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Certain features in symplr Contract are toggled, meaning that they can be switched on or off to better meet each customer’s needs. To have a feature switched on or off, ask your organization’s symplr Contract Admin to contact a symplr Contract customer support representative.

Toggles operate at the tenant level. They cannot be applied to specific organizations (within a multi-organization tenant), nor can they be applied to only some users, contract types, locations, etc.



Related to Other Toggles





Partial Location Matching

ON (for customers going live after 10/01/2021


In areas of the application that check location permissions, a single location node on the comparison location that corresponds to any selected leaf node on the reference location will be sufficient for a match.

Location permissions checks are based on partial location matching.

Location permissions checks are based on the permission node system, i.e. the common shared node furthest from the trunk that encompasses all selected leaf nodes.

Email Notifications



symplr Contract sends automated email notifications to users based on system activity.

Automated emails are sent to users.

Automated emails are not sent to users.

Document Indexing


Global Search

OCR is applied to documents and attachments to facilitate full text search.

As a best practice, we recommend that Document Indexing be toggled on. This can be done during the implementation process, once all or most of the organization’s documents have been uploaded into symplr Contract.

In addition to fields, users can search the text of documents and attachments.

Users cannot search document or attachment text.

Global Search


Document Indexing

Users can search fields and document and attachment text throughout the organization.

Global search cannot include document and attachment text until Document Indexing has been completed.

Searches include workflows, contracts, vendor and provider profiles, and document and attachment text.

Users cannot search workflows, vendor and provider profiles, or document and attachment text.

Disable Private Comments



When recording a comment, a user can check the Make Private box to make the comment private. They’ll be able to select the individual users who can see and respond to it.

The Make Private checkbox is hidden, preventing users from making private comments.

The Make Private checkbox is visible, allowing users to make private comments.

Anyone as Responsible Party



Within both the workflow and the contract summary page, any user in the organization, except an External Party user, can be assigned as a Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary Responsible Party via system-driven permission overrides.

When a user selects a Responsible Party, within that dropdown, they’ll see every user (excluding External Parties) within the organization, not just those who would have permission to the contract.

When a user selects a Responsible Party, only users who would have permission to the contract will appear within that dropdown.





An abstraction workflow is automatically initiated when a non-abstraction workflow is activated, prompting a symplr abstraction specialist to review key terms for accuracy.

Abstraction workflows are initiated once non-abstraction workflows are activated.

Abstraction workflows are not initiated once non-abstraction workflows are activated.

Automated Access Request


Contract Requests

Non-system users can request access to symplr Contract to request a contract

Non-system users can request access so they can initiate a contract request.

Non-system users cannot request access so they can initiate a contract request.

Decline Participant Review



The ability for Reviewers and Approvers to decline review or approval

Reviewers and Approvers can decline review/approval.

Reviewers and Approvers cannot decline review/approval.

Electronic Signature



(DocuSign setup required)

Before starting the Signature Phase of a workflow, the Admin or Phase Manager will select Ink or Digital as the signature type. Digital will route the documents through DocuSign.
(Paid Feature)

The Ink/Digital toggle is available in the Signature Phase.

The Ink/Digital toggle is hidden in the Signature Phase.

Form Instructions on Page



Form instructions can be displayed on forms as static text.

Form instructions appear as static text.

Form instructions appear as hover text.
Users hover the cursor over ? Form Instructions to reveal the instructions.

Priority/Critical Designation



  • On the worklist, the Critical badge is visible.

  • On the workflow initiation screen, the Priority dropdown and Critical Reason fields are visible.

  • Within workflows, the Update Priority button and Critical badge are visible.

The Critical Priority designation is available.

The Critical Priority designation is unavailable

Contract Library

Show Compliance Tab



The Compliance tab appears on the contract summary page.

The Compliance tab is visible.

The Compliance tab is hidden.

Show Contract Assets



Asset records can be managed under the Assets tab on the contract summary page.

The Assets tab is visible, allowing users with appropriate permissions to see, add, edit, and remove assets.

The Assets tab is hidden, preventing users from seeing or managing Asset records.


Timesheets (TERMS)



Time-Tracking Module (Paid Feature)

The tenant has Time Tracking (TERMS 2.0).

The tenant does not have Time Tracking (TERMS 2.0).

Conflict Capture



Conflict Capture (Paid Feature)

The tenant has Conflict Capture.

The tenant does not have Conflict Capture.

Pulse Check



Vendor Surveying Module (Paid Feature)

The tenant has Pulse Check.

The tenant does not have Pulse Check.

Gift Alert



Non-monetary Compensation Tracking Module (Paid Feature)

The tenant has Gift Alert.

The tenant does not have Gift Alert.

Newport Integration



Newport Credentialing (Paid Feature)

The tenant has Newport Credentialing.

The tenant does not have Newport Credentialing.

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