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2022.1.2 Minor Release Notes

These items were deployed to production on Thursday, June 30th, 2022.


  • BUG FIX 488873 In the worklist, contract library, provider directory, vendor directory, and user directory, No records found showed on pages after page 4. This has been fixed; records in the worklist, contract library, provider directory, vendor directory, and user directory will be listed, as expected.


  • DEFECT FIX 477340 Under certain conditions within a multi-organization tenant, users with multi-organization permissions saw those permissions incorrectly applied.

    • If the user clicked on a URL (in a bookmark, for example) for an organization other than the default organization, then the user’s permissions from the default organization were erroneously applied to that URL instead of the permissions for the organization containing the URL.

    • This only occurred when the user accessed the application on a fast internet connection.

    • This has been fixed; multi-organization permissions will be applied as expected.

  • BUG FIX 494267 The Vendors and Providers options in the Explore dropdown in the menu bar were not visible to users with an Admin role that was not organization-wide. This has been fixed; users with an Admin role that is not organization-wide will see Vendors and Providers options in the Explore dropdown, and they will be able to access the vendor and provider directories, as expected.


  • BUG FIX 460947 Filtered results in the worklist did not reflect the selection from the Cumulative Flow Diagram by Workflow Template widget. This has been fixed; when user selects a workflow template in the Cumulative Flow Diagram by Workflow Template widget then navigates to the worklist, the filtered results in the worklist will reflect the selection.

  • BUG FIX 475645 When a user added a rule for either Workflows, Phases, or Actions on the Aging Workflows, Phases, and Actions widget, no results displayed, and the saved rule was not present when reopening the Manage Settings modal. This has been fixed; results will properly filter based on the rule(s) applied, and the saved rule(s) will be present when reopening the Manage Settings modal.


  • BUG FIX 465450 When a user cancelled a workflow that they created, the user received a notification of the cancellation. This has been fixed; users will not receive notifications for actions that they perform.


  • BUG FIX 495156 After clicking View for an attachment in the Manage All Attachments modal, when a user uploaded a new version of the attachment and renamed it, the original filename remained in the attachment window.

    • If the user closed the attachment window then returned to the window, the updated filename appeared.

    • This has been fixed; the updated filename will appear in the attachment window, as expected.

Workflows & Worklist

  • BUG FIX 467768 After a Signatory declined to sign, the Complete Phase button continued to appear for Admins who were not the Phase Owner. This has been fixed; when a Signatory declines, the Complete Phase button will be hidden, as expected.

  • BUG FIX 496499 The yellow banner that reads Most recent participant has declined to review/approve. Please review Workflow History for reason and proceed accordingly. failed to appear for Phase Owners. This has been fixed; when a reviewer/approver declines a review, the yellow banner that reads Most recent participant has declined to review/approve. Please review Workflow History for reason and proceed accordingly. will appear for Phase Owners.

  • BUG FIX 494914 When a user uploaded a new document version via the Upload New Version button in the document viewer, a This file type cannot be previewed message appeared instead of the document.

    • If the user refreshed the page, the newly uploaded document appeared.

    • This has been fixed; when a user uploads a new document version via the Upload New Version button in the document viewer, the document will appear, as expected.

  • BUG FIX 475517 The timestamp in the Initiation Date column for non-timesheet workflows in exports did not match the timestamp in the UI. This has been fixed; the timestamp in the Initiation Date column in exports will match the timestamp in the UI.

  • BUG FIX 475539 Details for when a phase was blocked or unblocked were not captured in the executive summary. This has been fixed; when a phase is blocked or unblocked, details will be captured in the executive summary, as expected.

  • BUG FIX 460627 Inactive contract categories appeared in the Contract Categories field in the workflow header. This has been fixed; only active contract categories will appear in the workflow header, as expected.

  • BUG FIX 475389 When a user initiated a workflow from an existing contract, all documents and attachments carried over, ignoring the user’s import selections.

    • When initiating a workflow from an existing contracts, all documents and attachments are, by default, imported onto the Attachments and Documents panels on the initiation screen. From the panels, users can select which attachments and documents should be carried into the new workflow.

    • This has been fixed; only the attachments and documents that the user selected will be carried over into the new workflow.

  • BUG FIX 300766 The Associated Workflow column failed to populate. This has been fixed; the Associated Workflow column will populate, as expected.

  • DEFECT FIX 476150 In a particular workflow, the Contract Location field failed to populate when merging fields in a document based on a SmartTemplate. This has been fixed; upon merging fields, the Contract Location field will populate as expected.

  • BUG FIX 286565 The Primary Other Party, Contract Entities, Sites, and Departments columns did not have sorting arrows, and users were unable to sort the columns. This has been fixed; the Primary Other Party, Contract Entities, Sites, and Departments columns will be sortable via sorting arrows, as expected.

  • DEFECT FIX 432582 When a user applied a saved filter, navigated away from the worklist, then navigated back to the worklist, the saved filter persisted but the results were incorrect. This has been fixed; the saved filter will be correctly applied to the results.

Contract Library

  • BUG FIX 436348 When a user applied a saved, default filter to the Contract Library table that excluded the automatically applied status=active filter, navigated away from and then returned to the Contract Library table, the default filter and the status=active filters were both applied, showing unexpected results. This has been fixed; saved, default filters will be applied as expected.

  • BUG FIX 461325 Users received a Please enter a value for Ends After error for the Ends After field in the Edit Critical Date modal, despite a value being entered into the field. This has been fixed; users will not receive a Please enter a value for Ends After error after entered a value into the Ends After field in the Edit Critical Date modal.

  • BUG FIX 454194 Users were able to navigate away from the Timesheet Form tab after removing the value from a required field. This has been fixed; when a user attempts to navigate away from the Timesheet Form tab after removing a value from a required field, a warning modal will appear.

  • BUG FIX 471046 The Any/All control for the Associated Workflows in Progress filter was missing. This has been fixed; the Associated Workflows in Progress filter will have the Any/All control.

  • BUG FIX 460616 Multiple active contract categories were missing from the Contract Categories field in the contract header. This has been fixed; active contract categories will appear in the contract header, as expected.

  • BUG FIX 487048 Attempting to upload a .xlsx file via Upload New Version returned an error. This has been fixed; users will be able to upload .xlsx files, as expected.

  • BUG FIX 461160 Attempting to upload a new version of an attachment returned an error, and the filename was not updated. This has been fixed; users will be able to upload a new version of an attachment, as expected, and the filename will be updated.

  • DEFECT FIX 480287 Opening a contract summary page returned various errors. This has been fixed; users will be able to open contract summary pages, as expected.

  • DEFECT FIX 479071 Temporary filters were removed when a user navigated away from the Contract Library. This has been fixed; temporary filters will remain when a user navigates away from the Contract Library, as expected.

  • DEFECT FIX 484705 The Activated Date column date format in the UI did not match the date format in the export.

    • Dates in the UI were formatted as mm/dd/yyyy, and dates in the export were formatted as dd/mm/yyyy.

    • This has been fixed; dates in the UI and the export will be formatted as mm/dd/yyyy, as expected.


  • BUG FIX 494254 Clicking on an attachment under the Attachments tab failed to open the attachment. This has been fixed; clicking on an attachment under the Attachments tab will open the attachment, as expected.

  • BUG FIX 495834 Clicking Schedule next to a saved report failed to open the Add Scheduled Report modal. This has been fixed; clicking Schedule next to a saved report will prompt the Add Scheduled Report modal to open, as expected.


  • DEFECT FIX 416550 When a user exported the user directory, the report included only the first 100 results. This has been fixed; reports will no longer be capped at 100 results.

  • DEFECT FIX 482823 Attempting to update a provider type from Group to Individual on a provider profile returned a Something Went Wrong Editing Provider error. This has been fixed; users will be able to update provider profiles, as expected.


  • BUG FIX 476695 The Decline to Sign banner read There has been a decline in DocuSign and the envelope is voided. You must retract or cancel the phase. This has been fixed; the Decline to Sign banner will read There has been a decline in DocuSign, and the envelope has been voided. You must retract or cancel the phase.

  • BUG FIX 478015 The buttons to add a participant, add an Other Party Signatory, and add a user to the Signatory Sequence were visible after the envelope had been completed. This has been fixed; the buttons to add a participant, add an Other Party Signatory, and add a user to the Signatory Sequence will not be visible after the envelope is completed.


  • BUG FIX 474330 Inactive document templates were listed in the Document Template dropdown, and users were able to select the template. This has been fixed; inactive document templates will not be listed in the Document Template dropdown.

  • BUG FIX 472953 When a user unchecked the select-all checkbox under the # Selected tab of the Add Group Members panel, some users were still listed. This has been fixed; unchecking the select-all checkbox will remove all users from that user group, as expected.

  • BUG FIX 475555 Users were able to see private contracts in the contract library and contract library filter options, and clicking the private contract returned an error. This has been fixed; users will not see private contracts in the contract library or contract library filter options.

  • BUG FIX 485213 Specialties in the table were not in alphabetical order. This has been fixed; specialties in the Specialties table will be in alphabetical order, as expected.

  • Time Tracking (TERMS 2.0)

  • BUG FIX 467840 When opening a timesheet workflow, Workflow Moderators received a Something Went Wrong Loading Contract Field Values error. This has been fixed; Workflow Moderators will be able to open timesheet works in read-only mode without error.

  • BUG FIX 460373 The initiation timestamp in the worklist did not match the timestamp on the timesheet or in the workflow history. This has been fixed; the initiation timestamp in the worklist will match the timestamp on the timesheet and workflow history, as expected.

Conflict Capture

  • BUG FIX 465865 Scheduled reports that were sent to individual users did not show data. This has been fixed; scheduled reports will include data, as expected.

  • BUG FIX 476676 Users were unable to switch organizations from the Campaign Management page. This has been fixed; users will be able to switch organizations from the Campaign Management page, as expected.

  • BUG FIX 474130 Users were unable to switch organizations from pages other than the worklist. This has been fixed; users will be able to switch organizations from any page, as expected.

Vendor Pulse Check

  • BUG FIX 476006 When a user added a participant to a survey, the user’s email was not listed in the Assigned Parties table. This has been fixed; users' emails will be listed in the Assigned Parties table, as expected.

  • BUG FIX 457464 When a user deleted a campaign, the scheduled tasks related to the campaign were not deleted. This has been fixed; when a user deletes a campaign, the scheduled tasks related to the campaign will be deleted.

  • DEFECT FIX 479034 Users received the 5 day reminder email for completed surveys. This has been fixed; users will not receive reminder emails for completed surveys.

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