2023.3 Release Notes
These items were released to production on October 4th.
UI Uniformity (Alloy)
These UI changes are part of our initiative to provide customers with a cohesive user experience across all symplr products and improve accessibility.
Updated button & in-app notifications [615547]
The Add Attachment and Upload Attachment buttons have been replaced with the Add Attachment and Upload Attachment links. [777512]
The Upload New Version button has been updated to reflect Alloy styling. [768003]
The highlighting issue on the Admin option on the menu bar has been resolved. [783268]
When a user has any unread in-app (bell) notifications, the dot badge will appear on the bell icon in the menu bar. Hovering over the badge will reveal a tooltip stating the number of unread notifications. [615547]
Workflows reporting additional sorting and filtering options [721692]
Users will be able to filter, sort, and export the following columns:
Phase Owner
Phase Mediator
Current Participant
Out with External Party
Activated By
Cancellation Date
Cancellation Reason
Days Active
Contract Library
Field Change History for Responsible Parties on Contract Summary Pages [475588]
On the contract summary pages, the Field Change History panel will have a Responsible Party tab, where details on Responsible Party changes will be listed. [332335]
The field change histories for Custom Fields and Responsible Parties will show the means by which the values were changed: Bulk Update (future feature), Timesheet Form, or Contract Summary Page.
Hovering over the info icon will reveal the tooltip, “The means by which this user changed the value of this field.” [495304]If a user updates a custom field value on a contract manually (without a workflow), then the Responsible Parties will be notified by in-app (bell) alert and email. [329903]
Responsible Parties will be able to toggle these notifications on/off in their account settings.
If the user who updated the field value is a Responsible Party on that contract, then they will not receive the notifications, although other Responsible Parties on the contract will.
If a user updates the custom field value on a contract via the timesheet general info form, then the Responsible Parties will be notified by in-app (bell) alert and email. [503786]
Executive summary controls [792286]
In an effort to streamline our internal processes, we will be making some minor UI changes with this release. We will be turning on the Executive Summary feature, which has been present since March of 2022, but hidden in some tenants.
Most users will see nothing different. However, Admins in tenants where the feature is newly turned on will see a new set of controls on the Signature Phase in workflow templates. Existing workflows will be unaffected. Unless you wish to turn on Executive Summaries for individual workflow templates, you can simply ignore these controls.
In an open negotiation phase, the Phase Owner received the Phase Owner: Ready to Complete Phase email notification before all participants have submitted their review or approval. [803864]
This has been fixed; the notification will only be sent after all phase participants have submitted their review or approval.The following issues occurred within private comments [825746]:
Users could not be tagged in replies to private comments.
Users in private comment threads were not notified of replies to their comments.
This has been fixed; tagging and notifications work within private comment threads.
Under Explore > Reporting > Contracts, attempting to add a particular custom field via the Additional Fields widget and then filter by that field returned an error. [809872]
This has been fixed; custom fields can be filtered as expected.Under Explore > Reporting, Workflows, when exporting a report that included the Primary Other Party field, that field was excluded in the exported report. [814291]
This has been fixed; if the Primary Other Party field is included in the report, it will appear in the exported file.
Workflows & Worklist
During workflow initiation, some Contract Types were missing from the dropdown. [614482]
This has been fixed; all expected Contract Types (based on the user’s permissions and selected criteria) will appear in the dropdown during initiation.During workflow initiation, after a user clicked + New Vendor or + New Provider, the Add new vendor/provider popup sometimes disappeared. [715030]
This has been fixed; users can add new vendors and providers.In a tenant where Contract Moderators were prohibited from initiating workflows on existing contracts via Role Management, a Contract Moderator could initiate a workflow (from the worklist) on a contract they had no access to via permission override. [801052]
This has been fixed; Role Management will function correctly with permission overrides.When a user attempted to request a new contract, clicking Proceed returned an error. [785718]
This has been fixed; Requestors can request contracts.When a user participating in a workflow resulting from a request workflow attempted to open a request workflow, that returned an error. [804161]
This has been fixed; users with access to a workflow can also access the related request workflow, if applicable.In some cases, scanned PDFs appeared unsearchable or blank in the document viewer. [825657]
This has been fixed; scanned documents are visible and searchable.In an open negotiation phase, a Super Admin who’d been sequenced as the sole participant (a Reviewer) saw the Complete Phase button instead of the Submit Review button. [760248]
This has been fixed; Admins and Super Admins sequenced as Reviewers will see the Submit Review button.In an open negotiation phase, an Admin or Phase Owner/Mediator who had participated in editing could not see the Complete Phase button. [734018]
This has been fixed; Admins and Phase Owners/Mediators will see the Complete Phase button.If a workflow based on a workflow template with *Initiator as an Approver or Reviewer in any phase was initiated, started, and then retracted to the initiation phase, the Initiator was removed from the workflow. [801650]
This has been fixed; retracting to the initiation phase will no longer remove the Initiator.When a particular trigger condition was met in a workflow, the workflow history failed to reflect that. [613910]
This has been fixed; when a trigger condition is met, it will appear in the workflow history.Attempting to upload a document with a “#” in the file name returned the following error: 415 unsupported file type. [814985]
This has been fixed; users can upload documents with a “#” in the file name.In some cases, after a Signatory completed their signature in DocuSign, the participant sequence failed to advance and the workflow history failed to update. [730962]
This applied to workflows that sent MSG files to DocuSign.
To fix this, we updated how the application handles MSG files.
In the activation phase, if a user uploaded a new document version, the following issues occurred [818947]:
The Document Category and Document Name failed to update.
The updated document failed to appear in the document viewer, despite having been saved in the version history.
This has been fixed; new document versions will update and appear as expected.
Contract Library
In the keyword search bar (above the Contracts table), recent searches failed to appear. [802608]
This has been fixed; recent searches are now visible.
Because of type-ahead filtering, users may need to clear text from the keyword search bar to see recent searches.
User Directory
Attempting to deactivate a user profile returned an error. [803098]
This has been fixed; Admins and Super Admins can deactivate user profiles.
Within a multi-organization tenant, attempting to copy a workflow template into another organization returned an error. [541391]
This has been fixed; Admins can copy workflow templates.When an Admin edited a workflow template, the workflow template changes popup appeared when the edit didn’t remove any users from the workflow template. [791253]
This has been fixed; the popup will only appear when changes result in removal of one or more users from the workflow template.Copying a form template and editing a section within that copy returned an error upon attempting to rename and save the newly copied form template. [810919]
This has been fixed; Admins can copy form templates.Attempting to copy a form template would overwrite the existing form template instead of copying the original form template. [815059]
This has been fixed; Admins can copy form templates.Within Admin > User Groups, after creating a new user group, adding any three users via Select People, then deselecting one of the users, deactivated users would then appear under Select People. [797122]
This has been fixed; deactivated users will no longer appear under Select People.
Vendor Pulse Check
When adding a user (who has already been added to the campaign) as a Respondent or Reviewer to a contract, the Select Participant field failed to populate. [812992]
This has been fixed; a users who’s already been added to the campaign will appear in the Select Participant field.In the Pulse Check Reminder the Survey is Closing in <15 or 5> Days email, the initiator’s name and the hyperlink to the survey were missing. [817110]
This has been fixed; the reminder emails will contain the Survey Initiator’s name and a hyperlink to the survey.The status of new campaigns with an end date in the past and no repeat frequency was active. [790081]
This has been fixed; campaigns with an end date in the past will show as completed.Updating the participants in an active campaign erroneously updated the Send Date in the send history popup. [790093]
This has been fixed; updating the participants will not affect the Send Date.Campaigns that had the End Date edited failed to end on the updated End Date. [797954]
This has been fixed; campaigns will end on the selected End Date.Under Queue > Pulse Check, subsequent survey iterations showed the Start Dates and End Dates of the original survey iterations. [828225]
This has been fixed; because users may have saved the Start Date and End Date as filters, we added the Survey Start Date and Survey End Date columns to show the dates on subsequent iterations.On the Campaigns table, campaigns with multiple iterations erroneously showed a single iteration. [799376]
This has been fixed; the campaign iterations will update in the table.On individual surveys, the Survey Iteration field failed to populate. [819542]
This has been fixed; the Survey Iteration field will populate.Surveys were sent after the End Date had passed. [821570]
This has been fixed; surveys will not be sent once the End Date has passed.Under Explore > Pulse Check, if the user filtered by Status=Pending, the Respondent, Moderator, and Reviewer columns failed to populate in the exported file. [814823]
This has been fixed; the fields will populate as expected.
Conflict Capture
Under Explore > Conflict Capture, sorting by the Send on Date listed campaigns out of order. [788106]
This has been fixed; users can sort the table by Send on Date.Under Explore > Reporting > Conflict Capture and Queue > Conflict Capture, filtering by Status=Completed erroneously returned no results. [792030]
This has been fixed; filtering by Status=Completed will return results if they exist.Under Queue > Conflict Capture, the Survey Start Date was formatted as MM/DD/YYYY, but in the exported file, the Survey Start Date was formatted as DD/MM/YYYY. [802550]
This has been fixed; exported files will show the Survey Start Date in MM/DD/YYYY format.