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Upload or Download Documents & Attachments

Why do this?

  • You may want to keep a physical copy of a document or attachment.

  • You may need to download and upload a document for editing or signing.

  • The contract may need supplementary documents or attachments.

Who can do this?

Users with the following roles can add or download attachments and view or download document versions in an active workflow where they are an in-turn phase participant:

  • Admin

  • Phase Owner

  • Workflow Moderator

  • Reviewer

  • Approver

  • Signatory

  • Requestor

  • External Party

  • Phase Mediator

Users with the following roles can upload documents in a phase where they are a current phase participant:

  • Admin

  • Phase Owner

  • Reviewer

  • Approver

  • Signatory

  • Requestor

  • External Party

  • Phase Meditator

Users with the following roles can edit a document uploaded by the user where they are a current phase participant:

  • Admin

  • Phase Owner

  • Reviewer

  • Approver

  • Phase Mediator

Users with the following roles can delete a document where they are current Phase Manager:

  • Admin

  • Phase Owner

  • Phase Mediator

When can you do this?

  • Documents and attachments can be downloaded in any phase of an active workflow and after the contract has been activated. To download a document or attachment from an activated contract, navigate to the contract summary page.

  • Attachments can be uploaded in any phase of an active workflow and after the contract has been activated.

  • Documents can be uploaded in any phase of an active workflow except the Initiation Phase and the Activation Phase.

  • During the Signature Phase, phase participants can neither add new documents nor edit/delete existing documents.

When initiating a workflow from an existing contract, documents and attachments from the contract summary page automatically import into the new workflow.

Where can you do this?

  • For an active workflow, you can download documents in the document viewer (below the workflow header) or under Document Versions in the workflow accordion. You can download attachments under Attachments in the workflow accordion.

  • For an active contract, you can download documents from the Documents tab on the contract summary page or under Document Versions in the contract accordion. You can download attachments from the Attachments tab on the contract summary page.

  • For an active workflow, you can upload documents under Document Versions and attachments under Attachments in the workflow accordion.

  • For an active contract, you can upload attachments under the Attachments tab on the contract summary page.

How to Upload an Attachment

  • In the Phase Info tab, click Attachments.

  • Click the (+).

  • Browse for and select your attachment.
    Open the folder where the file you want to attach is stored, then drag the file from its folder and drop it into the attachment space in the workflow.

  • In the Add Attachment modal, enter the attachment name. The attachment name defaults to the file name.

  • Select the attachment category.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To close the Add Attachment modal without uploading the attachment, click Cancel.

You can make the attachment confidential by checking the box. You’ll then be able to select the users you want to see the attachment.

Attachment Subjects and Filenames

  • We recommend that you keep filenames under 100 characters. Please note that longer filenames will be truncated upon download. This will not affect how they are displayed in the UI; only the name of the downloaded file will be affected.

  • In the Add Attachment and Edit Attachment modals, you can describe the attachment in the Attachment Subject field.

    • The Attachment Subject will be displayed above the other form data.

    • This applies to attachments uploaded in workflows, the vendor and provider directories, and timesheets (for TERMS customers).

    • The Attachment Subject is searchable once the contract is in the Contract Library.

Attachment Categories and Fields

  • When uploading an attachment, selecting the attachment category may prompt additional fields.

    • Selecting certain categories will prompt (optional) entry of effective and expiration dates.

    • Selecting the Other category will prompt (optional) entry of an explanation.

  • In the Add Attachment and Edit Attachment modals, you can add notes about the attachment in the Additional Notes field.

    • This will be an optional, free text field.

    • Text entered in this field will appear in the Attachments accordion.

    • If an entry is longer than the display field, then a more link will be present, which will allow users to click to see the entire entry.

How to Upload a Document

  • Click Add Document.

  • Click the cloud icon, then browse for and select your document.
    Open the folder where the file you want to upload is stored, then drag the file from its folder and drop it into the Upload Source File space in the workflow.

  • Complete the fields in the Add Document modal.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To close the Add Document modal without uploading the document, click Cancel.

How to Download a Document

  • Above the document preview window, click Download.

  • Open the document on your desktop.

  • If applicable, edit or sign the document and save your changes.

Document History

To see the download/upload history of the document, click View History.

Drag and Drop Functionality

  • Drag and drop allows you to drag a file from your desktop and drop it into the app.

  • Drag and drop functionality is available in the following places:

    • Workflows > Attachments panel

    • Provider and vendor profiles > Attachments panel

    • Explore > Contracts > Contract summary page > Attachments tab

    • Admin > Organization Management > Form Templates tab

      • Form templates

      • Form template sections

      • Manage Field Properties modal

  • Within workflows and vendor/provider profiles, you have to expand the Attachments panel before you can drag and drop an attachment to it.

  • Within form templates, you have to drop the attachment on (+) Add Attachment.

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