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How to Search

  • To search for results from workflows (including timesheets if applicable, which are functionally workflows), contracts, and the vendor and provider directories, enter a term in the search bar, which is located in the menu bar.

  • To clear text in the search bar, click the Clear button next to the search bar.
    You can still backspace or highlight and delete the text. The Clear button only appears after you’ve entered text in the search bar.

Global Search

Global search pulls results from workflows, contracts, vendors, and providers for selected organizations.

The symplr Contract Development Team must run the OCR (optical character recognition) process for your tenant before document and attachment text can be searched. You can ask your symplr Contract representative to request this on our behalf once all your document files have been loaded.

The following attributes are searched:


  • Main Documents (document content, not file names)

  • Attachments (document content, not file names)

  • Field Values

  • Primary Other Party (Name Only)

  • Secondary Other Party (Name Only)

  • Workflow Name

  • Workflow Description


  • Main Documents (document content, not file names)

  • Attachments (document content, not file name)

  • Field Values

  • Primary Other Party (Name Only)

  • Secondary Other Party (Name Only)

  • Contract Name

  • Contract Description

  • Original Term

  • Associated Workflow Name

Vendor Directory 

  • Vendor Name

  • Attachments to vendor record (document content, not file names)

Provider Directory

  • Provider Name

  • Attachments to provider record (document content, not file names)

Tips for Global Searching

  • Global search does not recognize filters.

  • The search engine does not autocorrect or search for what it thinks you meant to type. For example, if you enter “physican” instead of “physician,” you won’t see the results unless there is a matching typo in the database.

  • Partial matches are unsupported. This means that if you type in “Searc,” you won’t see results. However, if you type in “Search,” you’ll see results for “Search,” “Searches,” etc.

  • Date fields cannot be searched.

  • Recently uploaded documents may not be searchable for an hour or so because the system needs time to index them.

How to Conduct a Global Search

  • Select the organization(s) you want to search.

    • Click the organization name to the right of the search bar.

    • In the dropdown, check the organization(s) you want to search.

    • To search all organizations within your permission sets, check All Orgs.

    • Uncheck any organizations you don’t want to search.

You must include the current organization in your search. (It is selected by default.) To go to another organization, click Cancel, click on the current organization name in the top left corner, then select an organization in the dropdown.

  • Click Save.

  • In the search bar, enter one or more search terms.

The search engine will return exact matches for all search terms. For example, if you enter “Blake Smith,” the results returned will include both Blake and Smith. Results that only include “Blake” or “Smith” will be excluded.

  • To clear the search bar, click X.

  • Strike Enter.

Global Search Results

Results appear in a modal with four tabs: Workflows | Contracts | Vendors | Providers

  • Each tab lists items by descending relevance.

  • Click on an item to open it in a new browser tab.

  • To remove all items within a selected organization from your search results, click the X to the right of the organization name at the top of the modal.

  • To close the search results modal, click X in the top right corner.

  • Search results within documents or attachments will take you to the workflow/contract/vendor profile/provider profile associated with the document rather than the document itself.

  • If there are no results, a “No Results” message will appear. To dismiss the “No results” message, click the X in the top right corner.

  • Search results are limited by the user’s permissions.

  • In multi-organization tenants, results are returned only for the current organization.

  • You can export global search results to a CSV or XLSX file. Only one tab of results can be exported at a time.

How to Export Global Search Results

  • Click on the tab you want to export.

  • Click on Export <tab name> Results.

  • Select the desired format: Export to CSV | Export to Excel
    The file will download in the selected format.

Keyword Search

Keyword search pulls results from only the Contract Library.

  • You can search fields, but not the text of documents or attachments.

  • The keyword search bar saves your five most recently searched keywords as suggestions.

    • Because of type-ahead filtering, you may need to clear text from the keyword search bar to see recent searches.

  • You can filter your search results using the Filter Table widget in the contracts table.

  • A loading spinner displays while keyword search results are loading.

  • Users can:

    • Specify whether the search should apply only to currently displayed fields or All Fields.

    • Clear the search, allowing the system to return full results.

    • Include inactive contracts in the search results using the Include Inactive Contracts toggle. By default, inactive contracts are excluded.

    • The system narrows the result set based on the parameters of the keyword search, plus each successive filter that the user sets. In other words, the keyword search and filter parameters are treated as an AND logic, with the results matching both.

Keyword Search Query Syntax Rules

Keyword search functionality in the Contract Library follows most standard query syntax rules.

  • The search engine will return exact matches for all search terms.
    For example, if you enter “Blake Smith,” the results returned will include both Blake and Smith. Results that only include “Blake” or “Smith” will be excluded.

  • Search entries are not case sensitive, unless the entry is in quotes. For example, a search for “AAA” will only return exact matches for AAA.

  • /.*n/ returns no results.

  • The search engine does not autocorrect or search for what it thinks you meant to type. For example, if you enter “physican” instead of “physician,” you won’t see the results unless there is a matching typo in the database.

  • For many search engines, a hyphen preceding a word (such as Admin -agreement) excludes the word following the hyphen. However, this search functionality does not adhere to this practice.

  • The * operator (such as ad*) returns results containing words that start with the part of the word preceding the asterisk (such as advertise, adverse, etc.).

  • The following characters can be added without affecting the results:
    + - = & || > < ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ “ ~ ? : \ /

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