Ink Signature Phase
Organizations can turn off the digital signature feature. If the digital signature feature is turned off:
When a user opens any workflow in the Signature Phase, they will not see a toggle option for Digital Signature.
When a user logs into the system, they will not see a DocuSign services error message.
How to Sign a Document (Ink)
To access the application, you can either click the link in the email you received asking you to sign the document, or go to the URL provided to you by the MT2 team.
Navigate to the workflow.
On the workflow page, download the document for signing.
Sign and save the document.
Click Upload to upload the signed version.
Add any attachments.
Add any comments.
Click Submit Signature. The workflow will be routed to the next participant.
How to Complete an Ink Signature Phase
On the workflow page, select Ink as the signature type.
Add any External Signatories:
Click the Other Party Signatories (+). A modal will open.
Select the vendor or provider associated with the Other Party Signatory.
If the signatory is already in the system, select their name in the Existing dropdown.
To add a new External Signatory, enter their first name, last name, job title, and email address, then click Create Contact.
Click the Add Signatory button.
To remove a participant, hover the cursor to the right of their name, then click red trash can.
You must sequence the signatories or they will be unable to sign the document(s). Unlike Internal Signatories, External Signatories must be sequenced after they’ve been added.
Sequence the participants.
Add any attachments.
Add any comments.
If needed, update the priority.
Click Start Phase. The workflow will be routed to the first participant in the sequence.
Upon starting the phase, Signatories will receive an automated email notification prompting them to take action.
When a Signatory submits their signature, the Phase Owner will receive an automated email notification.
Under Signatory Sequence, each completed signature is indicated by a checkmark.
To accept signatures, click Accept Signature in the workflow.
Click Complete Phase. The workflow will proceed to the next phase.
Phase Owners and Phase Mediators, as well as phase participants who are currently in sequence (i.e. it’s their turn) can upload a new version of any document under review within the workflow.