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Why do this?

Commenting directly on a workflow or other record allows you to communicate about the record with any other user who might see it, in a place where it can be easily referenced.

Who can do this?

The following users can record comments, as well as see and be tagged in comments in an active workflow where they are a current phase participant:

  • Admin

  • Phase Owner

  • Phase Mediator

  • Workflow Moderator

  • Reviewer

  • Approver

  • Signatory

  • Requestor

  • External Party

The following users can see and be tagged in comments in any workflow:

  • Admin

  • Workflow Moderator

Where can you do this?

How to Add a Comment

  • On the right side of the workflow, click the Comments panel.

  • Click the (+).

  • Enter the comment.

You can make a comment private by checking the MAKE PRIVATE box. You’ll then be able to tag the users you want to see the comment.

  • The comment will be flagged so authorized users know it is confidential. Unauthorized users will not see that a comment is there, regardless of access to the workflow.

  • This feature may be disabled upon request. To have confidential comments disabled, have your symplr Contract Admin contact a symplr Contract representative.

  • When finished, click Comment to save the comment. (The Comment button will be disabled until text has been entered in the comment field.)

How to Edit a Comment

  • Hover over the comment.

  • Hover over the ⚙.

  • Click Edit.

  • Edit as needed.

  • When finished, click Edit to save it.

Once an additional comment or a reply to your comment has been made, you’ll be unable to edit or delete your comment. If the reply is deleted, you can then edit or delete your comment.

How to Reply to a Comment

  • Hover over the comment.

  • Click the reply arrow.

  • Enter your reply.

  • When finished, click Comment to save it.

How to Delete a Comment

  • Hover over the comment.

  • Hover over the ⚙.

  • Click Delete.

There is no Delete confirmation; deleting a comment cannot be undone.

How to Tag (Mention) a User in a Comment

When you tag a user in a comment, they’ll receive an email and an in-app (bell) notification.

  • To tag a user in a comment, type the @.

    • A list of available users will appear. Only users with permission to see the workflow or contract can be tagged.

External Party users cannot access the available users list. To tag a user, the External Party must know the email address associated with the user’s symplr Contract account.

  • Select or type ahead to tag a user.

  • When finished, click Comment.

  • The notification will be sent to the email address in the user’s profile, and it will contain a link to the relevant workflow or contract.

  • When a comment in which a user was originally tagged is edited to tag additional users, only the newly tagged users will receive notifications.

  • Users tagged in a private comment can see other users privy to that comment. Tagged users can only see the other members in read-only mode.

  • If the tagged user is removed from the phase or an Admin or Workflow Moderator has their permissions changed to a lower role, then they will no longer be able to see the comment, even though the comment will still appear in the workflow.

Users' Online Status

  • In the Comments and Participants panels, the speech balloon illuminates green when listed users are online.

  • This applies to Comments in the following places:

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