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System Notifications

  • Emails are sent from

    • Note that DocuSign emails are the exception to this rule.

  • To avoid confusing signatories with duplicative emails, Signatories using DocuSign will only receive emails from DocuSign regarding the need for their signatures. symplr will not send emails to Signatories using DocuSign regarding the need for their signatures.

  • Each email has a wrapper, which displays the symplr Contract branding and two disclaimers:

    1. This message has been sent from the sContract solution on behalf of <Customer Name>.

    2. CONFIDENTIAL: The content of this electronic mail message and any accompanying attachments ("Email") contain confidential information from symplr, Inc. ("Company"). The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named on this Email. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this Email is strictly prohibited, and that the Email should be returned to the Company immediately, and then destroyed from all of your computer systems.
      Please do not reply to this message, as any replies are routed to an unmonitored mailbox. If you have questions, please contact your Administrator.

  • Individual users can control whether they receive specific email and in app notifications under Account Settings > Notifications. Click here for more information.

  • As a general rule, a user will not receive an automated notification if it was the user's own action that would have triggered the email. For example, if you cancel a workflow, you will not receive a notification that you cancelled the workflow, even if you were the Initiator of that workflow.

  • Notifications are automatically turned OFF for contracts in Archived or Terminated status.

Contract Library


In-app (Bell)







Admin: System-driven Permission Override has been granted

Dear [recipient-given-name],

The user [permitted-user-given-name] [permitted-user-family-name] was assigned as a Responsible Party on the Contract [contract-name]. To enable this selection, the user was granted a Permission Override. If you believe this override is appropriate, no further action is needed.

Responsible Party



Contract Expiration

Dear [recipient-first-name],

You are shown as being a Responsible Party for the following contract. The contract is set to expire in [days-until-expiration] day[days-until-expiration|pluralize].

Org: [contract-org] [% if contract-locations|not-empty %]
Contract Location(s): [contract-locations] [% endif %][% if contract-entities|not-empty %]
Contracting Entity or Entities: [contract-entities] [% endif %][% if regions|not-empty %]
Market/Region(s): [regions] [% endif %]
Vendor (Other Party): [vendor]
Contract Type: [contract-type]
Contract Name: [contract-name]
Contract Expiration Date: [contract-expiration-date]
Responsible Party, Primary: [primary-responsible-party-full-name]
Responsible Party, Secondary: [secondary-responsible-party-full-name|default-if-empty:"N/A"]
Responsible Party, Tertiary: [tertiary-responsible-party-full-name|default-if-empty:"N/A"]

Please click here to access the Contract page.

Responsible Party



Responsible Party: Notice of approaching expiration date on contract set to renew automatically

Dear [recipient-first-name],

You are shown as being a Responsible Party for the following contract. The contract is set to expire and renew automatically in [days-until-expiration] day[days-until-expiration|pluralize]. There are [number-remaining-auto-renewals] automatic renewals remaining on this contract. If no action is taken, this contract will renew.

Org: [contract-org] [% if contract-locations|not-empty %]
Contract Location(s): [contract-locations] [% endif %]
Primary Other Party: [vendor]
Secondary Other Parties: [secondary-vendors]
Contract Type: [contract-type]
Contract Expiration Date: [contract-expiration-date]
Contract Name: [contract-name]
Responsible Party, Primary: [primary-responsible-party-full-name]
Responsible Party, Secondary: [secondary-responsible-party-full-name|default-if-empty:"N/A"]
Responsible Party, Tertiary: [tertiary-responsible-party-full-name|default-if-empty:"N/A"]

Please click here to access the Contract page.

Responsible Party or other selected Critical Date Recipient



Critical Date approaching

Dear [recipient-first-name],

You are listed as an email recipient for the following Critical Date. This date will occur in [critical-date-alert-period]

Org: [contract-org] [% if contract-locations|not-empty %]
Contract Location(s): [contract-locations] [% endif %][% if contract-entities|not-empty %]
Contracting Entity or Entities: [contract-entities] [% endif %][% if regions|not-empty %]
Market/Region(s): [regions] [% endif %]
Vendor (Other Party): [vendor]
Contract Type: [contract-type]
Critical Date: [critical-date]
Critical Date Subject: [critical-date-subject]
This Critical Date Repeats: [repeat-frequency]
Contract Name: [contract-name]
Responsible Party, Primary: [primary-responsible-party-full-name]
Responsible Party, Secondary: [secondary-responsible-party-full-name|default-if-empty:"N/A"]
Responsible Party, Tertiary: [tertiary-responsible-party-full-name|default-if-empty:"N/A"]

Please click here to access the Critical Dates page.

Responsible Party



Notification of assignment as a Responsible Party

Dear [recipient-first-name],

You have been assigned as a [% if primary-responsible-party %]Primary[% endif %][% if secondary-responsible-party %]Secondary[% endif %][% if tertiary-responsible-party %]Tertiary[% endif %] Responsible Party for the contract [contract-name]. This contract was activated on [activation-date].

Responsible Party or other selected Critical Date Recipient



Critical Date has passed

Dear [recipient-first-name],

You are listed as an email recipient for the following Critical Date. This date occurred [critical-date-alert-period] ago.

Org: [contract-org] [% if contract-locations|not-empty %]
Contract Location(s): [contract-locations] [% endif %][% if contract-entities|not-empty %]
Contracting Entity or Entities: [contract-entities] [% endif %][% if regions|not-empty %]
Market/Region(s): [regions] [% endif %]
Vendor (Other Party): [vendor]
Contract Type: [contract-type]
Critical Date: [critical-date]
Critical Date Subject: [critical-date-subject]
This Critical Date Repeats: [repeat-frequency]
Contract Name: [contract-name]
Responsible Party, Primary: [primary-responsible-party-full-name]
Responsible Party, Secondary: [secondary-responsible-party-full-name|default-if-empty:"N/A"]
Responsible Party, Tertiary: [tertiary-responsible-party-full-name|default-if-empty:"N/A"]

Please click here to access the Critical Dates page.



In-app (Bell)




Any User



Notice of Directed Comment (@ Mention)

Dear [recipient-first-name]

[author-full-name] mentioned you in a comment on the following [entity-type]:


Please click the link above to see the comment.

Any User



Scheduled Report: [report name]

Dear [recipient first name],

You have been selected to receive the attached scheduled report:
Name of Scheduled Report: [report name].

Please note that this is not an unsolicited corporate email. You are receiving this email alert because you are listed as a recipient of this report.

Any User



Reset password

Dear [recipient first name],

We recently received a request to reset your password for TractManager. Click the button below to reset it.

[Reset Password]

This password reset is only valid for 30 minutes.

If you are having trouble clicking the button, try using this link: [Reset Password link]

You will be required to create a new password thats at least 8 characters long and includes:

  • At least 1 uppercase letter

  • At least 1 lowercase letter

  • At least 1 number

  • At least 1 symbol or special character

If you did not request this password reset, please ignore it or notify the support team.

Thank you,
The TractManager Support Team




Admin notification: List of Form Templates with updated Custom Field

Dear [recipient first name],

The following is a list of the Form Templates with the updated custom field [custom field name].

  • [Form Template #1]

  • [Form Template #2]

  • […]

Please note that this is not an unsolicited corporate email. You are receiving this email alert because you are listed as an Admin for the Org referred to in this message.




Admin: Form Templates with Deleted Custom Field

Dear [recipient first name],

The following Form Template or Templates contain the custom field [custom field name], which you recently deleted:

  • [Form Template #1]

  • [Form Template #2]

  • […]

You may want to update the affected Form Template (or Templates).

Please note that this is not an unsolicited corporate email. You are receiving this email alert because you are listed as an Admin for the Org referred to in this message.




Admin notification: List of Form Templates with deactivated Custom Field

Dear [recipient first name],

The following is a list of the Form Templates with the deactivated custom field [custom field name].

  • [Form Template #1]

  • [Form Template #2]

  • […]

Please note that this is not an unsolicited corporate email. You are receiving this email alert because you are listed as an Admin for the Org referred to in this message.




Workflow Templates Altered

Dear [recipient first name],

The following workflow template participants have been removed due to a permission change. Please review and make the necessary updates based on the changes listed below.

Workflow Template [conflict.workflow template.workflow..template/name]

Workflow Phase [conflict.workflow phase.workflow..phase/display name]

User [conflict.user.user/given name] [conflict.user.user/family name]

Role [conflict.role.common/display name]



In-app (Bell)







Admin: Workflow has no Phase Manager

Dear [recipient-first-name],

Workflow [workflow-name] has no assigned Phase Owner, so it is currently paused. Please assign a Phase Owner so that the workflow can continue.

If there are no users available to assign as Phase Owner, verify that there is a user with the appropriate Phase Owner permissions for the Contract Type and Location of the workflow. You may also need to verify that the workflow template lists the user (or users) who should be assigned Phase Owner responsibilities.




Admin: New provider has been created

Dear [recipient-first-name],

[creator-full-name] added a new provider to the directory.

Provider Type: [provider-type]
Provider Name: [provider-full-name]




Admin: New vendor has been created

Dear [recipient-first-name],

[creator-full-name] added a new vendor to the directory:

Vendor Type: [vendor-type]
Vendor Name: [vendor-name]




Admin: Phase has been blocked

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [phase-name] Phase of Workflow [workflow-name] is blocked. An Administrator must take action for the workflow to continue.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [blocking-user-email].

Current Phase Manager: [phase-manager]

Workflow Other Parties: [% for party in other-parties %][party][% if forloop.last %][% else %], [% endif %][% endfor %]




Admin: Phase has been unblocked

Dear [recipient-first-name],

Workflow [workflow-name] was unblocked by [].

Please direct any questions or concerns to [].

Current Phase Manager: [phase-manager]

Workflow Other Parties: [% for party in other-parties %][party][% if forloop.last %][% else %], [% endif %][% endfor %]




Admin: Review is awaiting completion

Dear [recipient-first-name],

You have been selected as an Admin for the [phase-name] Phase of Workflow [workflow-name]. You will be notified if specific actions are needed.
Any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this workflow should be addressed to [phase-owner-full-name].
Please note that this is not an unsolicited corporate email. You are receiving this email alert because you are listed as an Admin for the workflow phase referred to in this message.




Approver: Approval is awaiting completion

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [phase-name] Phase of Workflow Workflow [workflow-name] requires your approval. Please click on the workflow name to approve.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [phase-owner-full-name].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.




Approver: Phase completed without submission of your approval

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [phase-name] Phase of Workflow [workflow-name], which you were asked to approve, was completed without your approval.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [phase-owner-full-name].




Initiator: Workflow has been activated

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The workflow you initiated, [workflow-name], was activated by [logged-in-user-full-name]. To view the resulting contract, click here.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [phase-owner-full-name].




Initiator: Workflow has been cancelled

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The workflow you initiated, [workflow-name], was cancelled by [logged-in-user-full-name] for the following reason:


Please direct any questions or concerns to [phase-owner-full-name].




Participant: Workflow has been retracted to a previous phase

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [phase-name] Phase of Workflow [workflow-name], in which you are listed as a participant, was retracted to a previous phase for the following reason:


Please direct any questions or concerns to [phase-owner-full-name].




Participant: Notification of addition to a phase

Dear [recipient-first-name],

You have been invited to participate in the [phase-name] Phase of Workflow Workflow [workflow-name]. If any specific action is required from you, you will be notified by email.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [phase-owner-full-name].




Participant: Open Review Document Version Saved

Dear [recipient-first-name],

A new document version has been saved by [saved-by] in the [phase-name] in Workflow [workflow-name].




Participant: Open Review Phase Initiated

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [phase-name] Phase has been initiated in Workflow [workflow-name]. You may now review or edit the documents in this workflow.




Participant: User Submitted Review





Participant: Workflow has been retracted to the beginning of its current phase

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [phase-name] Phase of Workflow [workflow-name], in which you were listed as a participant, was retracted to its first phase for the following reason:


Please direct any questions or concerns to [phase-owner-full-name].

Phase Manager



Phase Owner: Proxy user sequenced

Dear [recipient-first-name],

In Workflow [workflow-name] , of which you are the current [phase-name] Phase Owner, [participant-full-name], who was assigned to it, is currently away. [proxy-user-full-name] has been assigned as [role] as their proxy.

IMPORTANT: [proxy-user-full-name] is the current phase participant. If you need to assign a different user to complete this action, please do so promptly.

Phase Manager



Phase Manager: Phase reactivated due to workflow retraction

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [phase-name] Phase of Workflow [workflow-name], of which you are the [recipient-role|default-if-empty:"Phase Owner"], was retracted to a previous phase for the following reason:


Please direct any questions or concerns to [logged-in-user-full-name].

Phase Manager



Phase Manager: Trigger condition has been met

Dear [recipient-first-name],

In Workflow [workflow-name], of which you are the current Phase Owner, a trigger condition of the [field-name] field was met.

Phase Manager



Phase Manager: Workflow has been cancelled

Dear [recipient-first-name],

Workflow [workflow-name], of which you are the current [recipient-role|default-if-empty:"Phase Owner"], was cancelled by [creator-full-name] for the following reason:


Please direct any questions or concerns to [creator-full-name].

Phase Manager



Phase Manager: Approval has been completed

Dear [recipient-first-name],

[participant-full-name] completed their approval of the [phase-name] Phase of Workflow Workflow [workflow-name], of which you are the [recipient-role|default-if-empty:"Phase Owner"].

Phase Manager



Phase Manager: Digital signature has been submitted

Dear [recipient-first-name],

[participant-full-name] completed their digital signature for the [phase-name] Phase of Workflow [workflow-name], of which you are the [recipient-role|default-if-empty:"Phase Owner"].

Phase Manager



Phase Manager: Notice of submitted ink signature

Dear [recipient-first-name],

[participant-full-name] completed their [signature-type] signature for the [phase-name] Phase of Workflow Workflow [workflow-name], of which you are the [recipient-role|default-if-empty:"Phase Owner"].

Phase Manager



Phase Manager: Participant has declined

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [phase-name] Phase of Workflow Workflow [workflow-name], of which you are the [recipient-role|default-if-empty:"Phase Owner"], requires your attention. On [declined-date], [declined-participant-full-name] declined to submit [declined-participant-turn-type] for the following reason: [declined-reason]

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Phase Manager



Phase Manager: Phase has been completed/activated by someone else

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [phase-name] Phase of Workflow Workflow [workflow-name], for which you were the [recipient-role|default-if-empty:"Phase Owner"], was completed by [logged-in-user-full-name].

Please direct any questions or concerns to [logged-in-user-full-name].

Phase Manager



Phase Manager: Phase has been started by someone else

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [phase-name] Phase of Workflow Workflow [workflow-name], of which you are the [recipient-role|default-if-empty:"Phase Owner"], was started by [logged-in-user-full-name].

Please direct any questions or concerns to [logged-in-user-full-name].

Phase Manager



Phase Manager: Phase is available to be completed

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [phase-name] Phase of Workflow [workflow-name], of which you are the [recipient-role|default-if-empty:"Phase Owner"], is ready for you to activate. All sequenced participants have completed their tasks.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Phase Manager



Phase Manager: Phase is available to be started

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [phase-name] Phase of Workflow of Workflow [workflow-name], of which you are the [recipient-role|default-if-empty:"Phase Owner"], is ready for you to start.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Phase Manager



Phase Manager: Review has been completed

Dear [recipient-first-name],

[participant-full-name] completed their review of the [phase-name] Phase of Workflow Workflow [workflow-name], of which you are the [recipient-role|default-if-empty:"Phase Owner"].

Phase Manager



Phase Owner: Review is awaiting completion

Dear [recipient-first-name],

[participant-full-name] completed their review of the [phase-name] Phase of Workflow Workflow [workflow-name], of which you are the [recipient-role|default-if-empty:"Phase Owner"].




Requestor: Progress Notes have been added

Dear [recipient-first-name],

[author-full-name] has added a progress note to the [% if is-request-workflow %] request for a new contract [% else %] workflow resulting from the request for a new contract [% endif %] that you initiated on [request-date].





Requestor: Request for a new contract has been approved

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The request for a new contract that you initiated on [request-date] has been approved, and a new contract workflow has been started that may result in a fully executed contract (Note: Depending on Administrative settings, you may or may not have access to view the new workflow).

Please direct any questions or concerns to [logged-in-user-full-name].




Requestor: Request for a new contract has been declined

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The request for a new contract that you initiated on [request-date] was declined by [logged-in-user-full-name] for the following reason:


Please direct any questions or concerns to [logged-in-user-full-name].




Requestor: Workflow has progressed to the next phase

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The request for a new contract that you initiated on [request-date] has progressed to the next phase, [phase-name].

Please direct any questions or concerns to [logged-in-user-full-name].




Reviewer: Phase completed without your review

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [phase-name] Phase of Workflow [workflow-name], which you were asked to review, was completed without your review.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [phase-owner-full-name].




Reviewer: Review is awaiting completion

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [phase-name] Phase of Workflow [workflow-name] requires your review. Please click on the workflow name to review the workflow.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [phase-owner-full-name].




Signatory: Signature is awaiting completion

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [phase-name] Phase of Workflow Workflow [workflow-name] requires your signature. Please click on the workflow name to review and sign. Please direct any questions or concerns to [phase-owner-full-name].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Pulse Check


In-app (Bell)




Survey Initiator



Survey Initiator: Negative response recorded for a completed Survey, assigned Reviewer

Dear [recipient-first-name],

A Respondent has recorded a negative response on the Pulse Check Survey you initiated, for [surveyed-entity-name] for [organization-name]. [primary-reviewer-full-name] [primary-reviewer-job-title-surrounded-by-commas] is the designated Reviewer for this survey. This survey commenced on [survey-start-date] and will close on [survey-end-date]. To view the responses, click here.

Survey Initiator



Survey Initiator: Negative response recorded for a completed Survey, no assigned Reviewer

Dear [recipient-first-name], A Respondent has recorded a negative response on the Pulse Check Survey you initiated, for [surveyed-entity-name] for [organization-name]. No Reviewer has been designated to address the negative response. This survey commenced on [survey-start-date] and will close on [survey-end-date]. To view the responses, click here.

Survey Initiator



Survey Initiator: Survey duration has completed

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The Pulse Check Survey you initiated, for [surveyed-entity-name] for [organization-name], has closed. This survey commenced on [survey-start-date] and closed on [survey-end-date]. To view the completed survey, click here. Note that no additional responses can be recorded.

Survey Initiator



Survey Initiator: Survey has been cancelled

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The Pulse Check Survey you initiated, [surveyed-entity-name] for [organization-name], was cancelled. This survey commenced on [survey-start-date] and was cancelled on [survey-cancellation-date]. Note that no additional responses can be recorded.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [survey-initiator-full-name].

Survey Initiator



Survey Initiator: Survey has been completed by a Respondent

Dear [recipient-first-name],

A Respondent has finished recording their responses to the Pulse Check Survey you initiated, for [surveyed-entity-name] for [organization-name]. This survey commenced on [survey-start-date] and will close on [survey-end-date]. To view the responses, click here.

Survey Initiator



Survey Initiator: Survey has begun and is ready for Respondents

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The Pulse Check Survey you initiated, for [surveyed-entity-name] for [organization-name], has started. This survey commenced on [survey-start-date] and will close on [survey-end-date]. To view the survey, click here.

Survey Initiator



Survey Initiator: Survey is scheduled to begin in 15 days

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The Pulse Check Survey you initiated, for [surveyed-entity-name] for [organization-name], is scheduled to begin in 15 days. This survey will commence on [survey-start-date] and will close on [survey-end-date]. To view the [surveyed-entity-type], click here.

Survey Initiator



Survey Initiator: Survey is scheduled to begin in 30 days

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The Pulse Check Survey you initiated, for [surveyed-entity-name] for [organization-name], is scheduled to begin in 30 days. This survey will commence on [survey-start-date] and will close on [survey-end-date]. To view the [surveyed-entity-type], click here.

Survey Respondent



Survey Respondent: Survey duration has completed

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The Pulse Check Survey on [surveyed-entity-name] for [organization-name], for which you were a Respondent, has closed. This survey commenced on [survey-start-date] and closed on [survey-end-date]. To view the completed survey, click here. Note that no additional responses can be recorded.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [survey-initiator-full-name].

Survey Respondent



Survey Respondent: Survey has been cancelled

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The Pulse Check Survey on [surveyed-entity-name] for [organization-name], in which you were listed as a Respondent, was cancelled. This survey, which was initiated by [survey-initiator-full-name], commenced on [survey-start-date] and was cancelled on [survey-cancellation-date]. Note that no additional responses can be recorded.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [survey-initiator-full-name].

Survey Respondent



Survey Respondent: Survey has begun and is ready for responses

Dear [recipient-first-name],

You have been invited to participate as a Respondent in a Pulse Check Survey on [surveyed-entity-name] for [organization-name]. This survey commenced on [survey-start-date] and will close on [survey-end-date]. Please respond to this survey before the closing date. You can view the survey here.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [survey-initiator-full-name].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Survey Respondent



Survey Respondent: Survey needs updating/additional information

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The Pulse Check Survey on [surveyed-entity-name] for [organization-name], for which you are a Respondent, requires additional information from you. This survey commenced on [survey-start-date] and will close on [survey-end-date]. To view the survey, click here.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [survey-initiator-full-name].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Survey Respondent



Survey Respondent: Survey will expire in 15 days

Dear [recipient-first-name],

You have been invited to participate as a Respondent in a Pulse Check Survey on [surveyed-entity-name] for [organization-name]. This survey will close in 15 days. Please respond to this survey before the closing date. You can view the survey here.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [survey-initiator-full-name].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Survey Respondent



Survey Respondent: Survey will expire in 5 days

Dear [recipient-first-name],

You have been invited to participate as a Respondent in a Pulse Check Survey on [surveyed-entity-name] for [organization-name]. This survey will close in 5 days. Please respond to this survey before the closing date. You can view the survey here.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [survey-initiator-full-name].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Survey Reviewer



Survey Reviewer: Survey duration has completed

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The Pulse Check Survey on [surveyed-entity-name] for [organization-name], for which you were a Reviewer, has closed. This survey commenced on [survey-start-date] and closed on [survey-end-date]. To view the completed survey, click here. Note that no additional responses can be recorded.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [survey-initiator-full-name].

Survey Reviewer



Survey Reviewer: Survey has been cancelled

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The Pulse Check Survey on [surveyed-entity-name] for [organization-name], in which you were listed as a Reviewer, was cancelled. This survey, which was initiated by [survey-initiator-full-name], commenced on [survey-start-date] and was cancelled on [survey-cancellation-date]. You can view the cancelled survey here here. Note that no additional responses can be recorded.

Survey Reviewer



Survey Reviewer: Survey has begun and you have been identified as an assigned Reviewer

Dear [recipient-first-name],

You have been invited to participate as a Reviewer in a Pulse Check Survey on [surveyed-entity-name] for [organization-name]. This survey commenced on [survey-start-date] and will close on [survey-end-date]. You can view the survey here.

You will be notified when the survey is ready for your review.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [survey-initiator-full-name].

Survey Reviewer



Survey Reviewer: Survey is ready for your review

Dear [recipient-first-name],

It is your turn to review the Pulse Check Survey on [surveyed-entity-name] for [organization-name]. This survey commenced on [survey-start-date] and will close on [survey-end-date]. You can complete the survey here.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [survey-initiator-full-name].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Time Tracking


In-app (Bell)







Approver: Timesheet has been certified

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [workflow-name] timesheet has been certified and is ready for review.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Please note that this is not an unsolicited corporate email. You are receiving this email alert because you are the approver for the timesheet referred to in this message.




Approver: Timesheet has been certified with min max violations


  • Approver

  • Financial Reviewer



Financial Reviewer: Timesheet is ready for payment processing

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [workflow-name] timesheet has been approved and is ready for payment processing. Any questions, comments, or concerns should be directed to [approver-full-name].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Please note that this is not an unsolicited corporate email. You are receiving this email alert because you are the financial reviewer for the timesheet referred to in this message.

  • Timesheet Reporter

  • Timesheet Assistant



Provider: New timesheet has been generated

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The timesheet [workflow-name] is ready for you to enter your time.

[% if certification-deadline %]The Certification Deadline for the timesheet is [certification-deadline].

Please direct any questions or concerns to [initiator-full-name].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

  • Timesheet Reporter

  • Timesheet Assistant



Provider: Reminder to enter time

Dear [recipient-first-name],

This is a reminder that timesheet [workflow-name] is ready for you to enter your time.

[% if certification-deadline %]The Certification Deadline for the timesheet is [certification-deadline].

Please direct any questions or concerns to [approver-full-name].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

  • Timesheet Reporter

  • Timesheet Assistant



Provider: Timesheet has been rejected

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [workflow-name] timesheet has been returned to you for revisions for the following reasons:


Any questions, comments, or concerns should be directed to [approver-full-name].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Please note that this is not an unsolicited corporate email. You are receiving this email alert because you are the reporting party for the timesheet referred to in this message.

  • Approver

  • Timesheet Reporter

  • Timesheet Assistant

  • Financial Reviewer



Timesheet Approved Compensation Update

Dear [recipient-first-name],

On the timesheet [workflow-name], the compensation amount approved by [approved-comp-author-full-name] is different than the submitted amount.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [approved-comp-author-full-name].

  • Timesheet Reporter

  • Timesheet Assistant



Timesheet Reminder: Certification Deadline Approaching

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The certification deadline for this timesheet is quickly approaching.

The timesheet [workflow-name] will be locked if you do not certify it by [certification-deadline].

Please direct any questions or concerns to [initiator-full-name].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

  • Approver

  • Financial Reviewer


Total Compensation Approaching Set Maximum

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The total compensation for [timesheet-reporter-name] is approaching the set maximum. View the total compensation here.

  • Approver

  • Financial Reviewer


Total Compensation Exceeds Set Maximum

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The total compensation for [timesheet-reporter-name] exceeds the set maximum. View the total compensation here.

  • Approver

  • Timesheet Reporter

  • Timesheet Assistant

  • Financial Reviewer



Your Timesheet Has Been Locked

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The timesheet [workflow-name] has been locked because it was not certified before the certification deadline.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [timesheet-created-by-full-name].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

  • Approver

  • Timesheet Reporter

  • Timesheet Assistant

  • Financial Reviewer



Your Timesheet Has Been Unlocked

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The timesheet [workflow-name] has been unlocked. The new certification deadline for the timesheet is [certification-deadline].

Please direct any questions or concerns to [timesheet-created-by-full-name].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Conflict Capture


In-app (Bell)




  • Moderator*

  • Campaign Coordinator

  • Resolution Manager

*If the Moderator is only assigned to a Respondent, they iwll only receive the email if the assigned Respondent requires a resolution form.



Conflict Capture Resolution Forms Require Your Attention

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The Conflict Capture campaign [name-of-campaign] has ended and there are workflows that require resolution forms.

[link to conflict capture my worklist]

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

  • Moderator

  • Resolution Manager



You have been assigned to a conflict capture campaign

Dear [recipient-first-name],

You have been assigned to the [Conflict Capture campaign name]. You can view the workflows here [link to worklist].




You have been removed as a moderator from Conflict Capture Campaign(s)

Dear [recipient-first-name],

You have been removed as a moderator from the following campaign(s):

[List of Conflict Capture Campaign names]

No further action is needed from you.

Resolution Manager



You have been removed as a resolution manager from Conflict Capture Campaign(s)

Dear [recipient-first-name],

You have been removed as a resolution manager from the following campaign(s):

[List of Conflict Capture Campaign names]

No further action is needed from you.




Conflict Capture Statement is ready to be completed

Dear [recipient-first-name],

The [Conflict Capture Workflow Hyperlink] is ready to be completed.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.




Reminder: Conflict capture statement completion required

Dear [recipient-first-name],

This is a reminder to complete your conflict capture statement. You can view the statement here [link to workflow].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

  • Moderator

  • Campaign Coordinator

  • Resolution Manager



Conflict capture statements ready for review

Dear [recipient-first-name],

Conflict capture statements were submitted on [date]. Click here [link to conflict capture in worklist] to view them in your worklist.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

  • Moderator

  • Campaign Coordinator

  • Resolution Manager



Conflict capture statements submitted on [Date].

[Link to Conflict Capture in worklist]


  • Moderator

  • Campaign Coordinator

  • Resolution Manager



Conflict capture resolution(s) submitted on [Date].

[Link to Conflict Capture in worklist]





Review the conflict capture resolution form

Dear [recipient-first-name],

Please review the conflict capture resolution form. You can view the resolution form here [link to workflow].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

  • Moderator

  • Campaign Coordinator

  • Resolution Manager



Conflict capture resolution forms submitted

Dear [recipient-first-name],

Conflict capture resolution forms were submitted on [date]. Click here [link to conflict capture in worklist] to view them in your worklist.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

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