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Whenever you log in, you’ll see your worklist. Workflows in which you are a past, present, or future participant are listed here.

To access the worklist queue from anywhere in the app, click symplr Contract in the menu bar, or hover the cursor over Queue, then select Worklist.

  • Workflows are displayed in a standard table, with the Filter Table, Manage Columns, and Export widgets.

    • The following columns display by default:
      Days Active | Workflow Name | Action | Contract Type | Description | Phase & Participant Info | Phase Owner

    • The following columns are available via the Manage Columns widget:
      Associated Request Workflow | Associated with a Request Workflow | Cancellation Reason | Contract Entities | Current ParticipantDeclined Request Reason | Departments | Initiation Date | Initiator | Out with External Party | Phase Mediator | Primary Other Party | Requestor | Sites | Status | Workflow Template

  • By default, the table only displays active workflows. To see completed (activated) workflows in which you were a participant, click the Include Previously Completed Items toggle. To hide completed workflows, click the toggle again.

  • To start a new workflow, click Initiate New Workflow.

  • To open a workflow, click on it in the worklist.

  • To see the current phase status of a workflow, hover the cursor over the info icon in the Phase & Participant Info column. You’ll see which phases have been completed, as well as which phase participants have completed their review/approval/signature.


  • The Critical badge displays above the worklist table if there are items in your worklist designated as having critical priority. If you click on the badge, the worklist will be filtered to show only critical items. You’ll only see the badge if there are critical items in your worklist.

Based on your organization’s database settings, the Critical badge and Priority status may be hidden.

  • The Pending My Action badge displays above the worklist table if there are items in your worklist currently awaiting your action. If you click on the badge, the worklist will be filtered to show only those items currently awaiting your action. You’ll only see the badge if there are items currently awaiting your action. The badge will display a number showing how many workflows are currently awaiting your action.

Workflow Statuses

To see the workflow status in the worklist table, select Status in the Manage Columns widget.

Workflow Status



A completed workflow that resulted in a contract


A completed request workflow that resulted in an active workflow


A workflow that has been blocked based on a field value trigger—an Admin must address the triggering field value and unblock the workflow before it can proceed.


A workflow that was completed by cancellation instead of activation—cancelled workflows cannot be reactivated.


A completed request workflow that did not result in an active workflow

In process

An active workflow


A timesheet for which the certification deadline has passed—an Admin must unlock the timesheet before it can be edited or certified.

  1. Completed workflows are hidden by default. To see completed workflows in which you were a participant, click the Include Previously Completed Items toggle.

  2. Approved and declined statuses only apply to workflows with the Action Type of Request.

  3. Locked status only applies to timesheet workflows, which are a part of our Time Tracking (TERMS 2.0) module.

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