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Approved Language Management

Why do this?

  • Approved language makes it possible for in-turn phase participants to add boilerplate clauses to contracts and documents during the Document Source Phase and the Negotiation Phase of a workflow.

  • The Clause Type designation categorizes approved language records for easier filtering and use.

Who can do this?

Only Admins can manage approved language and clause types.

Additional Considerations

  • Approved language records are specific to contract location and contract type.

  • In tenants with multiple organizations, approved language records are organization-specific.

  • Clause types are not specific to organizations, nor are they specific to contract locations or contract types.

How to Access Approved Language Records and Clause Types

  • Hover the cursor over Admin, then select Organization Management.

  • Click the Approved Language tab.

  • Select the desired tab: Approved Language Records | Clause Types

Approved Language Records

Approved Language Records are displayed in a standard table, where you can filter the table, manage the columns, and export the table.

  • The following columns are displayed by default:
    Name | Clause Type | Date Created | Created By | Status

  • The following columns are available via the Manage Columns widget:
    Last Modified | Last Modified By

The approved language table can be filtered by contract location.

  • Click the caret on the left side of the screen to expand the organization tree.

    • Click the caret again to collapse the organization tree.

  • Click a node in the tree to filter the table by that contract location.

How to Add an Approved Language Record

  • Hover the cursor over Admin, then select Organization Management.

  • Under the Approved Language Records tab, click Add New Approved Language.

  • In the Approved Language modal, enter a unique Name.

  • Select the Clause Type.

  • Select one or more contract types.

    • You can check the box to Select All Contract Types.

For widely-used clauses, it may be easier to select the contract types you want to exclude. To exclude one or more specific contract types, check the box, then select the contract types you want to exclude.

You can filter Contract Types by Contract Category:
  • Click Filter by Contract Category.

  • In the new dropdown, select a Contract Category.

  • The Contract Type dropdown will only show contract types within the selected contract category.

  • To remove the filter, click Hide Contract Category Filter.

By default, the status is inactive. Only active approved language records can be applied to workflows. To change the status to active, switch the toggle ON.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To close the modal without adding an approved language record, click Cancel or ✖.

How to Edit an Approved Language Record

  • Hover the cursor over Admin, then select Organization Management.

  • Under the Approved Language Records tab, click the record you want to edit.

To scroll through records without closing the modal, click the Previous and Next buttons. These buttons are only available when the record is not in edit mode.

  • In the Approved Language modal, click Edit.

  • Edit as needed.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To close the modal without saving your changes, click Cancel or ✖.

Approved language records cannot be deleted, but the status can be changed to inactive.

How to Copy an Approved Language Record

  • Hover the cursor over Admin, then select Organization Management.

  • Under the Approved Language Records tab, click the record you want to edit.

  • In the Approved Language modal, click Copy.

    • All properties except the name will be copied into a new modal. This includes the active/inactive status.

  • Enter a unique Name for the record.

  • Make any other edits.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To close the modal without copying the approved language record, click Cancel or ✖.

Clause Types

Clause Types are displayed in a standard table, where you can filter the table, manage the columns, and export the table.

  • The following columns are displayed by default:
    Name | Date Created | Created By | Status

  • The following columns are available via the Manage Columns widget:
    Last Modified | Last Modified By

How to Add a Clause Type

  • Hover the cursor over Admin, then select Organization Management.

  • Under the Clause Types tab, click Create Clause Type.

  • In the Add Clause Type modal, enter the clause.

By default, the status is inactive. Only active clause types can be applied to approved language records. To change the status to active, switch the toggle ON.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To close the modal without adding a clause type, click Cancel or ✖.

How to Edit a Clause Type

  • Hover the cursor over Admin, then select Organization Management.

  • Under the Clause Types tab, click the clause you want to edit.

  • In the Edit Clause Type modal, edit as needed.

  • When finished, click Save.
    To close the modal without saving your changes, click Cancel or ✖.

Clause types cannot be deleted, but the status can be changed to inactive.

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