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Contract Request Workflows

Why do this?

The request workflow allows users with limited knowledge of the system to request a contract without standard user privileges.

Who can do this?

  • Admins

  • Phase Owners

Additional Considerations

  • For workflow participants other than the Requestor, the workflow view for contract requests will be streamlined.

    • The header will only display the following attributes:

      • Organization

      • Contract Description

      • Action

      • Contract Locations

    • Under the Phase Info tab, the following accordions will be hidden:

      • Responsible Parties

      • Other Party Contacts

  • Request workflows cannot be reassigned.

  • Workflows that did not originate from a contract request workflow but have *Requestor listed as a participant in the workflow template will ignore *Requestor references.

How to Record Progress Notes for the Requestor

In request workflows and workflows originating from requests, the Admin, Phase Owner, and other participants can record progress notes for the Requestor.

  • Under the Phase Info tab, the Progress Notes for Requestor accordion will be displayed.

  • Participants can add notes the same way they add comments.

  • In addition to the note itself, each record will display the following attributes:

    • First Name Last Name of user who added the note.

    • Date/Timestamp

    • Phase in which the note was added

  • Notes will be visible to any internal user with access to the workflow.

  • Notes added in the contract request workflow will carry over to the resulting new workflow.

  • Within the accordion, notes added in the contract request workflow will be grouped under the request name, and notes added in the new workflow will be grouped under the workflow name.

How to Approve a Contract Request

  • If applicable, complete the fields in the Approval Form tab.
    This will behave like the Key Terms tab in traditional workflows. If no form is defined on the workflow template, then the Approval Form tab will not show.

  • Click Approve.

  • In the approve request popup, select the following attributes for the resulting workflow:

    • Organization (This will auto-populate based on the request workflow template.)

    • Location

    • Contract Type

    • Workflow Template

    • Primary Other Party

  • Click Confirm.
    This will initiate a new workflow based on the approved contract request, and the status of the request workflow will change to Approved.

  • Upon approval, the Approved New Workflow field will appear in the request workflow header. Click the field to go to the resulting new workflow.

  • Documents, attachments, and form field values added to the contract request workflow will carry over to the resulting new workflow.

  • In workflows and contracts originating from contract request workflows, the header will contain additional information:

    • A new field, Request, will display the request workflow name as a link to the historical workflow.

    • Another new field, Requestor, will display the First Name and Last Name of the Requestor as a mail-to link.

How to Decline a Contract Request

  • Click on the ellipsis (…) to the right of the Complete Phase button, then select Decline Request.

  • In the confirmation popup, enter the reason for declining. This will be included in the notification sent to the Requestor.

  • Click Yes, decline request.

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