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Contract Library

Our Contract Library stores all your contracts in a single location, allowing your organization to centralize all contracts into a single source of truth, standardize your contract operations to achieve more productivity, and optimize your contract assets to minimize variability and eliminate risk.

Who can see this?

Any user, with the exception of Requestors, can access the Contract Library. However, only users with the following roles can see contracts in the table and open contract summary pages:

  • Admin

  • Contract Moderator

  • Editor

  • External Party User

    • These users will see a limited version of a contract summary page resulting from a workflow in which they participated.

  • Any user who has been given access to a contract summary page via Permission Overrides

How to Access the Contract Library

Hover the cursor over Explore, then select Contracts.

How to Navigate Contracts

  • To open the contract summary page, click on the contract row in the Contract Library

  • To see the vendor or provider profile associated with the contract, click the vendor or provider name.

  • To link the contract to another contract, click the Linked Contracts +, then select a contract in the modal.

  • To download the contract, click the gear icon, then select Download in the dropdown.

The Contract Library Table

Contracts are displayed in a standard table, with the Filter Table, Manage Columns, and Export widgets.

  • The following columns are displayed by default:
    Contract Name | Primary Other Party | Status | Sites | Departments | Contract Entities | Contract Type | Contract Description | Expiration Date | Primary Responsible Party

  • The following columns are available via the Manage Columns widget:
    Activated Date | Archived | Associated Request Workflow | Associated with a Request Workflow | Effective Date | Requestor | Secondary Other Party(s) | Secondary Responsible Party | Tertiary Responsible Party

By default, the table only displays active contracts.

  • To see inactive contracts as well, click the Include Inactive Contracts toggle.

    • To hide inactive contracts, click the toggle again.

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