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Negotiation Phase

The Negotiation Phase is the fourth phase in a workflow, in which the Reviewers and Approvers review the main agreement, negotiate agreement terms with external and internal parties, and approve the agreement.

Once the Negotiation Phase is completed, the workflow moves to the next phase. In most workflows, the Signature Phase follows the Negotiation Phase.

Roles & Participants

  • Admin

  • Current Phase Owner

  • Current Phase Mediator

  • In-turn Reviewer

  • In-turn Approver

How to Complete a Negotiation Phase

  • On the workflow page, add and sequence any participants.

You must sequence the reviewers/approvers or they will be unable to review/approve the document(s).

  • Optional: Add any attachments.

  • Optional: Add any comments.

  • Optional: Update the priority.

  • Click Start Phase. The workflow will be routed to the first participant in the sequence.

Under Participant Sequence, each completed review/approval is indicated by a checkmark.

  • After any applicable reviews/approvals have been completed and any applicable comments have been addressed, click Complete Phase. The workflow will proceed to the next phase.

Phase Owners or Phase Mediators, as well as phase participants who are currently in sequence (i.e. it’s their turn) can upload a new version of any document under review within the workflow.

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