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Workflow Template Management

Why do this?

The workflow template drives the contracting process. It determines the phases of the workflow, the information collected (via forms), the eligible and available participants, and the expected result (new contract, amendment, etc.).

Who can do this?

Only Admins can manage workflow templates.

Additional Considerations

Workflow templates are complex. It is easier for Admins, other users, and the application itself to have fewer workflow templates.

  • Workflow templates are specific to contract location and contract types, but may be shared across multiple contract types and contract locations.

  • In tenants with multiple organizations, workflow templates are organization-specific.

  • Reasons to create different workflow templates:

    • Different workflow templates are needed for different action types.

    • Different forms are needed.

    • A role should be assigned to a single user instead of a user group, or vice versa.

    • Different triggers are needed.

  • In the workflow template modal, individual users (but not user groups) will be filtered so that only those with permissions matching the role and applicable contract types and locations will be available for selection:

    • The User dropdown in the Trigger setup (where applicable)

    • The User dropdown in the Add Phase Participant modal

    • The User dropdown in the Phase Owner/Mediator field

How to Access Workflow Templates

  • Hover the cursor over Admin, then select Organization Management.

  • Click the Workflow Templates tab.

The Workflow Templates Table

Workflow templates are displayed in a standard table, where you can filter the table, manage the columns, and export the table.

  • The following columns are displayed by default:
    Name | Action Type | Contract Types | Forms | Date Created | Created By | Status

  • The following columns are available via the Manage Columns widget:
    Last Modified By | Last Modified On

The workflow template table can also be filtered by contract location.

  • Click the caret on the left side of the screen to expand the organization tree.

    • Click the caret again to collapse the organization tree.

  • Click a node in the tree to filter the table by that contract location.

By default, the table only displays active workflow templates.

  • To see inactive templates as well, click the Include Inactive Workflow Templates toggle.

    • To hide inactive templates, click the toggle again.

How to Add a Workflow Template

  • Hover the cursor over Admin, then select Organization Management.

  • Under the Workflow Templates tab, click Add New Workflow Template.

  • In the New Workflow Template modal, select the contract locations for the workflow template, then click Next.

  • Enter a unique Workflow Template Name.

  • Select the action type.

  • Select one or more contract types, then click Save.

    • You can check the box to Select All Contract Types.

You can filter Contract Types by Contract Category:
  • Click Filter by Contract Category.

  • In the new dropdown, select a contract category. The Contract Type dropdown will only show contract types within the selected contract category.

  • To remove the filter, click Hide Contract Category Filter.

If you navigate to another section of the modal, any changes you made will auto-save.

Add and Configure Phases

  • Click on a phase to add it to the workflow template.

    • To remove a phase, click the blue trash can next to the phase name.

    • To reorder phases, hover the cursor over a phase. The cursor will change to a hand icon, and then you can drag and drop the phase.

Because every workflow template must end with an Activation Phase, it is automatically added as the last phase and cannot be removed.

  • To configure a phase, click the pencil icon next to the phase name.

    • If you like, edit the phase name. If you don’t edit the phase name, it will retain its default name.

  • If you are editing a Form Phase or Activation Phase, select a Form Template.

    • To preview a form in a Form Phase or Activation Phase, click Form Preview.

    • To edit the selected form template, click Edit Form Template.

A Form Phase must have a Form Template.

  • If you are editing a Form Phase and would like the phase to auto-start, switch the Auto-Start toggle ON.

If Auto-Start is ON:

  • In an active workflow, the Form Phase will start immediately. It will not require a Phase Manager to click Start Phase.

  • If the action type is Request, then the Auto-Start toggle will be ON by default, so that the Requestor can submit a form as part of a Contract Request workflow.
    For all other Action Types, the toggle will default to OFF.

Assign the Phase Manager

  • Select the Phase Management Role:
    Phase Owner | Phase Mediator

Each phase must have a Phase Owner or a Phase Mediator. A workflow template can have a Phase Owner in one phase and a Phase Mediator another, but a single phase cannot have both.

In active workflows:

  • The Phase Owner can only be replaced with another Phase Owner.

  • A Phase Mediator can only be replaced with another Phase Mediator.

  • Optional: Deselect the Phase Owner can complete phase before all sequenced participants have completed their turns checkbox.

If a workflow phase has been configured this way, and not all sequenced participants have taken their turns:

  • The Phase Owner will not see the Complete Phase button.

  • The Phase Owner will see the following message: 
    The phase cannot be completed until all sequenced participants have taken action.

This will not apply to Phase Mediators, as Phase Mediators already cannot complete a phase until all participants have completed their turns. If the Phase Mediator is selected as Phase Manager, then the checkbox will be hidden.

This will not apply to Negotiation Phases with Open selected as the Review Type. If Open is selected as the Review Type, then the checkbox will be hidden.

This will not affect the ability of users with Admin permissions for a workflow to complete the phase. 

  • Select the Phase Owner or Phase Mediator:

    • *Initiator
      If the action type is New, then any user with permissions for any of the selected contract types and locations (with the exception of Requestor, Contract Moderator only, Workflow Moderator only, or External Party) will be able to select the workflow template upon initiation.

    • Specific User
      If a user is missing from the dropdown:

      • Check their permission sets. They need the role of Phase Owner or Phase Mediator, with permissions for the Contract Locations and Contract Types selected in the workflow template.

      • If the user’s permissions were recently changed, you may need to refresh the workflow template screen for all the potential participants to display.

    • User Group
      If a member of a user group is randomly assigned to a workflow, then that user will be assigned to all phases of the workflow in which the user group is a participant.

User groups are not filtered for permissions here, so it is possible to select a group with no eligible Phase Managers. The application checks permissions for user groups as they are added to active workflows.

  • When finished, click Save.

Add and Sequence Default Phase Participants (Optional)

  • To add default phase participants, click (+) Add Available Participant.

    • In the Add Phase Participants modal, select the role.

Available roles vary by phase:
  • In the Form, Document Source, Negotiation, and Activation Phases, you can add Reviewers and Approvers.

  • In the Negotiation and Document Source Phases, you can add the Phase Owner to the Available Participants and Participant Sequence. This will allow the Phase Owner to be automatically sequenced at the start of negotiation so they can begin redlining documents without having to sequence themselves.

  • In the Signature Phase, you can add Reviewers, Approvers, and Signatories.

  • Select the user:

    • *Initiator

    • Specific User

    • User Group

      • If a user group is added and then sequenced as a default phase participant, then all group members with appropriate permissions will be added as Available Participants, but only one will be sequenced.

      • If a member of a user group is randomly assigned to a workflow, then that user will be assigned to all phases of the workflow in which the user group is a participant.

  • To add another participant, click (+) Add Participant, then select the role and user.

    • To remove a phase participant, click red trash can to the right of their name.

    • To sequence the participants, check the Set Participation Sequence box.

  • When finished, click Add.

  • To sequence default phase participants, click (+) Add Participant.

    • In the Set Participant Sequence modal, select the role and the user.

You have to add phase participants before you can sequence them.

  • To sequence another participant, click (+) Add Participant, then select the role and user.

    • To remove a participant from the sequence, click red trash can to the right of their name.

  • When finished, click Add.

  • To add another phase, click on Add Phases, then click on a phase.

    • Configure the phase as needed.

  • When finished, click Save.

By default, the status is inactive. Only active workflow templates can be selected during workflow initiation. To change the status to active, switch the toggle ON.

How to Edit a Workflow Template

  • Navigate to the Workflow Templates table.

  • In the modal, edit the workflow template.

When you update the location and/or contract type for a workflow template, workflow participants whose permissions do not match the new criteria will be removed.

  • This applies to Phase Owners, Approvers, Reviewers, Signatories, and any triggered participants.

  • If one or more workflow participants will be removed, a modal notification will appear:
    The updates made to the Locations or Contract Types do not match the permissions for the participants added. The following participants will be removed from this Workflow Template.
    <Phase Name>

    • <Participant Name>

    • <Participant Name>

Click Yes to proceed, or No, take me back, and then Cancel, to discard the changes.

  • When finished, click Save.

Workflow templates cannot be deleted, but the status can be changed to inactive on any workflow template that is not in use.

How to Copy a Workflow Template

  • Navigate to the Workflow Templates tab.

  • Click Copy Workflow Template.

  • In the modal, select the workflow template you want to copy

  • Enter the new, unique workflow template name.

  • Click Copy.

Regardless of the status of the original workflow template, the status of the copied template is inactive. To change the status to active, switch the toggle ON.

Contract Request Workflow Templates

Contract request workflow templates are designed to allow anyone working within a health system, including those with limited knowledge of the system and internal processes, to request a contract without necessarily granting them standard user privileges.

How to Add a Contract Request Workflow Template

  • Navigate to the Workflow Templates tab.

  • Click Add New Workflow Template.

  • In the New Workflow Template modal, select ALL Contract Locations, then click Save.

  • Enter a unique Workflow Template Name.

  • Select Request as the action type. This will prompt a confirmation modal:
    Changing the Action Type to Request will result in the following:

    These settings will not be editable for workflow templates with the action type of Request. Do you wish to proceed?

  • Click Proceed.
    To close the modal and select a different action type, click Cancel or ✖.

  • Request Only will auto-select as the contract type. This cannot be changed.

  • To configure the Form Phase, click the pencil icon next to the phase name.

    • Select a Form Template.

    • Select the Phase Management Role:
      Phase Owner | Phase Mediator

    • Select *Initiator as the Phase Owner or Phase Manager.

    • Click (+) Add Available Participant.

      • In the Add Phase Participants modal, select Reviewer as the role.

      • Select *Requestor as the user.

      • Check the Set Participation Sequence box.

      • Click Add.

  • To configure the Activation Phase, click the pencil icon next to the phase name.

    • Select a Form Template.

    • Select the Phase Management Role:
      Phase Owner | Phase Mediator

You can select Request Only as the contract type for document templates, approved language records, and user permissions.

In the Add/Edit Workflow Template modals, *Requestor can be assigned as a Reviewer, Approver, and Signatory on any workflow template.

Executive Summary Setup

The Edit Signature Phase modal of the workflow template includes an Executive Summary section.

  • Admins can select one form template of any type (excluding Pulse Check, Conflict Capture, or Timesheet) to define which fields will be on the executive summary.

  • When a user selects the form template, the system defaults to listing only form templates of type = Executive Summary.

  • When the Display all form types checkbox above the selection box is checked, all active forms are available for selection. When the checkbox is unchecked, the system reverts to the default of listing only form templates of type = Executive Summary.

  • Triggers, or any other options set in a form template, do not impact the behavior of the form when the form is used to control the executive summary.

In the Executive Summary section, users can choose how they want the executive summary saved, if they want it saved at all.

  • The Save Executive Summaries as field has three radio buttons: Document | Attachment | Do not save

    • If the user selects Document, the executive summary will be visible to internal and external parties. This is the default selection.

    • If the user selects Attachment, the executive summary will be visible only to internal parties.

    • If the user selects Do not save, the form selection dropdown will be disabled.

  • If a user selects a non-type executive summary form, Property settings that may impact DocuSign or other aspects of display will be ignored.

Prior to the creation of the executive summary (i.e., at the completion of the phase immediately preceding the Signature Phase), the system automatically references all executive summary settings in the workflow template.

  • If the workflow template specifies that the executive summary is not to be saved, the system will take no further action.

  • If the workflow template specifies that the executive summary is to be saved, the system will generate the executive summary and save it as specified in the workflow template.

  • The executive summary contains all standard formatting and content.

  • The executive summary includes all system and/or custom fields specified by the Admin in the Form Template associated with this workflow’s template.

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