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Signature Phase

In the Signatory Phase of a workflow, the Signatory (or Signatories) from both external and internal parties view and sign the main agreement. Signatories can sign the agreement by downloading, signing, then uploading the document (Ink Signature Phase) or by digitally signing the document (DocuSign Signature Phase).

Once the Signatory Phase is completed, the workflow moves to the next phase. In most workflows, the Activation Phase, which is the last phase, follows the Signatory Phase.

Roles & Participants

  • Internal Signatories and External Signatories review and sign the main agreement.

  • Admin, Current Phase Owner, or Current Phase Mediator complete the phase.

Admins with Signatory permissions can sequence themselves as Internal Signatories.

Other Party Signatories

  • When adding an Other Party Signatory, the user needs to select the vendor or provider with which the signatory is associated. The vendor/provider information will appear in the Other Party Signatory panel.

  • Because some contracts may involve multiple other party signatories, the associated vendor/provider appears alongside each Other Party Signatory's name and role:

    • In the Signature Phase, the Other Party Signatory’s associated vendor/provider appears with their name and role in the Participant Info section.

    • In the contract summary page, the Other Party Signatory’s associated vendor/provider appears with their name and email address.

  • Other Party Signatory entries disallow duplicate email addresses.

Executive Summary Cover Page

The Signatories of a contract are often hospital executives who have neither the time nor the access to review other phases. They only need a quick overview of a workflow before signing. The executive summary, which is an uneditable PDF, provides this overview.  


The cover page contains a summary of reviews and approvals, with date/timestamps, that were obtained throughout the workflow. This includes review/approval triggers and exceptions (e.g. skips), but not default or manually added reviewers or approvers.

  • All data is presented chronologically.

  • Data changes made immediately prior to clicking Start Phase for the Signature Phase automatically updates the related content in the executive summary.

  • The cover page is titled Executive Summary Cover Page.

  • Retractions, skips, and any associated comments/reasons are included.

  • When review or approval is triggered based upon a form value, the verbiage User added due to trigger conditions being met along with the user’s name and the date/time they were added to the workflow are included.

  • Custom fields are included in the executive summary.

    • The column setup is honored on the executive summary.

      • If the form has a one-column layout, one column will appear on the executive summary.

      • If the form has a two-column layout, two columns will appear on the executive summary.

    • The Section Name appears on the executive summary, if applicable.

    • If the form has more than one section, the sections will be spaced apart on the executive summary and have the Section Name, as they are on the form view.

Header and Footer

  • The header contains the title “Executive Summary Cover Page.”

  • The footer contains a system-generated date formatted as MM/DD/YYYY, timestamp with timezone indicated, Customer Name, Workflow Name, and the page number.

  • A disclaimer appears below the footer: This Executive Summary was automatically generated at the time the Signature Phase was started. Durations throughout this document are calculated based on the total elapsed time between the start and the conclusion of a participant’s turn within a phase, including non-working hours, weekends, and holidays. It is not meant to indicate time spent working on the contract.

Contract Summary

  • At the top of the report is a Contract Summary section, which includes workflow header information:

    • Workflow Name

    • Requestor (if applicable)

    • Initiator

    • Organization

    • Contract Locations

    • Contract Description (if applicable)

    • Contract Type

    • Action

  • If the information is not applicable, the field will be hidden on the summary.

  • For large organizations, Contract Locations can be removed or placed in an appendix.

Workflow Phases

Following the Contract Summary, each workflow phase has a section with a prominent header, and the sections are listed in chronological order from top-to-bottom.

For completed phases:

  • Each section header includes the Phase Name, Phase Manager, date and time the phase was started, and date and time the phase was completed. The Duration field shows the total time from Phase Start to Phase End.

  • The body of each section contains a table that will show the following:

    • Participants, including Name and Title.

    • Role & Group.

    • Start/End date, time, and timezone.

    • Duration in days, hours, and minutes.

For open review phases:

  • The Duration column is omitted.

For incomplete phases:

  • Each section header includes the Phase Name, Phase Manager, and date and time the phase was started.

  • The body of each section contains a table that will show the following:

    • Participants, including Name and Title.

    • Role & Group.

    • Start date, time, and timezone.

Phase retractions:

  • The Phase Manager for the phase is listed.

  • Below the phase information is a textbox indicating that the phase was retracted and providing the retraction reason.

  • Any action during the phase that took place before retraction is recorded.

Skipped participants:

  • The name of the participant who was skipped is listed in the Participants row.

  • The skipped user’s role is listed in the Role & Group row.

  • The text Participant Skipped and a timestamp of when the skip occurred appears in the Start/End row. The timestamp is provided in the duration column, if available.


  • The name of the participant who declined their turn is listed in the Participants row.

  • The user’s role is listed in the Role & Group row.

  • The text Participant Declined and a timestamp of when the declination occurred appears in the Start/End row. The timestamp is provided in the duration column, if available.

  • Start and end dates and time are presented as they were recorded in the system.

  • Durations are simple calculations, subtracting the start date/time from the end date/time. No adjustments for non-working hours or weekends are made.

  • The timezones in an executive summary are the timezone of the user who creates the executive summary.

  • All participants in each phase are included, regardless of if they were assigned (i.e., Admin or Phase Manager) or if they were triggered into the workflow.


  • Upon completion of the Negotiation Phase, the executive summary is auto-generated for the Signature Phase.

  • An Amend workflow generates a new executive summary for that workflow.

    • Each distinct workflow has its own unique cover page.

  • If a retraction reverts the workflow to the Negotiation Phase or any phase prior to the Negotiation Phase, then a new executive summary will be generated upon completion of the Negotiation Phase. This new executive summary will replace any previous executive summaries.


  • The executive summary is present when a user enters the Signature Phase, regardless of signature type.

    • The executive summary appears under Executive Summary, the first tab in the document viewer.

    • For workflows that utilize e-signature, the executive summary is visible in DocuSign to all users, both internal and external.

  • The executive summary is stored within the contract summary page in the Contract Library.

    • The executive summary resides under the Executive Summary tab, in the Documents tab, alongside all other documents attached to a workflow.

  • For contracts with Amend workflows, the previous executive summaries for each distinct workflow are available in their respective workflow snapshots.


  • The executive summary is visible to all users with access to the Signature Phase.

  • All users with access to see the cover page can download it. Downloading is the only available action for this tab. 

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