performing the following actions:

  • Skipping a Phase Participant

  • Retracting to a previous phase

  • Cancelling a workflow

  • Reassigning a workflow

PM2-6735 Unlike an Admin or Phase Owner, the Phase Mediator cannot complete a phase until all sequenced participants have completed their turns. The Complete Phase button will be inactive, and the following message will appear below the workflow header:
This Phase cannot be completed until all sequenced participants have taken action. Contact your administrator if participants need to be removed or skipped.

PM2-6830, PM2-6834, PM2-7220 Phase Mediators cannot remove participants unless they are added and/or sequenced those participants themselves.

  • Because of this, Phase Mediators will see a lock icon next to participant names they cannot remove.

  • Hovering over the lock icon will reveal this tooltip: Please contact an admin if this participant needs to be removed.

PM2-7221 If a phase cannot be completed because not all the sequenced participants have taken action, then the Phase Mediator will see the following message below the workflow header:
The phase cannot be completed until all sequenced participants have taken action. Contact your administrator if participants need to be removed.

PM2-6960 In the Document Source and Negotiation Phases, the Phase Mediator can be sequenced as a participant.

  • This allows the Phase Mediator to participate in document editing/redlining.

  • Only the Phase Mediator or an Admin can add or remove the Phase Mediator from the Participant Sequence.

PM2-7209 If a workflow is started without a Phase Mediator, then Admins will see the following message below the workflow header: Phase Mediator must be assigned before starting the phase.

PM2-7211 If an Admin is acting as Phase Mediator, then that Admin will retain Admin privileges, such as retraction/reassignment/cancellation and removing participants.

Workflow Templates

PM2-6731 When creating or editing a workflow template, the Admin will select whether each phase will have a Phase Owner or Phase Mediator.

  • Each phase in a workflow must have a Phase Owner or a Phase Mediator. A single phase cannot have both.

  • If a phase has been assigned a Phase Mediator, then that user can only be replaced with another Phase Mediator.

  • Likewise, a Phase Owner can only be replaced with another Phase Owner.

PM2-7178 When a workflow template is copied, the phase management role will be copied as well:

  • If a phase in the original workflow template had a Phase Mediator, the corresponding phase in the new workflow will also have a Phase Mediator.

  • If a phase in the original workflow template had a Phase Owner, the corresponding phase in the new workflow will also have a Phase Owner.


PM2-7229 Under Account Settings > Notifications, Phase Owner notifications that also apply to Phase Mediators have been renamed Phase Manager notifications.

  • In the tooltips for these notifications, Phase Owner has been updated to Phase Owner/Phase Mediator.

  • This only applies to notification titles in Account Settings. The notifications themselves will state Phase Mediator or Phase Manager.

PM2-6864, PM2-6733 The Phase Mediator will receive in-app (bell) and email notifications for the following workflow actions:

  • Phase is available to be started

  • Phase has been started by someone else

  • Phase is available to be completed

  • Phase has been completed/activated by someone else

  • Review has been completed

  • Approval has been completed

  • Digital signature has been submitted

  • Notice of submitted ink signature

  • Participant has declined

  • Phase reactivated due to workflow retraction

  • Workflow has been cancelled

PM2-6733, PM2-7160 The Phase Mediator will receive email notifications for the following workflow actions:

  • Notification of proxy user

  • Trigger condition has been met


PM2-1238 Permission Overrides (Explicit Access in MediTract Classic)

Permission overrides will fulfill the need of providing or denying access to a single contract for individual users. Here are some use cases:

  • Hiding highly sensitive compensation information

  • Granting a Requestor access to a contract they requested

  • Allowing a user to access a single contract of a given Location and/or Contract Type without giving that user access to other similar contracts

Permission overrides can be applied to a specific contract in three ways:

  • Access Inclusion will grant an individual user access, at a Contract Moderator or Editor level, to a contract that their permissions would normally prevent them from seeing.

  • Access Exclusion will prevent one or more users from accessing a contract that their permissions would normally allow them to view or edit.

  • Set to Private will restrict access to all but the following:

    • Admins and Responsible Parties

    • Users given a Contract Moderator or Editor role via Permission Overrides

    • Other Party Contacts who are also External Party users.

Permission overrides will facilitate access to and restriction from individual contract files. They will not apply to workflows or timesheets.

PM2-6015 Under Explore > Contracts > Reporting, new columns and filters will allow reporting on permission overrides.

PM2-6761 These columns are available in the Manage Columns widget. They do not appear by default.

  • Permissions Overridden? can be filtered for true/false.

  • Access Exclusions can be filtered for Username (as opposed to First Name, Last Name), with the Any/All toggle.

  • Access Inclusions can be filtered for Username, with the Any/All toggle.

To access permission overrides:

  • Navigate to the contract summary page.

  • Expand the Permission Overrides panel.

  • Only Admins can control permission overrides.

  • Permission overrides cannot be applied to Admins.

PM2-7246 Within a multi-organizational tenant, permission overrides can be applied to a user who has no permissions for the organization where the contract resides.

  • The Admin applying overrides will only be able to see and select users in organizations where they have Admin privileges.

  • This will facilitate giving a Requestor access to a contract they requested.

PM2-6084, PM2-7206 To set the contract to Private:

  • Switch ON the Private toggle.
    Only these users will see the contract:

    • Admins

    • Responsible Parties

    • The Other Party Contact if they are also an External Party user

    • Any user given Editor or Contract Moderator access to the contract via Permission Overrides

  • PM2-6085 To revert to standard contract permissions, switch OFF the private toggle.
    These users will see the contract:

    • Admins

    • Responsible Parties

    • The Other Party Contact if they are also an External Party user

    • Any user given Editor or Contract Moderator access to the contract via Permission Overrides

    • Any user with Editor or Contract Moderator permissions matching the Contract Type and Locations.

PM2-6087 To grant a user access to the contract:

  • Click (+) Add user override.

  • In the override permissions modal, select a user.

  • Select a role to grant the user:

    • Editor

    • Moderator

  • To apply permission overrides for another user, click (+) Add Permission Override.

  • When finished, click Add.
    The users and their permission overrides will be listed in the Permission Overrides panel.

    • To exit without saving changes, click Cancel.

PM2-6086 To exclude a user from access to the contract:

  • Click (+) Exclude standard user.

  • In the exclude standard users modal, select one or more users.

  • When finished, click Add.


  • Click (+) Add user override.

  • In the override permissions modal, select a user.

  • Select No access.

  • To apply permission overrides for another user, click (+) Add Permission Override.

  • When finished, click Add.
    The users and their permission overrides will be listed in the Permission Overrides panel.

    • To exit without saving changes, click Cancel.

To remove a user’s permission overrides:

  • In the Permission Overrides panel, click the red trash can for the user.

There is no delete confirmation and this action cannot be undone. If you accidentally delete a user’s permission overrides, simply add them again.

PM2-6095 If permission overrides prevent a user from accessing a contract, the contract will be hidden from that user in all applicable lists:

  • Search results

  • Reporting > Contracts

  • Initiation screen

    • Linked to Contract

    • Contract Number (when initiating on an existing contract)

  • Contract Library

  • Vendors > Associated Contracts

  • Providers > Associated Contracts

PM2-6740 If a user has been granted the role of Editor via permission overrides, then that user will be able to initiate a workflow from the applicable contract summary page, assuming all alter requirements for initiating a workflow on that contract are met.


Alerts for Contract Location Changes

If you change the Contract Location during an Amend, Extend, or Renew workflow for a contract with active timesheet configs, then any Timesheet Activities associated with the original Contract Location will be removed from those active timesheet configs.

An Admin will need to add Timesheet Activities for the new Contract Location to the active timesheet configs, as updating the Contract Location will not add Timesheet Activities for the new Contract Location.

PM2-6758 The following alert will appear when, during an Amend, Extend, or Renew workflow, you change the Contract Location for a contract with active timesheet configs:
Changing the Contract Location will affect every timesheet linked to this contract.

  • Removing a Contract Location from this contract will remove the Contract Location from any linked timesheets. It will also remove any Timesheet Activities associated with that Contract Location.

  • Adding a Contract Location will not add its associated Timesheet Activities to the linked timesheets.

After changing the Contract Location, go to Managed Scheduled Timesheets to review the Timesheet Activities for all linked timesheets. If you cannot update the linked timesheets, contact your Administrator before initiating this workflow.

If you remove the Contract Location during an Amend, Extend, or Renew workflow for a contract with active timesheet configs, then any Timesheet Activities associated with the original Contract Location will be removed.

PM2-6804 If an active timesheet config has only one associated Contract Location, then removing that Contract Location will effectively cancel all scheduled timesheets for the timesheet config.
This will prevent the creation of timesheets without Contract Locations and Timesheet Activities.

PM2-6798 The following alert will appear when, during an Amend, Extend, or Renew workflow, you remove a Contract Location that is the only Contract Location on an active timesheet config associated with the contract:

Removing a location from this contract will remove the location from any linked timesheets. This change will require an Admin to review and reconfigure the timesheet schedules for this contract.

If you activate this workflow, the existing timesheet schedule configurations associated with the contract will be cancelled. This will result in all future scheduled timesheets being cancelled. (warning)

Upon activation, an Admin MUST reconfigure the timesheet schedules associated with this contract.


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