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Workflows User Role Matrix

User Roles


  • Manages the workflows and contracts, as well as the vendor, provider, and user directories, groups, and the template and approved language libraries.

  • Can act as a Phase Owner for a workflow.

  • Can also be designated as a Responsible Party.

Super Admin

In addition to regular Admin capabilities, a Super Admin can manage certain application settings:

  • Role Management

  • Email Management

  • Classifications Management

The Super Admin role is unavailable in the UI. If you would like one or more Admins in your organization to have this role, contact a symplr Contract representative. Note that to access Super Admin areas of the UI, the Super Admin must be assigned an Admin role within their Contract permissions.

Phase Owner manages a particular phase within a particular workflow.

Phase Mediator manages a particular phase within a particular workflow, but has fewer privileges than a Phase Owner.

Throughout the knowledge base, you’ll see Phase Owners and Phase Mediators referred to collectively as “Phase Managers.” If you read that a Phase Manager can do something, this means that a Phase Phase Owner or a Phase Mediator can do it.

Workflow Moderator has read-only access to every phase of every workflow, but cannot make any changes to those workflows.

Reviewer reviews changes and helps the Phase Manager complete workflow tasks.

Approver approves changes and helps the Phase Manager complete workflow tasks.

Signatory can see and sign the document in the Signature Phase of the workflow.

Requestor can request that a contract workflow be initiated.

External Party can interact with the workflow in a limited capacity as a Reviewer and Signatory. They can see attachments that they’ve been specifically granted permission to see.

Definitions & Disambiguations

  • A current phase participant is any user listed in the Participant Info panel in the current phase. There can be multiple current phase participants, but they won’t perform any action within the phase unless they are sequenced.

  • The in-turn phase participant is the user whose turn it is within the Participant Sequence—there can be only one in-turn participant at a time within a phase.

  • Documents appear in the document editor/viewer and are listed in the Document Versions panel within workflows. In the Contract Library, documents appear in the Documents tab and are listed in the Document Versions panel within contract summary pages.

  • Attachments are listed in the Attachments panel within workflows, as well as vendor and provider records. In the Contract Library, attachments appear in the Attachments tab within contract summary pages.

  • In all cases, users' access to workflows is limited by their Contract type and Contract Location permissions. “All” should be understood as “all that fall within a user’s assigned permissions.”





Phase Mediator

Workflow Moderator






See the worklist











Open all active workflows











Open active workflows where user is current phase participant











See the vendor and provider directories











Create and edit vendor and provider profiles











Comment on vendor and provider profiles











Add, edit, and delete attachments in vendor and provider profiles











Add, edit, and delete vendor and provider contacts1











Add, edit, and delete vendor exclusion records











See active workflows associated with a vendor or provider profile











See the user directory











Create and edit user profiles











See the dashboard











Build and schedule reports











See external links











Access the knowledge base via Help











Open contract files











See and edit Organization Management (External Links, Approved Language, Workflow Templates, Form Templates, Custom Fields, Contract Request Question)











Edit the organization tree (Location hierarchy)











See and edit the document template library, including SmartTemplates











See and edit User Groups











See Application Settings











Edit contract expiration notification schedule











Edit approved email domains for automated access











Edit destination organization for automated access requestor users











See and edit Role Management settings











See Email Management section











Enable/disable email notifications at the organization level











Add/edit custom body to email notifications











See Classifications Management section











Add classifications (document and attachment categories, contract types, contract categories)











Update classifications











Initiate a contract request2











Initiate a workflow on a new contract3











Initiate a workflow on an existing contract4











Update the priority (i.e. Critical or Normal) of a workflow5











Record comments in a workflow where user is current phase participant











See and be tagged in comments where user is current phase participant











See and be tagged in comments in any workflow











Add an attachment in an active workflow where user is in-turn phase participant











See and download attachments in an active workflow where user is current phase participant6











Delete an attachment in an active workflow where user is current phase participant











See form data in Form or Activation Phase where user is current phase participant











Enter form data in Form or Activation Phase where user is the in-turn phase participant











Edit the description in an active workflow where user is the in-turn phase participant7











Select the Primary or Secondary Other Party in an active workflow where user is in-turn phase participant6











Submit a review in an active workflow where user is in-turn Reviewer











Submit an approval in an active workflow where user is in-turn Approver











Submit a signature in an active workflow where user is in-turn Signatory











Designate an existing Other Party Contact for a specific workflow











Invite an Other Party Contact to register as an External Party User in a phase where user is current Phase Manager











Add a participant to a phase where user is current Phase Manager











Add a Responsible Party in a phase where user is current Phase Manager











Modify the participant sequence in a phase where user is current Phase Manager8











Reassign a workflow where user is current Phase Manager











Cancel a workflow where user is current Phase Manager











Retract a phase in a workflow where user is current Phase Manager











Start a phase in a workflow where user is current Phase Manager











Skip a participant’s turn in a workflow where user is current Phase Manager9











Complete a phase in a workflow where user is current Phase Manager10











See and download document versions in a phase where user is current phase participant











Upload a new document in a phase where user is current phase participant











Edit (redline) a document in a Document Source or Negotiation Phase where user is the in-turn phase participant











Merge SmartTags in a workflow containing a SmartTemplate where user is the in-turn phase participant











Delete a document where user is current Phase Manager11











Add an Other Party Signatory in the signature phase where current user is Phase Manager12











Build and schedule reports











Access the dashboard











Conduct a full text search











See completed workflows where user was a phase participant











Designate other users to act as proxies during time out of office











Be a Responsible Party for a contract13











Act as a Phase Manager in any workflow











  1. Phase Owners and Phase Mediators can add Other Party Contacts within a workflow phase they are managing, but not directly to a vendor or provider record.

  2. For a Requestor to do this, a contract request template must exist.

  3. A workflow template can be configured so that *Initiator can be a Phase Manager, Reviewer, or Approver (in any phase), and a Signatory (in the Signature Phase).

  4. Editors (Contract Library user role) can also initiate a workflow on an existing contract. Depending on Role Management settings, Contract Moderators (Contract Library user role) may be able to initiate workflows on existing contracts.

  5. There is a backend toggle, Priority/Critical Designation, that will hide the Priority feature. By default, Priority/Critical designation is visible.

  6. External Party users can only see attachments that they have been given permission to see.

  7. Signatories can do this in an ink Signature Phase, but not a DocuSign Signature Phase.

  8. Phase Mediators can only remove phase participants they added themselves; they can neither remove triggered phase participants nor phase participants that were added or sequenced in the workflow template.

  9. Depending on workflow template settings, Phase Owners may be restricted from completing a phase before all sequenced participants have completed their turns.

  10. Phase Mediators can only complete a phase after all sequenced participants have taken action.

  11. During the Signatory phase, phase participants can neither add new documents nor edit/delete existing documents.

  12. Once the Signatory Phase has started, the participant sequence cannot be changed.

  13. Contract Moderators and Editors (Contract Library user roles) can also be Responsible Parties. Also, once a workflow has been activated, an Admin can grant any user (except for a Requestor or External Party) Contract Moderator or Editor permissions to an individual contract via permission overrides. Once the user has been granted this access, they can be added as a Responsible Party.
    There is a backend toggle, Anyone as Responsible Party, that will allow the Admin or Phase Manager to select any user in the organization (excluding External Parties) as a Responsible Party. This toggle is OFF by default.

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